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Level 9 Teotihuacan

You will find yourself in the ancient multi-storey pyramid. The goal of this level is to put up a mirror in the hands of the central statue. When all the upper floors are enlightened it will reflect the light and open a massive door to the next level.

Indy is inside a spacious rectangular hall. Turn left and pick up a medikit in the small alcove. Now open the door on the right and run down the corridor. You will have to walk your way through some traps and kill a couple of scorpions and spiders to get to the Gear Room. Take the Fish Key inside the niche in the wall and immediately roll to the right – the floor will start moving away, revealing a trap. Kill a scorpion down there, jump inside the hole and kill another one. Pick up the treasure and continue along the corridor until the door shuts in front of you. Retrace your steps back a while – another door will shut, blocking your way. Turn around – a niche in the wall is now open. Kill the spider, collect some treasure and press a button – this will open both of the doors again. Now finish your way through the corridor and enter the Gear Room.

I will explain the mechanism of the gears later. Let's go for the statue right now. If you take a closer look at the hole in the floor you will notice a small passage with a spider web just below, under the ceiling of the room down there. That's the only way to climb down to the statue room. Pull/push the gear towards the nearest door if it blocks your way. Now hang and drop inside the passage. Collect red crystal at the end, hang and jump down to the room. You're in the lowest level of the pyramid with an ancient statue of goddess. You must elevate the statue to the Gear Room now. Pull three columns inside the walls and position them exactly on the illuminated pieces of floor. The statue will rise and a door will be opened on the second floor of the room, opposite the gate. Climb one of the pillars, you just pushed, and get there. The idol at the end of the corridor is a trap. Step on the floor platform and roll back immediately. This platform is also a deadly lift. Now grab the idol and step on the lift to get to the upper corridor. Claim the red crystal and open the door – you're finally in the Gear Room again.

On the second floor you can see two levers. The left one turns the statue, the right one – rotates the gears. The room has 4 doors in the walls. [Gear Room:] To open each door you must position three of the 4 gears on one line between the door and the statue. Now if you pull the lever that turns the statue – the door will open, because of the gear interaction. The distance between the gears and the statue may change. In the inner circle they are rotated clockwise, in the outer – counterclockwise. If the gear is located near one of the doors it will not change its position during rotation. Indy can move all the gears manually only along the radius. To open any door perform the following actions:

  1. Manually push one gear towards the chosen door (this gear will not change position from now on).
  2. Rotate the statue till you get at least one gear on both radiuses of the doors nearby, on the left and on the right side of the chosen one (forget about the opposite door, across the room and the fourth gear). In other words, you should have at least one gear in the line, connecting the left nearby door with the statue. Same goes for the door on the right.
  3. Manually push one of the gears of these doors to a different circle radius, for example if the gear on the left door's line is in the inner circle relative to the statue, then move the right door's gear to the outer circle of the statue.
  4. Now rotate the gears – both the gears you manipulated will soon be aligned with the very first gear near the chosen door, due to the fact that gears in both circles are rotated simultaneously and in different directions.
  5. Rotate the statue – the door will open.

Your goal is to open all of the four doors in any sequence. Three of them, Fish door, Bird door and Jaguar door lead to the corresponding idols (Fish Idol, Bird Idol, Jaguar Idol), and the fourth (door with three-heads picture) contains niches with emplacements for the idols. Fish door also leads to the Mirror. You ask "How the hell you know that picture on the door is a Jaguar, it doesn't look like much?". Simple – it's written on the idol when you find it. After you've got all the idols open the fourth door and place them in the corresponding niches – the statue will be lowered to the room below again.

level9_02.jpg level9_00.jpg Open the Fish Door now. Swim through piranhas to the idol inside the right wall and open the underwater gate with the Fish Key you picked earlier in the corridor. Swim through the opened gate and push an underwater button behind the column. This button elevates the column. Get out of the water, climb up the ladder and jump inside the tunnel above using the elevated column. Shimmy left in the stone tower to the nearest platform. Your goal is to climb up the tower using its walls, ladders, platforms and your whip (once). Pick up some treasure behind an idol in the alcove. Finally, you will have to climb up a ladder to get to the corridor high above. It leads to the first room of the level. Pick up the Fish Idol and light will rush into the room. Take a Mirror in the niche inside the wall to the left, red crystal in the right wall and kill all those Russians from above using your rifle. Now return to the Gear Room. You can do it in two ways: jump into the water down below from the top of the stone tower and go through the Fish door, or use the corridor with traps, which you already know. However, in the corridor a heavy armed guard is waiting. I used my Taklit's part to become invisible and ran past him. Then I killed him. Inside the Gear Room kill two more patrolling guards.

Now open the Bird door. You will come across another stone tower with a water pit. Jump into the water and follow the tunnel to get the idol (the shaft towards the top on your half-way). Make your way back and run up the corridor – don't step on floor traps and kill all those spiders and scorpions. At the end of the corridor, behind the third trap, pick up a blue crystal. Move backwards a little and blow up that brick wall with your Urgon's part. Inside the room you will find a ladder – climb it. You will get almost to the top of the stone tower. Jump/climb the ledges and ladders to reach the corridor above. Kill spiders on both sides of the entrance and proceed further. Kill some scorpions in another corridor, pick up poison kit and press a button – a door will open, revealing the Bird room. Claim the Bird Idol and the room will become heavily illuminated. Return to the tower and jump into the water down below. Enter the Gear Room again.

level9_01.jpg Open the Jaguar door. Kill a spider and don't step on the floor traps (by the way, you can roll over them). As soon as you enter the room a guard will rush towards you. Kill him along with the other one, at the far wall. Climb up to the top of the room, kill two more guards and claim the Jaguar Idol. Now all the necessary rooms above the statue are illuminated. Make your way back to the Gear Room.

level9_03.jpg Open the final door with all the three heads on it. (Important: after the door is opened check if the passage in the floor's hole, which you already used once, is free for hanging/grabbing to. If not – move/rotate some gears before the statue is lowered, you can't move the gears manually along the circles). Install all the idols in the corresponding niches – the statue will move down. Follow it and kill some guards in the room below (one will appear just behind you), using your rifle. [Finish Level:] When everybody's finished put up a mirror in the statue's hands – it will reflect a ray of light coming from above and open the door to the next level.