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Level 8 Jeep Trek

This is one of the shortest and easiest levels in the game. It is also one of the most pleasant ones, reminding the Demo level a lot. You'll have to drive a cool jeep during all the level. All the controls are intuitive. Press Shift when you want to drive fast/jump across the bridges. Press Ctrl from the driver's seat side to get in/get off the jeep. So, that's what an American dream is – you can leave the vehicle only if you want to pick up some treasures lying on the ground. Explore the dark caves on your way – usually you will find some treasure inside. You can run over all the guards in the level without even leaving the jeep.

level8_00.jpg Aim your rifle at the ledge above and kill those russian soldiers wanting your leather jacket so badly. Pick up a medikit and some money in the tent and get in the jeep. Drive up the hill and cross the bridge. In the cave get off to pick up some money. To jump across the bridge in the next area use Shift. Behind the mountain passage go up the hill to the left, get off and kill those Russians below, near the broken bridge. You can't jump across the bridge, use the hill, you're standing on, to do it. Drive through the next cave and knock a guard under the palm tree. Save and continue towards the bridge with three russians and a damaged truck. You can kill them all without leaving the jeep. Just drive at normal speed and never drive backwards – this makes the jeep an easy target for quick russians. Pick up some treasure, then repair the bridge with a piece of wood which you can find round the corner. Now you will be able to jump across to the other side.

level8_01.jpg Take the right road first and kill those russians on your way. In the right wall of the dead-end you will find a small passage. Crawl inside and claim an idol. Return, pick up a health leaf under a palm tree and get back into the jeep. Now go backwards and to the left road. The cave reminds a multi-storey underground garage with a spiral road between the floors. Hold down the Shift key and move along the spiral to the level below. Keep the jeep close to the walls and you will stay alive. Get off and find a cracky wall in the dark part of the cave. It is near the cave's exit. Use your Urgon's part and claim another idol inside.

level8_02.jpg Go up the high hill and drive over the guard on the top. Soon you will enter a maze with some russian guards inside (they have machine guns). It's easy to knock them down but beware of the truck with a gunman on your left. It will chase you along the maze path. Take a road to the right and move on. At the waterfalls take a left. The passage you should take next is clearly shown on the game's map each time if you turn "hints" on. [Jeep Maze Map:] For the complete map and a way through the maze consult my level's ultimate map. You can pick some treasures near the building, the crashed plane and the pillbox – all guarded. At the end of the maze kill those guards and go up the last hill. Sophia Hapgood will pick you up on her helicopter and the jeep will unfortunately sink. Bye Bye jeepy! You were so cool! This will end the level – Indy flies to pyramids.