Humor & Parody

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Nykk's Humor & Parody
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The Adventures of the PPV Squad
PPV Squad Specials
Goldberg Signs with the WWF
Lyrics to Thorn in Your Eye
My Name is Steve Austin
The Smart-Ass Raw Recap for 1/8/01
Predictions for 2001
Al Snow finds God
Captioned Photo Archives
The Rock's Burger King Commercial

Nykk's Top Ten...

Symptoms of Wrestling Withdrawal
Symptoms of Wrestling Withdrawal II
Symptoms of Wrestling Withdrawal III
Movies that Could be Names of Tag Teams
Poems that Wrestlers Could Have Written

*The legal info:* Everything on this page is copyright © 2000 Nick Andrews and Imystery Productions. No distribution on anything on this part of the site is allowed for profitable use. Also, anuthorized reproduction of anything on this page is strictly prohibited. If anybody fails to abide by this, I will come to your home, rip out the phone lines, beat you up until my fist hurts, and then beat you for making my fist hurt. Yes, I know where you live, I know what you had for breakfast, and I know how much you make in a year. As soon as you hit this web site, I knew all about you. In other words--

Barbed-wire baseball bats are cheaper than lawyers! Plagiarize and I'll kick your ass!
