What good is a Britney site without updates? Pictures are added constantly, along with other things of interest. If something's interesting to me, I put it up. Simple as that. Check here first to see when and where things were updated. Happy Searching!!

Get Britney, Get Updates!

Do you... YaHoo?!

December 22, 2002
I've been putting little updates on the tag board instead of writing here, everytime. It's quicker, what can I say. Well, I got STAGES yesterday. I love it. The book is beautiful and the DVD was...shall we say enlightening. I wrote up a whole "thing" on it read it here. Other than that, just pictures were added. About 35. Happy Holidays Everyone!! Anyway...SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

December 5, 2002
Well hello there! First, a great big thanks for coming to the site! It's little but it's mighty! Well, as said on the main page there IS a new layout. Of course you've probably noticed that! :-) Anyway, you like it? I do, but I guess I'm a little bias. PLEASE leave a message on the tagboard...it's easy and it makes me feel good! Well, I updated the picture pages too. Did a little adding and moving around. I hope you are keeping sane during the end of the year. ONE more day of classes around here. All my classes were cancelled today due to the foot of snow I woke up to. I can't wait to move to Orlando next year. I hate snow. Anyway...SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

December 2, 2002
Happy Birthday Brit!! Apparently it's been awhile since I've updated on record! I've added pictures galore, but what else is new? It's the end of the semester so things are going quickly...REALLY quickly! One more week of classes, then finals. It's crunch time, so don't be expecting TOO much in the form of updates. I just wanted to wish Brit a happy day! Party hard, girl! You're legal! (Trust me, it's all down hill from here...) More later...SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

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