What good is a Britney site without updates? Pictures are added constantly, along with other things of interest. If something's interesting to me, I put it up. Simple as that. Check here first to see when and where things were updated. Happy Searching!!

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Do you... YaHoo?!

January 27, 2003
I'm going to do an updated picture count tomorrow during work. Let's just say... I added... LOTS!! In other updates, I had a brainstorm last night while I laid in bed till 4 in the morning NOT sleeping. "Quick Jumps"!! Check out the film strip on the top of the main page. It has 5 quick-jumps to major areas of "Brit's World". Run your mouse over each picture to find where is goes (2 black and white do not link...) This makes pictures more accessible!! That's all from here....SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

January 10, 2003
Pictures were updated: COUNT = 2235!! I'm putting quick updates on the tag board from now on. Just click on the link. What does that mean for this page? Well, I'll just be doing my longer rants on here instead of every single picture add. It's quicker. Not much else to tell. Oh! LINKS were updated too. More later. Till then....SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

January 6, 2003
I'm sorry for the broken picture links. My bandwith is low, lower than usual. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL BANDWITH!! This ruin picture viewing for everyone! Save the pics to your own server! I don't even ask that you ask permission, but don't direct link: IT'S RUDE! Anyway, I did another picture add/count: 2205, which means 66 pictures were added in two days. See, told you I'm no slouch. No more updates to report. Brit is "close" to signing a deal to star in a movie as the female Sherlock Holmes. We'll have to wait and see. If you want a good read, pick up the Rolling Stone with Justin Timberlake on the cover. 1)He looks really good. 2)It's actually a really good article. and 3)He looks really good. (You can also catch the article and pictures on my Justin site...Completely Justifed: Pictures More later. Till then....SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

January 4, 2003
Happy New Year!! Brit brough in the new year right by hosting a party with Natalie Portman in NYC! There is one pic up...here. She looks wonderfully happy!! :-) Good for her!! Latest picture count tonight put me at 2139..WOW!! We're growing! I still like the new layout, which is good, cuz I'm busy updating my other sites. Check out the "All in the Family" links at the bottom of any main page...check those sites out too!! Nothing more to report, but as always...SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!

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