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Jedi Legends

This page is a location for prose stories about the Jedi Republic, as well as those written by members. Some will be created for this site; some have already been posted in the GalCiv forums. This list will be added to as time permits.

Constitution of the Jedi Republic

Jedi Republic Recruitment Commercial
by Obi-Wan Kenobi - 7-15-03

A Brief History of the Jedi Republic by Jedi Master Yoda
Part I - 8/6/03
Part II - 8/6/03
Part III - 8/6/03
Part IV - 8/7/03
Part V - 8/9/03
Part VI - 8/9/03
Part VII - 8/9/03
drafted the second rotation of Coruscant GSY 8615

Article I
The Jedi Council

The government of the Jedi Republic shall consist of a Senate known as Jedi Council. This Council shall have supreme authority over all persons in the Jedi Republic. These duties shall include maintenance of membership rosters, promotion and expulsion of Knights from the order, leadership and guidance duties, and any miscellaneous duties not specifically mentioned elsewhere in this document. Any action of this Council shall require a two-thirds majority (2/3) vote of currently active Council members in order to pass, unless otherwise mandated by an ORDER in the Constitution or an ACT in the Bill of Rights.

Article II
Composition of the Jedi Council

The Jedi Council shall consist of one representative for every three persons in the Jedi Order. If at any time membership in the Jedi Republic exceeds 50 persons, the ratio will be modified to one representative for every five persons in the Jedi Order; except that no Council member shall be removed from office to meet this new requirement.

This Jedi Council shall consist of one Head of the Council, at least one Senior Council Member, and other Councilors as necessary to meet the requirements detailed in Article I.

The Head of the Jedi Council will be elected by a vote of current Knights and will serve until the day of their assimilation with the Force, or until the day of their resignation, whichever shall come first. In the event of a resignation, the highest ranking Senior Council Member shall serve as interim Head of the Council until a vote of all active Knights can elect a new Head of the Council.

Senior Council Member(s) are to be appointed as necessary by the Head of the Jedi Council. Duties of Senior Council Members will include temporarily acting with the powers of the Head of the Council in the event of extended absence, resignation, assimilation with the Force, assassination, or any other termination of or interruption of services.

Council Members are to be elected by a vote of current Knights as required to meet the provisions in Article I. Elections shall be held at the beginning each month if required. Additional Special Elections may be held by mandate of the Head of the Jedi Council.

Article III
Jedi Ranks

A Jedi Ranking system shall be established that takes into account the skill level and standing of the majority of currently active Knights. If three-fourths (3/4) of active Jedi reach the highest rank of the current system, a new system will be devised not to exclude the lowest ranking Jedi from the lowest rank of any new system.

Article IV
Supreme Executive Power

No member of the Jedi Order, regardless of position or dire situations, shall be given supreme executive power without a check and balance in human form. All decisions and mandates of the Head of the Council are subject to veto by a 2/3 majority of currently active Council members.

Article V
Procedure for Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a 3/4 majority of currently active Jedi Council members.

Jedi Master Yoda
Founder and first Head of the Council, Jedi Republic

the second rotation of Coruscant GSY 8615
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