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Movie Scripts | Movie Summaries

Movie Summaries
Movie 1 
(Movie 1)

Evil Garlic Jr., a huge rival of Kami for postition for the keeper of earth or whatever and son of Garlic duh... wants to kill of Kame and basicly rule the world. Since Kami and Piccolo are related and die at the same time ect ect... Garlic decides to kill Piccolo by ambushing him and of course it doesn't work so Kami will die with him and Garlic can take over as keeper of earth.

Before he does this he must wish for immortality with the Dragon Balls which is were Gohan comes in!! His henchmen who all have names of foods of course, kidnap Gohan to get the forth DragonBall on his hat. Goku goes after Garlic once he hears that Gohans gone. Piccolo shows enters the scene cause Garlic's henchmen attacked and tried to kill him. Krillin also makes an appearance to help out young Gohan.. pees on his head very funny!!

Now anytime we have Piccolo and Goku in the same room they want to fight but don't worry they don't or do they... so anyway they all fight to save Gohan and get rid of Garlic. After a little roughing up from Piccolo and Goku, Garlic powers up becomes that green monster and makes a black hole or as the movie is titled "Dead Zone" and the fight continues stuff gets blown up and finally Gohan gets mad as unusually. And I'll leave you hanging there!! haha

Movie 2 

(Movie 2)
The World's Strongest

Our scene opens with Oolong and Gohan stealing the Dragonball Radar from Bulma to look for the Dragonballs in the Zuubright Zuubree Mountains.. sp i know... so Oolong can wish for... shall we just leave it as "something". However, they were too late cause Dr. Wheelo's, that evil scientist bent on world destructioin and wants to take over Master Roshi's body! Well he had his assistant find all Dragonballs and wish for Shen Long to melt the ice so Wheelo would be free again!!

Dr. Kochin, Dr. Wheelo's assistant, finds Dr. Wheelo in his lab now unburied in ice as a giant brain in a robot's body! Dr. Wheelo and Dr. Kochin raise chaos and as an attempt to capture Roshi they also kidnap Bulma as well! Piccolo also has been captured and is now under Wheelo's control!! Goku goes off to rescue Roshi but Wheelo's plans have changed, he now wants Goku's body!!

Gohan feeling guilty and follows his father to aids in the very cool battle with Wheelo and as in all Dragonball movies Gohan gets angry and I'll just leave you guessing from there... anyway the battle finally wines down and Goku exsiccates an extreme Ki bast sending Wheelo into outer space after of course defeating all three of the bio robots and a brainwashed piccolo!

Movie 3 

(Movie 3)
The Tree of Might

Oolong, Kuririn, Buruma, and young Gohan are on a camping trip, when a spy satellite crashes into the forest and starts a raging fire. Kuririn and Gohan battle to put out the blaze, then gather the Dragon Balls to wish for the forest to be restored. One of the animals they save is a Haiyaa Dragon (Higher Dragon) that follows Gohan home to become his pet. The two of them (and Gokuu) play together and have a lot of fun, but Chi Chi wants the dragon sent back to its mountain so it'll stop disrupting Gohan's studies. Meanwhile, a Saiya-jin fighter, Taurus, and his minions are scouting Earth to locate Kakarot. Taurus wants Kakarot and/or Gohan to join him to go trash planets. The minions plant a seed for an energy-eating tree near the restored forest -- Taurus plans on eating the fruit of the tree to get a "power up." The tree grows quickly and threatens to destroy Earth. Kaiou-sama alerts Gokuu to the danger, and everyone (Chi Chi prevents Gohan from joining in, but Haiyaa Dragon kidnaps the boy to take him to the battle) goes to fight Taurus. Piccolo joins in to save Gohan, but the demon still plans on killing Gokuu later on. Gokuu denies his Saiya-jin heritage, claiming that he's happy to have been hit on the head as a child, rather than growing up to be like Taurus. There's a major battle, and Gokuu uses a Genki Dama to kill Taurus and destroy the tree. Afterwards, the Genki Dama breaks up, and the lifeforce energy repairs the damage from the tree.

Movie 4

(Movie 4)
Super Saiya-Jin Son Goku

 An alien Launches a satellite that blocks the sun and pretty soon the earth begins to freeze. Yajirobi finds Gokou and his friends and gives them senzu beans. Meanwhile Gohan and Piccolo go to stop the evil alien commander but are beaten. They find out that the commander is a namek by the name of Slug. Gokou and his friends get there and start to fight.

Movie 5 

(Movie 5)
Fantastic Ultimate Strength vs Ultimate Strength

This is another non English Dragonball movie have so here ya go! In this movie Coola, Freeza's brother comes to get revenge for both the death of his brother and to finish off the Saiyans of which Goku is the last or so they think. He and his three henchmen show up at the campsite were he he has intentions of killing Goku and sohoots a fireball at Gkou's back injuring him badly which really got me mad cause I wanted more Goku but dont worry it gets better. Gohan fly's off with higher dragon to get senzu beans to heal Goku as usually at this point I noticed hey some of the dubbed voices are sorter bad no offence or anything but Gohan just sound different..

On his way back to Goku, Gohan is attacked by Coola and his men!!! Piccolo saves Gohan but is also most killed by Coola, he usues a huge ki attack very cool! Gohan gets returns to Goku thanks to a senuz bean and higher dragon! He gives Goku the senzu bean after the entire bag was fried by that guy with the hair hehe.. Goku is all better and then begins to battle Coola slowly at first.

They have a huge battle and Coola reveals he can exceed his brother and he transforms to a new level of what every he is... then Goku Turns Super Saiyan 1 wow was i soo happy when Goku said "Nothing Can Help You Now!!!" and then Coola replies with a huge i ki type ball and ill leave you hanging there hahah....

Movie 6 

(Movie 6)
Battle of the StrongestCrash!! The 10 Billion-Power Fighters

A spaceship lands of Planet Namek and begins devouring it. The Nameks ask Dende for help, and Dende asks the Z Warriors for help. Master Roshi, Oolong, Yajirobe, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, and Gokou head to Namek. 

Namek seems to have been invaded by robots. A metallic Koola appears (now with the ability to regenerate and rebuild himself after damage). Gokou battles this Koola while the others battle the robots. Vegeta appears and assists Gokou. All the others except Piccolo have been captured by the robots. After a long, enduring battle in Super Saiyan form, Gokou and Vegeta finally destroy Koola. Sounds are heard, and thousands of other Koolas appear over the cliff. They tell that the Koola they just killed is just another model and can easily be rebuilt. Gokou and Vegeta are shocked and also get captured. Inside, they see the real Koola, who is now a giant head attached to the spaceship invading the planet. 

He explains that when Gokou blasted him into the sun, he attached with advanced technical parts flowing in space and the spaceship (him) was formed. He plans to capture Namek to power his ship. Gokou and Vegeta are tied up, but they reach Super Saiyan mode anyway in hope of overloading the ship with power. Meanwhile, Piccolo enters the ship and rescues his comrades. (Gokou and Vegeta were held in a different room.) Gokou gathers some energy in his hand and attacks the real Koola. Koola explodes, and so does the ship. Piccolo and the the others managed to escape in time, but they mourn the loss of Gokou and Vegeta. It turns out that Gokou and Vegeta survived the explosion, and are blown to where their friends await them. (What a coincident!)

Movie 7 

(Movie 7)
Battle Limit! 3 Great Super Saiya-jins

Gokuu and Chi Chi go to interview for a school that Chi Chi wants Gohan to attend, while everyone else is busy partying at a cherry blossom-viewing drinkfest. The party is disrupted when a ship lands. Paragasu steps out to invite Vejiita to travel with him to the planet New

When Dr. Gero was killed by Android 17, he had three other androids stored in the floor below. His death brought to the life Androids 13, 14, and 15 (androids with the sole purpose to destroy Gokou)! Gokou and his friends are at a mall. Everyone is eating lunch. Meanwhile, Androids 14 and 15 enter the mall and destroy everything in their path. Together, they do a fireball and destroy the portion of the mall where Gokou is. Gokou and his friends carry all the civilians away from the explosion to safety. Gokou encounters Androids 14 and 15 and they battle.

Trunks joins the battle. Gokou and Trunks lure the androids to the glaciers so that no civilian would get hurt. (Gohan and Klilyn follow as well, but they only hide and watch.) There, Android 13 makes his appearance. Piccolo and Vegeta also enter the battle. Trunks destroys Android 14 and Vegeta destroys Android 15.

 However, components from these androids flow up and combine with Android 13's body. Android 13 morphs into a super android and beats up everyone. Finally, Gokou creates a Genki Dama and uses the fireball's energy to kill the android. After his death, Dr. Gero's computer shuts down.

Movie 8 

(Movie 8)
Bring Your Spirit To The Max: The Dangerous Bloody Battle

Gokuu and Chi Chi go to interview for a school that Chi Chi wants Gohan to attend, while everyone else is busy partying at a cherry blossom-viewing drinkfest. The party is disrupted when a ship lands. Paragasu steps out to invite Vejiita to travel with him to the planet New Vejiita, to fight the Legendary Super Saiya-jin. A drunk Kamesennin, Kuririn, Trunks, and Gohan fly off as well. Meanwhile, Kaiou-sama telepaths to Gokuu to alert the hero of the danger. Gokuu teleports out of the interview, leaving Chi Chi in the lurch. Paragasu introduces Vejiita to Paragasu's wimpy son, Burolii, and waffles over actually disclosing where the Legendary Super Saiya-jin is. Gokuu teleports in, and Burolii goes berzerk. After a lot of screwing around, we find out that Burolii and Gokuu had been born on the same day. King Vejiita had ordered Burolii (baby Burolii had already been determined to be a threat to the Saiya-jin) and Paragasu to be killed and dumped in the trash. But, baby Burolii's power saved them. Burolii grew up to be a maniacal killer, and had poked out one of Paragasu's eyes. Right after that, Paragasu had a headband created that effectively lobotomized Burolii. Burolii overcomes Paragasu's control and turns into a Super Saiya-jin; he trashes everyone. Vejiita loses his nerve at seeing the Legendary Super Saiya-jin, and can't fight anymore. Paragasu knows that the planet New Vejiita will explode soon, so he wants to fly away, killing two birds with one stone: revenge on the Vejiita family, and disposing of his troublesome child. But, Burolii crushes the space capsule, killing his father. Then, Gokuu summons the energy from his friends, including Vejiita, to become a Super Saiya-jin himself, and killing Burolii. Before the planet explodes, Gokuu teleports everyone to Piccolo's ship and they return to Earth.

Movie 9 

(Movie 9)
The Galaxy's In Danger! The Super Awesome Guy

The Money Family is hosting a Tenkai-ichi Budoukai as a birthday present for 10-year old Dollar Money. Dollar is hoping for aliens to come from space and join in the tournament, so four of Mr. Satan's pro-wrestling students are in costume as the "aliens" in the final rounds of the competition. Kaiou-sama and Gokuu are on Kaiou planet (Kaiou is watching the game on TV, Gokuu is playing Go Fish against Bubbles the ape -- the deck has Uranai Baba and Pilaf's crew on the face cards. ) The elimination rounds are basically 8 batches of free-for-alls; the last person standing in each free-for-all goes on to a one-on-one round. The Final Four each get shot into one of four "Battle Stages" to face Satan's "aliens." The first person to emerge from the Battle Stage wins the 100,000,000 zenni prize money, a trip to a hot spa, and a chance to fight Satan. Kuririn, Future Trunks, teenaged Gohan, and Dosukoi make it to the Battle Zones, where they are attacked by real aliens (Satan's students have already been killed.) Kaiou-sama realizes that the aliens are Boujack's team. A LONG time ago, the four Kaiou's had battled Boujack, and imprisoned him far, far away. Boujack has escaped, and come to Earth to destroy it and kill Gohan as revenge on Kaiou-sama, knowing that Gokuu is Kaiou's student, Gohan is Gokuu's kid, and Earth is Gokuu's planet. There is a lot of fighting as all of the Z Fighters show up to attack Boujack's 5-man team. Eventually, the heroes are trashed, and Boujack is about to crush Gohan's throat. Gokuu can't take it any more, and the dead hero teleports in from heaven just long enough to kick Boujack in the face and save Gohan. With renewed anger, Gohan goes to Super Saiya-jin 2 (SSJ-2), and kills Boujack's remaining minions before killing Boujack. Satan had been trying to escape since seeing that the Z Fighters had entered the tournament, but was pushed into a sled and sent to the Battle Zone, where he succeeded in destroying the camera televising the fight with Boujack. At the end of the movie, Satan is again declared savior of Earth, and no one wins the prize money (Gohan, Trunks and Kuririn are recovering in a hospital for some reason, while Piccolo and Vejiita are already fully healed. This movie has lots of continuity flaws and plot holes. Definitely doesn't fit in with the manga or TV series. The best part of the movie is the shot of the Pilaf card deck.)

Movie 10 

(Movie 10)
The Dangerous Partners, Super Warriors Never Rest

Goten, Trunks and Beederu are out gathering up the Dragon Balls (just for the heck of it. When asked, Trunks decides that he wants to ride cool things to have adventures (pirate ship, train), while Goten wants to eat delicious cake whenever he wants) and succeed in grabbing the 5th one. When they zip off to find the sixth one, they come upon a village terrorized by a monster dragon. The last girl in the village is about to be sacrificed to appease the monster, when Beederu volunteers to take her place. Goten, Trunks, and Beederu hide next to the supper set out for the monster, surprise it, and kill it (after much screwing around.) In return, Trunks receives the Dragon Ball attached to the village Shaman's necklace. Meanwhile, a Saiya-jin space capsule crashes to Earth nearby, and the sleeping Saiya-jin inside is aroused by vibrations caused by Goten when the boy wanted to eat the banquet set out for the monster. The Saiya-jin turns out to be Burolii. When Burolii stretches his muscles the next day, Beederu senses it, and goes to investigate. As do Goten and Trunks. Burolii thinks that Goten is Kakarot, and there is much fighting. The final Dragon Ball is located during the battle, but Goten doesn't know how to summon Shenlon, so Trunks gets trashed while trying to distract Burolii (Trunks also has to take a piss after hiding next to a bunch of waterfalls, and relieves himself on top of Burolii's head). Gohan senses Burolii's ki, and arrives to join in the battle. Gohan's blast causes lava to boil up, and Burolii is trapped in the magma. Gohan passes out as the magma inches near him. (Kuririn is dressed up like Piccolo as a joke when he saves Gohan.) But Burolii is a Super Saiya-jin, and the magma doesn't phase him. Gohan and Goten use Kamahame-ha on Burolii. (And, probably because of the Dragon Balls nearby, Gokuu is allowed to show up to perform Kamehame-ha as part of the trio.) Trunks manages to throw an energy ball that distracts Burolii, and the triple Kamehama-ha blows Burolii into space, and into the sun. Beederu recovers, and thinks that Gohan was masquerading as Burolii, and attacks him. Goten and Trunks go back to the village to get food, and Kuririn wonders why everyone has forgotten about him. (The Dragon Balls disperse as if Shenlon has fulfilled a wish.)

Movie 11 

(Movie 11)
Super Fight Shoot-out: I Will Win

#18 has gone to Mr. Satan's house to collect on the 20 million zenni prize money from the Tenkai-ichi Budoukai that she let Satan win. Satan claims that the money hasn't been turned over to him yet. Then, a minion of a guy who was a classmate of Satan's, arrives to blackmail Satan into going with him to fight some bio-tech warriors. The minion, Menmen, threatens to tell the papers that Satan was a bed wetter in 6th Grade. Satan caves in, and #18 goes along to keep Satan from running away. Goten and Trunks hide in the back of the car to try to fight these "bio-tech thingies", and Kuririn is forced to take his daughter back to Kame House. Baron Jagaa Badda has created some pro-wrestler-strength warriors, and he wants them to fight Satan, just to put Satan back in his place. Satan pretends that #18 and the two boys are his students, and they easily destroy the bio-tech baddies. However, Goten recognizes the guy standing beside Jagaa as being the Shaman from the forest village in the last movie. Turns out that the Shaman collected some of Burolii's blood at the battle site, and sold it to Jagaa. Jagaa had his scientists use the blood to create the "Ultimate Bio-tech Warrior." Trunks and Goten try to use Kamehame-ha on Burolii's container before Burolii can awaken, but it is too late. However, the process isn't complete, and Burolii is badly misformed. There is much fighting, the chemicals used in the bio-tech process get loose and eat up all living things, and Burolii trashes Goten, Trunks, and #18. Kuririn arrives to protect his wife, and also gets trashed. Finally, the heroes rescue the scientists, and all of the people living on Jagaa's island escape onto ocean liners. The bio-tech chemicals try to eat Burolii, and are instead turned into an energy source for him. Ultimately, Goten discovers that the chemicals lose potency in sea water, so Kuririn, Goten, and Trunks use Kamehame-ha to create a tidal wave that cleanses the island. Burolii keeps trying to kill Goten, but is now vulnerable to Goten's and Trunk's energy blast. Burolii dies, and Mr. Satan tries to swim back home, rather than accepting #18's offer of saving him for a total of 1 Billion zenni

Movie 12 

The Rebirth Of Fusion: Goku and Vegeta

We are back in heaven, during the Budoukai held by Dai-Kaiou to determine who the greatest dead heroic fighter is. The four Kaiou's quarrel over who has the best student, and the final round is about to start, between West Kaiou's Son Gokuu, and South Kaiou's Paikuu-han. Both fighters want to win cleanly, and they begin sparring. Meanwhile, Enma Daioh (Heaven's Gatekeeper) is being harsher than normal, sending many, many souls to hell for one reason or another (the ones going to heaven get to ride Ten Airlines, while the ones going to Hell get to pass through a "Spritz Cleaner" machine that removes all the evil from them. Once cleansed, the evil souls have their memories removed, and are reincarnated to try again.) Psych Oni, the demon tending the Spritz Cleaner, is too busy dancing to his walkman tape to notice that the Cleaner is running in the red. The Cleaner regulator explodes, and all of the concentrated evil escapes. Psych Oni tries to contain the mess before tearfully reporting to Enma Daioh. At this point, the concentrated evil covering Psych takes effect, turning the boy into a giant yellow squeeze toy named Janenba. Janenba immediately encases Enma's Gate House in a magic crystal, and it then amuses itself by twisting the fabric of space for a while. With Enma trapped, the dead residing in Hell can escape and roam around on Earth. Gohan and Beederu (a.k.a. Videl) set out to combat the dead, while Goten and Trunks search for the Dragon Balls to set everything right again. Gohan gets to confront Freeza again, and very quickly destroys the monster. All of the other supporting villians from the previous DBZ movies also surface, only to be dispatched by the Great Saiya-man team. Shenlon is summoned, but the Dragon God has to admit that it has no jurisdiction over the dead, and it can't fix the problem involving Enma. So, Goten and Trunks spend the movie fighting the endless masses of Hitler's zombie armies. (Satan is also dispatching zombies easily, but he's upset that there's no TV crew around to broadcast his exploits; he plans on calling in a report to the TV station later.) Dai Kaiou suspends the Budoukai to let Paikuu-han and Gokuu run off to Enma's Gate House to resolve the problem. At first, they try to play with Janenba, until Gokuu starts getting mad. Unfortunately, Janenba can do transdimensional tricks, and it punches one way, only to have his fist appear elsewhere to blindside Gokuu. Paikuu-han is told by Dai-Kaiou to try to free Enma (eventually, Paikuu realizes that by swearing and insulting people, he can make the magic crystal crack and flake off.) Janenba can also make copies of itself, as well as warping Gokuu so that the hero will appear in front of his own Kamehame-ha. Gokuu switches up to SSJ-3 and pummels Janenba. The creature melts, only to turn into the next-stage version -- Changed Janenba. Janenba now uses a series of warp tricks ala "Total Recall", and trashes the SSJ-3 Gokuu. Gokuu escapes deeper into Hell, first hiding in the Pool of Blood; then he gets rescued by the dead Vejiita. (Vejiita reminds Gokuu that only Vejiita has the right to destroy Gokuu.) Vejiita attacks Janenba, and also gets trashed. Vejiita's body flies towards the Mountain of Needles, and is caught by Gokuu. Gokuu tries to get Vejiita to do Fusion with him, but the Saiya-jin Prince would rather die first (Gokuu points out that Vejiita IS dead.) Vejiita's pride is tearing him up, and Janenba attacks the mountain, causing Gokuu to grab Vejiita's shoulder and teleporting them both to a safe zone. Vejiita relents, and Gokuu shows him the Fusion pose. Vejiita is appalled at the idea of having to do something so stupid. But, there is no time left, so the two of them perform Fusion. Vejiita forgets to extend his right forefinger, and the resulting Fat Gojiita attracts Janenba's attention. The ensuing battle is plain slapstick (Gojiita's only successful attack is a series of foul-smelling farts.) At the last moment, just as Janenba is going to destroy Gojiita, the Fusion wears off (it took 30 minutes) and the two Saiya-jin run away again. Kaiou (West Kaiou was receiving a lot of abuse from his siblings for having such a useless student) telepaths out that Vejiita botched the pose. So, they try again. And are interrupted by Janenba. Paikuu-han succeeds in breaking the magic crystal, and he runs to confront Janenba to give Gokuu and Vejiita more time. Janenba apparently kills the dead Paikuu-han just as the Fusion takes hold. True Gojiita looks a lot like Super Saiya-jin Gokuu, with a Persian-style vest and baggy pants. On Earth, Goten and Trunks sense the energy levels of their fathers, and the two boys also do Fusion to become Gotenks (Gotenks uses Kamikaze Ghost Attack to create 100 exploding ghosts to destroy Hitler's armies.) Gojiita punches Janenba up a bit before hitting the monster with a special energy ball. The ball blows up in the monster's chest, and all of the evil within it dissipates. Psych returns to normal, takes one look at Gojiita, and runs away screaming. Enma is back in charge, and the dead all return to Hell (including Vejiita. Vejiita says that he never wants to Fuse again.) Goten and Trunks promise each other to not tell Goten and Beederu who it was that saved them all; Gohan and Beederu chase the boys to get answers from them. In the last panel, Shenlon asks if this means that no one is going to ask him for a wish.

Movie 13

(Movie 13)
Exploding Dragon Fist! If Goku Can't Do It? Who Else Can?

A long time ago, a group of evil magicians brought a huge, skull-faced demon -- Hirudegarn -- to life to terrorize their planet. The demon could only be controlled by two gourd whistles and a legendary sword. Tapeon and his little brother, Minosha, had used the gourd whistles to play a song that calmed Hirudegarn long enough for the demon to be cut in two, and trapped within the bodies of the two brothers. Tapeon was sealed in a music box and shot out into space.... It's a busy day in Satan City for the crimefighting team Great Saiya-man (Gohan is Saiya-man 1, and Beederu is Saiya-man 2) when they get a call that a crazy old man is trying to commit suicide by jumping from a tower. The old man, Hoi, is rescued, and he shows Gohan a box that can't be opened. The boy tries to turn the crank, but can't. The box is given to Beederu, but her science toys can't see inside it. So, the Z Fighters round up the Dragon Balls and ask Shenlon to make the box open. This happens, and Tapeon steps out. Minosha, who used to look just like young Trunks, was killed long ago, and his half of the demon starts stalking Satan city and trashes it. Tapeon escapes to a deserted factory plant, and is followed by Trunks (Trunks keeps bringing food to Tapeon, but Tapeon keeps chasing him away.) When Tapeon falls asleep, his half of the demon tries to escape from his body, but is then recaptured when Tapeon wakes up again. Eventually, Tapeon is befriended, and he explains everything to Buruma. Buruma tries to make a demon-capturing bedroom, but Hoi is using his own magic to awaken Hirudedarn. Tapeon's half of the demon escapes Buruma's trap and becomes whole again. The Z Fighters help trash the city in their attempt to defeat the demon, and Goten and Trunks use Fusion to become Gotenks (but, Gotenks' energy attacks cause the demon to go into a cocoon phase before emerging as a giant WINGED demon.) The Z Fighters get mulched, Tapeon tries to use his whistle, but it shatters. Trunks tries to use Tapeon's sword on the demon, but Gokuu switches to Super Saiya-jin 3, and announces that Hirudegarn is HIS to defeat. Gokuu pulls out a Super Punch (Ryuuken) and destroys the demon. Afterwards, Buruma makes a time machine to return Tapeon to the time when the boy had been shot into space, and Tapeon gives the sword to Trunks (thereby explaining how future Trunks came by the sword that had been used to carve up Freeza and Freeza's Father in the manga.)