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Earth - Free
Namek - Free
Dark Star - Free

Arena - Free

Trixiegirl's music

Two Star Attacks

  • **Dark Energy Spirit Bomb-Exactlty like the Spirit Bomb but it focuses all the negative energy on the planet instead. Takes 4 turns to charge. Unevadable and Unblockable.(165,000) Upgrading: Planet Destroying.

  • **Dragon Fist-You physically attack the opponent and a dragon image is created behind you as you strike the opponent. This attack is very strong and can only be taught by the Grand Kai. Used instantly.(55,000) Upgrading:None

  • **Final Kamahamaha-This is a combination of Kamahamaha and Final Flash. It takes training to combine the two. Takes 3 turns to charge. Must have Kamehameha and Final Flash to learn this attack.(90,000) Upgrading: Planet Destroying.

  • **Haretsu no Maho-With this attack you can make an opponent who is weakened explode killing them but you can only use this attack if your opponent is in a forth of their critical zone. Used instantly. Upgarding: Half Critical Zone

  • **Holy Dragon-Good aligned characters only. You summon a holy dragon to help you in your battle. He attacks the opponent ruthlessly. Takes 4 turns to charge.(60,000per turn lasts for 3 turns) Updrading: None

  • **Hyper Tornado Attack-This attack sends the opponent into a tornado that cuts and slashs him for 3 turns. Takes 2 turns to charge.(20,000 per turn) Upgrading: +1 turn.

  • **Instant Transmission(Upgrade)-This attack allows you to instantly go anywhere in the Universe.

  • **Iron Tail-Saiyan only. This makes it impossible for a Saiyans tail to be cut off. Works on all Oozuru Transformations and SSJ4. Heres the catch to this wonderful move, YOU CAN NOT LEARN IT UNTIL YOU HAVE OBTAINED THE SSJ4 TRANSFORMATION.

  • **Kamaso-This is the attack that Piccolo uses on Cell. It starts out small but gets larger as it spans out, everything is incenerated that it touches. This attack takes 3 turns to charge.(90,000) Upgrading: None

  • **Ki Reenforced Punch-Allows a character to upgrade their physical as a ki attack does. It also adds some damage to your physical attacks.(+14,000 to Physical)(note to updaters Critical is always atleast 2,000 above physical therefor they both go up) Upgrading:None

  • **Namekian Fusion-Nameks only. This attack allows two Nameks to permently fuse together(no coming back for one of them). Must have Fusion and it's Namekian Fusion upgrade. The control character recieves a forth pl, 2 to all his stats, and two attacks that he has. If the control has the attack, then he recieves half the damage rounded down. Upgrading: Half pl, +4 to stats, 3 Attacks, and Perfect attack(learns the attack as the chatacter has it, must be done for each attack the control can learn).

  • **Namekian Rebirth-This attack allows a Namek to turn into an egg before he dies. He hatches in 3 days to max pl. Takes 4 kis. Upgrading: -3 days, -3 Kis, and Undestroyable egg.

  • **Oozaru Mouth Blast-This attack can only be used in Oozaru.(75,000) Upgrading: None

  • **Spirit Bomb-Good and Neutral aligned characters only. An attack where you gather energy from every living thing on the planet and you turn it into an enormous ball of ki. Takes 4 turns to charge. Unblockable and Unevadeable. Very Powerful (can't have spirit bomb and dark energy spirit bomb).(150,000)(Neutral-100,000). Upgrading: Planet Destroying.

  • **Steal Attack-With this attack you steal an attack of your opponent for the rest of the battle. Half ki starting off. Used instantly.

  • **Telepathic Control-(Android 16 is null)This allows you to control someone that is 50,000 power under you allowing you to fight using them or whatever you want. Used instantly. Must have telepathy first. Takes a ki each turn. Upgrading: None

  • **Thunder Flash-This is Pikkons attack. Takes 2 turns to charge.(50,000) Upgrading:None

  • **Tower Of Iron Will-This makes you immune to mind control.

  • **Unholy Dragon-Evil aligned characters only. Equal to the attack Holy Dragon. Takes 4 turns to charge.(55,000 per turn lasts for 3 turns) Updrading: None

One Star Attacks

  • *Absorb-(Cell types only) Once an opponent have been defeated they can then be absorbed. In doing this you will gain any one of there techniques in its most basic form. It also gives a 50,000pl boost. This kills the opponent. Upgrades:None

  • *Controlled Scatter Shot(Upgrade)-This attack is like scatter shot except it allows you to control the movement and placement of the balls of ki. Takes one turn to fire the balls and one to control. Makes Scatter shot unevadable. Upgrading: None

  • *Controlled Oozaru-This attack allows you to control yourself in Oozaru. Must have Oozaru before you can learn this attack. With this you may revert to Saiyan form without the loss of your tail.

  • *Darkness Dimension-You create a large black dome of energy and it pulls in the opponent draining some of his pl. Takes 2 turns to charge.(35,000) Upgrading: None

  • *Death ball-You make a destructive gold ball of ki that is capable of destroying a planet. Takes 2 turns to charge. Planet destroying.(32,000) Upgrading: None

  • *Disarm-Disables the opponent from using weapons for the final duration of the battle.

  • *Divine Ball-Plows the enemy continuously with a shoulder cannon. Takes 1 turn to charge.(30,000) Upgrading: None

  • *Divine Cannon-A huge amount of energy seeps out of your palms and attacks the opponent in the chest. Takes 1 turn to charge.(30,000) Upgrading:None

  • *Energy Shield-This attack makes an energy barrier around you that protects you from ki attacks for two turns. Can be used as a counter action. Used instantly. Drains one Ki every round used. Upgrading: +5 turns.

  • *Final Burst-Dragoons/Kaio Only. A fast and powerful attack causing fire to engulf the opponent. Takes 1 turn to charge.(31,000) Upgrading: None

  • *Final Flash-Vegeta's most powerful attack. Takes 2 turns to charge.(40,000) Upgrading:None

  • *Five Finger Shot-With this attack you shoot five small balls of ki at your opponents or opponent each dealing its own damage. Takes 1 turn to charge.(5,000 per finger) Upgrading: Two hands(all upgrades must be gotten for both hands).

  • *Frieza Beam-This is a ki beam shot out of the finger. It kills or severly damages the opponent(only kills when they are in critical). Takes 1 turn to charge.(30,000) Upgrading: None

  • *Gallet Gun(Upgrade)-This attack is like Gallet Gun but is stronger and can blow up planets. Takes 2 turns to charge. Makes Gallet Gun able to blow up planets.

  • *Garlic-Ho-Saiyans only. This is the equivalant of the Kamahamaha but a little stronger. Takes 2 turns to charge.(45,000) Upgrading: None

  • *Healing-With this ability you can either heal yourself or allies a fair amount. Used instantly. Heals completely at the end of the battle. Gains pl only half as fast as a Ki attack.(25,000) Upgrading: Teammate(heals a teammate).

  • *Instant Transmission-This attack allows you to transport yourself and two others your holding on to instantly to any place on the planet you are on. Takes 2 Ki to use. Used instantly.

  • *Kamikaze Ghost Attack-You yell Kamikaze as loud as you can and millions of ghost images come out and attack the opponent. Used instantly.(38,000) Upgrading:None

  • *Kamehameha-This is the ki attack Goku is well-known for. Takes 2 turns to charge.(40,000) Upgrading: None

  • *KaioKen-All races but Nameks. This attack powers you up to your deepest limits. In this stage you get +10,000 to attacks and +2 evades. Each turn this attack takes 1/2 ki to stay in the form. Ki Attacks are unlimited during Kaioken. If you leave the stage of KaioKen then you will lose 50,000 pl because it is a drain on the body. (+40,000 per x) Upgrading: Multiple Xs(Example:x4), 25,000 loss

  • *Kyodaika-Nameks only. This is the equivalant of the Namek KaioKen but this increase your size as well. (+40,000 per x)Upgrading: More Xs(example:x4), 25,000 loss

  • *Masenko-Gohan uses this attack when he's very mad but not only Gohan can use this. Takes 1 turn to charge.(37,000) Upgrading:None

  • *Multi-Blade-(Kaios/Dragoons only. Must have Multi-Form. Swords identical to your own appear in the hands of your other forms. This move automatically happens when you use Multi-Form. No upgrades.

  • *Power Transfer-Androids only. With this attack you grab the opponent by the head and send massive bio electricity through there skull causeing great damage to them and giving you forth of the power level that it dealt. Takes 2 turns to charge. Double damage to androids.(40,000) Upgrading: None

  • *Sokidan-This is a small ki blast that has the destructive power of spirit bomb but is less powerful. Takes 2 turns to charge.(38,000) Upgrading: Planet Destroying.

  • *Special Beam Cannon-You shoot one beam that goes straight and another beam that goes around it. Takes 1 turn to charge.(35,000) Upgrading: Planet Destroying(kills the user unless Instant Transmission Upgrade is used).

  • *Zanzoken-This attack allows you to counter and evade at the same time because you are making blured images of yourself. Can evade an unevadable attack. Half physical damage during counter. Upgrading: Full physical damage.