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Earth - Free
Namek - Free
Dark Star - Free

Arena - Free

Here are the rules for the upcoming tournament:
  • 1. No killing.
  • 2. All items can be used in battle with the exception of the senzu bean.
  • 3. Attack order goes from weakest to strongest.
  • 4. All combatants will be healed after battle.
  • 5. After each battle you will be placed in your own private cell.
  • 6. No fusion
  • 7. No leaving the planet while the tournament is going on.
  • 8. If you are not on online within 30 minutes of the start of the tournament, you forfeit your chance to fight.
  • 9. No other fighting on the arena except for the tournament matches.
  • 10. A ref must be present at all times, and it must be one of the updaters
  • 11. Henchmen may enter
  • 12. Solar flare will stun all combatants, including your partner.
  • 13. All items must be stated at the beginning of battle.

Any cheating/breaking of these rules will be dealt with the Arena Guards and they absolutly hate cheaters .