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Earth - Free
Namek - Free
Dark Star - Free

Arena - Free

Items Page

Yes here are the Items you can purchase in the rpg and with each item there is a price.


  • Battery Slot-Hold a ki battery for armor and one set of armor can have up to four of these.-$8,000


  • Brute Rays-Allows a Saiyan to grow back their tail.-$5,000


  • Iron Helmet-Stops all forms of telepathic control.-$7,000


  • Ki Battery-Enchants armor with ki. Give one set of armor +50,000 to their destruct max. Must have a battery slot to use.-$9,000


  • Net Grenade-This traps your opponent for two turns and can not be evaded.-$2,000


  • Pocket Popos-Eats the Galactia Donuts off of you. Used when Galactia Donut is used.-$5,000


  • Portunga Earrings-Allows you to fuse with anyone, fusion lasts one week.-$30,000


  • Regeneration Pill-These pills regenerate any limbs or body parts that were cut off or missing instantly. Regenerates ALL limbs lost(including a Saiyan's Tail)-$8,000


  • Roshi Sun Glasses-Prevents the effects of Solar Flare and the Universal Mirror for one battle. All forms must have Roshi Sun Glasses to stop it, or only those forms survive the mirror.-$5,000


  • Saiyan Shades-Stylish and very cool lookin they can prevent the solar flare technique and they also give readings on power levels and give readings on everytype of dragon balls inclueding the black star dragonballs.-$25,000


  • Scouter-Allows you to find the earth Dragonballs. Shows you the Power Level of anyone and allows you to find anyone on the planet. Also allows you to talk to anyone that has a scouter on the planet. Works as a Sense Power Level also.-$20,000


  • Scouter Advanced-Does the same as other one but it also allows you to find any of the Dragonballs. And it works as Sense Power Level with all upgrades.-$60,000


  • Senzu Beans-Restores pl and all stats to their full potential after a battle(can not be used during a battle).-$500


  • Shock Grenade-Used in battle, deals 10,000 damage and are undefendable.-$500


  • Tree of Might Fruit-Raises your pl 50,000.-$25,000


  • Universal Mirror-Shows the true being of the Multi-Form Attack and kills the other forms but the original, deals 5,000 damage for each form.-$15,000




  • Dragon Radar-Tells you the location of the Earth Dragonballs.-$5,000


  • Namek Radar-Tells you the location of the Namek Dragonballs.-$10,000


  • Star Radar-Tells you the location of the Dark Star Dragonballs.-$50,000




  • Capsule Corp Space Pod-Nice, comfortable, and lots of space but nothing special. Can get to any planet in 5 days.-$8,000


  • Capsule Corp Space Pod(with Gravitron)-It like its counter part but it has a gravitron machine. Can get to any planet in 4 days.-$20,000


  • Capsule Corp Space Pod(with Healing chamber)-Like the first one but it has a healing chamber. Can get to any planet in 4 days.-$17,000


  • Capsule Corp Space Pod(with Housing conditions)-Like the first but this one has everything needed for living and is alot like a house. Can get to any planet in 5 days.-$8,000


  • Frieza Battleship-This is a big ship that comes with a gravitron room, healing chamber and an escape pod good for group leaders. You can train on this ship. Can hold 11 people and get you to any planet in 2 days.-$50,000


  • Namek Cruiser-This ship is a very fast and has things needed for living but everything is written in namek so Nameks Only(Unless you have a Namekian Team Member traveling with you). Will get you and 4 other people to any planet in 4 days. You can train on this ship. Can be equiped with a healing chamber and Gravitron room(sold seperately)-$25,000


  • Saiyan Pod-The regular small Saiyan space Pod. you can not train in this ship and it will get you to any planet in 6 days.-$6,000




  • Battle Axe-Two Handed Axe that does 27,000 damage.-$21,000


  • Broad Sword-A sharp weapon that is weaker than the Long Sword and costs less and add +1 to your blocks. Does 14,000 damage.-$15,000


  • Hand Axe-Your basic axe. Does 15,000 damage.-$13,000


  • Katana-A sharp sword that deals more damage than a phsyical attack and can cut off limbs and armor. Does 16,000 damage.-$15,000


  • Mystical Katana-A Mystical blade forged from the rares stone known in the universe the power of the sword is like no other does enormous physical attack power and can slice through anything inclueding the strongest metal known in the universe called "kaching". does 23,000 damage.-$35,000


  • Long Sword-A sharp weapon that deals less than a Katana but costs less. Does 15,000 damage.-$13,000


  • No-Dachi-This is a Two handed weapon and is a seven foot long katana type sword. This is the type of weapon Sephiroth uses in Final Fantasy 7. Deals 25,000 damage.-$20,000


  • Power Pole-A weapon that is very effective and can't be evaded-$10,000


  • Spiked, Leather Gloves-Leather biker gloves with sharp metal spikes attached to the knuckles. Adds +5,000 to physical.-$17,000




  • Frieza Armor-Reduces Damage by one fourth but is very uncomfortable. Can recieve up to 60,000 damage at one time until it breaks.-$7,000


  • King Kai Reflective Clothing-Prevents one fourth of the damage dealt to you. Can recieve up to 50,000 damage at one time until it breaks.-$14,000


  • Piccolo Armor-Makes you look cool and prevents one fourth damage. Can recieve up to 25,000 damage at one time until it breaks.-$4,000


  • Pikkon Armor-Prevents three fourths damage dealt to you. Can recieve up to 50,000 damage at one time until it breaks.-$10,000


  • Saiyan Armor-Decrease damage from attacks by one fourth. Can recieve up to 45,000 damage at one time until it breaks.-$5,000


  • Saiyan Elite Armor-Reduces damage of attacks by one half. Can recieve up to 55,000 damage at one time until it breaks.-$10,000


Training Accessories


  • Ankle Weight-You may buy two of these. Adds +5,000 to pl when training for it.-$12,000


  • Heavy Suit-A heavy suit of clothing that slows you down to half your speed. Allows you to learn an evade 1 week faster then normal. Used when training for an evade.-$60,000


  • King Kai Weighted Reflective Clothing(1,000 lbs.)-Raises your power level +5,000 a week and prevents one fourth damage from attacks. Can recieve up to 65,000 damage at one time until it breaks.-$22,000


  • Piccolo Weighted Clothing-Weighs 750 pounds and raises your power level an additional 3,000 a week.-$5,000


  • Pikkon Weighted Clothing-Weighs 2,000 pounds and raises your power level an additional 10,000 a week.-$15,000


  • Power Supressent-A ring of gold that has a strange energy around it. Reduces your ki power so that ou must learn to use more power to activate attacks. Allows you to learn a ki 1 week faster. used when training for a ki.-$60,000


  • Weighted Boots-Heavy metal Boots. You may buy two of these. Adds +1,000 to physical and +2,000 to pl when you training for PL or Physical.-$12,000


  • Weighted Gauntlet-Metal armor gloves. You may buy two of these. Adds +1,000 to physical and +2,000 to pl when you training for PL or Physical.-$12,000


  • Wrist Weights-You may buy two of these. Adds +5,000 to Power Level when training for pl.-$12,000


Planet Accesseries


  • Gravitron Machine-Adds 100x gravity resistence to a planet. You must have at least a 50x gravity planet for the gravity of the planet to be manipulated.-$16,000


  • Healing Chamber-This allows you to heal yourself or others, an hour in the Healing Chamber heals you all the way.$13,000


  • Planet ID-This allows only people with a planet key card able to get on to your planet. These keys can be stolen but only people you give them to can get one honestly. If someone without a planet ID comes onto a planet that requires one for entry, the person is incinerated immediatly. Planets with Dragonballs can not have this.-55,000


  • Sentry Gun-This is a powerful weapon that destroys harmful ki that is directed towards the planet it is on. They can destory a ki blast that is 250,000 strong. They are culmunitive and take a blast that is 400,000 strong to destroy or multiple fired blasts at the sametime at 400,000 storng together.-$65,000




  • Hench Man Application-It is like getting a saiba man except they are stronger and can be any race you want it is like making a weaker second character and having him work for you and you have to pay them $1000 for each one. Starts at 100,000 Power Level and starts with all the properties as a nomal character.-$20,000


  • Saiba Man Seed-You plant this to get a saiba man who can aid you and can become stronger. Hatches after 3 days of planting. Stars at 50,000 PL and has two no star moves of your choice.-$8,000.


Also when you buy a weapon other than a power pole you have to name it so if you buy one tell us what you are going to name it and we will put it up. And now you may use items like Roshi's Sun Glasses and Universal Mirror as counter actions. All weighted armor and such that you wear while training will give you pl even if you are not training for pl.


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