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Earth - Free
Namek - Free
Dark Star - Free

Arena - Free

Dragonballs Page

-The Earth Dragonballs give you one wish and can be found in 4 days (must have Dragon Radar, Scouter, or Advanced Scouter. They can be found and used again in another 3 days.

-The Namek Dragonballs give you three wishes and can be found in 10 days (must have Namek Radar, Scouter, or Advanced Scouter). They can be found and used again in another 10 Days.

-The Dark Star Dragonballs give you five wishes and can be found in 3 weeks (must have Star Radar or Advanced Scouter) If you don't have upgraded instant transmission but if you have upgraded instant transmission you can find them in 2 weeks (must have Star Radar or Advanced Scouter). They can be found and used again in another 12 Days.


1.Immortality for 5 days. You get 250,000 Power Level added on to your own.

2.A 10,000 Power Level increase or a 5,000 power level increase for a Saibaman or Henchman.

3.A 5,000 increase to one Ki Attack or a 2,500 increase to a Ki Attack of a Saibaman or Henchman.

4.A 4,000 Physical Damage inrease or a 1,000 Physical Damage increase for a Saibaman or Henchman.

5.A 6,000 Weapon Damage increase or a 3,000 Weapon Damage increase for a Saibaman or Henchman.


7.Any item from the items page except for a Saibaman, Henchman, Piece of Tree of Might Fruit or any other item that cost $50,000 or more.

8.Can raise or lower a planets gravity by 50 rounded up, for example: 100, 150, 200 but gravity of planet cannot go under one and cannot go over 400.(MUST be Guardian or Ruler of the planet you are enhancing or decreasing in gravity)

9.Plus one to Evade, Block, Critical, or Ki Attacks to either you or your Saibaman or Henchman.

10.Wish back a dead character.

11.Wish back a Planet.

12.To change alignment after being released, you must wish the release away.

E-Mail Lynx, Cherry or Seika when you start looking for a set of the Dragonballs and after the time that is required to find them to tell him your wish(s). ONLY THESE WISHES MAY BE MADE!!!!!! If there are any wishes you think I should add please email me, but dont tell me anything ignorant. You may also not wish for items that cost over 50,000