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Welcome To Dragonball SX the RPG
October 7th, 2002 - Lynx-Hey Whats Up ok well you all know this has been up for a while ok know is the time to start theres one week left to join and we start this thing in one wee we start a tournament to kick things off members will start to come into process so everyone get ready SX is on the way Are you ready?
09/22/02 - Cherry-Hey guys I haven't been on here much ne? Well I see that Lynx has done some great changes ^.^ anywho the Rpg should be up and running once we get a certain amount of people so join join join >.> Unless you already have -.-;;

Oct. 13th, 2002 - Seika-Blah <_<;
~*~Seika Tenshi~*~

Trixiegirl's music