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Earth - Free
Namek - Free
Dark Star - Free

Arena - Free

Trainers Page


In this page it will tell what masters you can train with and what they can teach you.

Androids(17 and 18):If you are an Android(excluding Cell Type) they will train you for free and can raise you to the next Android Level in 1 week less time. They can teach you Electric Whips in 5 days, Sense Power Level in 3 days, Power Transfer in 6 days. If you are not an Android they will charge you $3,000 and can raise your Power Level an additional 4,000 a week and they will come to wherever you are.

Bobidi: Exactly like Guru but for evil guys. He turn you Majin. Can teach you Telepathy in 4 days and Telepathic Control in 6 days.

Brolly:Can teach you Dark Energy Spirit Bomb in 12 days, Unholy Dragon in 12 days, Oozaru Mouth Blast in 10 days (must have controlled Oozaru), Controlled Oozaru in 6 days, Oozaru in 4 days, and can teach you Koshoku in 4 days. He makes you pay him 5,000 at the start of training with him. And he can make your transformation levels a week faster.

Cell:Cell can teach you many different moves here are a list of them 6 days: Kamahamaha, Solar Flare, Special Beam Cannon, Destructo Disc, Death Disc, Gallet Gun, Regeneration, and Multi Form; in 10 days he can teach you Instant Transmission, Instant Transmition Upgraded, and Perfect Regeneration also cell will go to wherever you are to train you but you must pay him 5,000 a week.

Dende:Can teach you Healing in 5 days and give you a 20,000 power boost but can only do it once and you must pay him 10,000.

Frieza:Frieza can teach you many moves and will come to wherever you are to train you he can teach you Death Disc in 5 days, Freeza Beam in 6 days, Death Ball in 7 days, and Haratso No Maho in 10 days, he charges 4,000 for you to train with him.

Ginyu Force: They can teach you the Rokoom Boom in 6 days, Fire Crusher Ball in 5 days, Purple Spiral Flash Attack in 5 days they train anywhere and charge 5,000 to train with them.

Gohan:He can teach you Makosen in 5 days, Kamehameha in 5 days, Kakusandan in 4 days, Kaiho in 4 days, Masenko in 6 days, Zanzoken in 6 days, and he can lower the time to become any transformation by a week.

Goku:He can help you go Any level of Transformation faster by one week and can teach you Kamahamaha in 5 days, Kao-Ken in 5 days, Spirit Bomb in 11 days, Instant Transmission in 10 days, and Instant Transmission Upgraded in 10 days.

Guru:He will unlock your hidden power that will boost your PL 50,000. You must be on Namek and you must be of any good alignment.

Grand Kai:(Can train multiple people)He can teach you any move you want that is non evil(no star moves take 4 days, 1 star attacks take 7 days, 2 star attacks take 9 days, also he's specialty is Dragon Fist and he can teach you in 8 days. You must be dead or have Instant Transmission Upgraded to train with him also spend a week in the other world tournament.

King Kai:Can teach you Spirit Bomb in 10 days, Kao-Ken in 7 days, Instant Transmission in 5 days, Instant Transmission Upgraded in 10 days, and at the end of getting all of his moves he gives you King Kai's Weighted Reflective Clothing.(must be dead or have instant transmission upgraded to get to king kai).

Krillin: He will teach you Destructo Disc in 5 days, Kamahamaha in 7 days, and Solar Flare in 6 days. He will only train on Earth.

Piccolo:He will train on Earth or on Namek he can teach you Special Beam Cannon in 7 days, he can teach you Multi Form in 5 days, he can teach you Namekian Rebirth in 10 days, he can teach you Mystic Attack in 4 days, Regeneration in 5 days, and if you have Regeneration he can make it better(Perfect) it costs nothing for you to train with this green master.

Pikkon:He can train you to get Thunder Flash in 10 days and Hyper Tornado Attack in 10 days, and after 2 weeks of training with him he gives you 2,000 his weighted clothing he trains for free and goes wherever you are. But he only give the weighted clothing to people that pay him $5,000.

Roshi: He can help you raise your Power Level and will go wherever you are to train you and when you are training you get a 4,000 Power Level increase extra to your normal per week. Also he can teach Kamahamaha in 6 days must pay him 4,000 for him to be your master.

Tien: He can teach you Tri Beam in 4 days, Multi Form in 5 days, and Solar Flare in 6 days he trains on Earth.

Trunks:He can help you go Any level of Transformation faster by one week. He can teach you Burning Attack in 3 days, Kamehameha in 5 days, and and he can raise your Attacking Power with your sword by an extra 3,000 a week. He only trains on Earth.

Vegeta:He will only train on his planet but will train anyone and for free, he can teach you Gallet Gun in 4 days, Gallet Gun Upgraded in 6 days, Final Flash in 6 days, and he can lower the time to become any transformation by a week.

Also you may train with other members, doing so results in two extra days of training for the attack. And if you choose not to train with a trainer then you may train alone but if will take twice as long for you to learn the attack.

Whos Training With Who:

Androids 17 and 18: No one

Bobidi:No one

Brolly:No one

Cell: No one

Dende: No one

Frieza: No One

Ginyu Force:No one

Gohan:No one

Goku:No one

Grand Kai: No one

King Kai:No one

Krillin: No one

Piccolo:No one

Pikkon:No one

Roshi: No one

Tein:No one

Trunks:No one

Vegeta: No one