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Dragonball SX RPG

Members Page 1

Just send your trainning into Cherry (

  • Name: Cherry Tenshi
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Age: Unknown (Enternal Youth)
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Background: As a young child Cherry and her sister Seika did everything together, one day Seika disappeared causing deep worry to stir within Cherry, she traversed the universe fighting what evil she could and in search of her long lost twin sister, who of which was engulfed in darkness. After many long years of searching she finally found her twin and brought her back to the light although Cherry is quite sure that her sister still has some darkness in her.
  • Current Status: On Vegeta,
  • Wealth:10,000
  • Items:None
  • Team:None
  • Evade:5
  • Block:10
  • Ki Attacks:8
  • Criticals:6


  • Critical: 25,000
  • Normal: 200,000


  • Physical:8,000
  • Critical:12,000
  • Weapon:None
  • Ki Blast:14,000
  • Solar Flare: 2turn/2uses
  • Fusion: 2 days
  • Tri Beam: 29,000
  • Garlic-Ho: 45,000
  • DESPERATION ATTACK: Heavens Charm - When brought down to her critical Cherry harnesses a chain of energy which instantly engulfs the opponent in a blinding light burning anything in its wake (150,000). It also leaves the opponent stunned for 4 turns.
  • Wins:0
  • Loses:0
  • E-mail:

  • Name: Rei Kizuhara
  • Race: Human/Dragoon
  • Age: 16
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Background: A young wanderer with dark past and an uncertain future. Rei keeps to himself, shunning any one and every one away from him. Though he is kind at heart if any ones does get close to him, when he fights, he fights without emotions. Only to win.
  • Current Status: On Earth,
  • Wealth:10,000
  • Items:None
  • Team:None
  • Evade:5
  • Block:10
  • Ki Attacks:8
  • Criticals:6


  • Critical: 25,000
  • Normal: 200,000


  • Physical:8,000
  • Critical:12,000
  • Weapon:Kantana(Rai-on) 15,000
  • Ki Blast:14,000
  • Solar Flare: 2turn/2uses
  • Million Ki Blast: 19,000
  • Telepathy:
  • Masenko: 37,000
  • DESPERATION ATTACK: Omega Shot- An extremly powerful attack that hits the user back with a recoil. To preform this attack, Rei recites a chant, then raise both hands and fires a large ki ball(mostly fire and electric) at his enemy.
  • Wins:0
  • Loses:0
  • E-mail:

  • Name:Kyle
  • Race:Saiyan/Dragoon
  • Age:16
  • Height:5'11"
  • Alignment:Chaotic/Good
  • Background:Vegeta and Goku's lost brother (looks like Gogeta)
  • Current Status: On Vegeta,
  • Wealth:10,000
  • Items:None
  • Team:None
  • Evade:5
  • Block:10
  • Ki Attacks:8
  • Criticals:6


  • Critical: 25,000
  • Normal: 200,000


  • Physical:8,000
  • Critical:12,000
  • Weapon:Send in Info for Sword
  • Ki Blast:14,000
  • Double Blade:
  • Million Ki Blast:---
  • Divine Cutter:---
  • *Divine Cannon:---
  • DESPERATION ATTACK:Super Sajiyan Dragoon
  • Wins:0
  • Loses:0
  • E-mail: ???

  • Name: Blade
  • Race: Saiyan (full blooded)
  • Age: 17
  • Height: 5"8'
  • Alignment: Lawful/Evil
  • Background: Born in 2099, in an alternate parallel dimension where the saiyans were being used as pawns to conquer planets with the evil changeling ‘Frieza’ as the ruler of the entire universe. Blade was born as a full blooded saiyan, at birth he was taken away from his parents due to his lack of power. Saiyan-babies with low power levels were being used as test subject for the Ruiki project. The project was actually meant for changelings-only but saiyan-babies were in high numbers and not so important to ‘Frieza’. These saiyan-babies were being injected with mutated DNA which was meant to genetically manipulate them and make their power levels boost up to unimaginable high levels, making them ultimate fighting warriors. The project was a failure, in the end of the project there was a total of 3 million casualties, 3 million saiyan-babies lost their lives. Fortunately one of those babies survived the horrible project, that was Blade. When Frieza learned about Blade’s existence and the success of the Ruiki project. Before the project, Blade used to have a mere power level of ‘2’. Exactly one day after the injection he was still alive and his power level rose all the way up to 200,000. When Frieza heard about the child’s amazing powers he was shocked at first and wanted to kill him immediately for causing a major threat against him, but then again the scientist ‘Magita’ told him that he was a survivor and also notified him that his power level would never rise. Frieza was relieved after hearing about this, because he knew that Blade could mean serious problem to him if his power level should rise any more. What Frieza didn’t know was that Magita lied to him about his power level staying exactly the same. Magita figured out that Blade’s power level increases with extreme anger. For 17 years, Blade was trained by Frieza’s best warriors, he quickly surpassed all of them because of the huge power he possesses. His favourite instructor Balzaroth, also a full blooded saiyan, he taught Blade everything he knew about the art of fighting and KI manipulation. Blade learned a lot from him, they shared a special bond together, like father and son, out of all his instructors, Balzaroth was Frieza’s best henchman, but having a grudge against the saiyans, Frieza never admitted that and he started to fear him. The evil changeling killed him because of that. After hearing about Balzaroth’s death by the hands of Frieza, Blade went insane allowing his power level to go over his limit and just when he was about to go on a rampage against Frieza and his mighty army, he was stopped by Magita. Magita told Blade that he would be killed if he had gone on a rampage against Frieza immediately. The old scientist told Blade that he had to reach new levels by training, he suggested Blade to train in another dimension without the threat of Frieza there to kill him. If Frieza would have known about Blade being able to rise his power level, blade would have been killed by now. The young saiyan accepted Magita’s offer into taking a trip to another dimension to reach new levels by fighting new enemies. Blade had to train and make his power level rise, if any of Frieza’s henchmen knew about this they would have reported it to Frieza, so Blade had to train in a parallel dimension. Blade was given special clothing by Magita and he was also transported to a strange green planet known as Namek shortly after that, where he started his training… Will he avenge his master and save his people from the tyrant known as Frieza?
  • Current Status: On Namek,
  • Wealth:10,000
  • Items:None
  • Team:None
  • Evade:5
  • Block:10
  • Ki Attacks:8
  • Criticals:6


  • Critical: 25,000
  • Normal: 200,000


  • Physical:8,000
  • Critical:15,000
  • Weapon:None
  • Ki Blast:14,000
  • Kaiho-
  • Rogafufuken- 18,000+ 1/2 dmg from physical
  • Sense Power Level-
  • Instant Transmission-
  • DESPERATION ATTACK: Ruiki aru - Blade’s entire body starts to flare up in the sacred Ruiki flames, Blade then charges up at his opponent, he punches his opponent in the stomach then kicks his/her feet away, just when his opponent falls down on the ground he blasts him/her away with a mega blast which he calls Ruiki aru…(150,000)
  • Wins:0
  • Loses:0
  • E-mail:

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