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No Star Attacks

  • Bakuhatsuha-An attack where the person raises 2 fingers and all of the ground around them is declimated. Can be used instantly.(10,000) Upgrading: Planet Destroying(kill user with planet unless Instant Transmission)

  • Bakurikimaha-This is a powerful ki blast, shot from one hand, the other gripping the shooting hand's wrist for support. Takes 1 turn to charge.(25,000) Upgrading:None

  • Big Bang Attack-This is a powerful ki blast shot from one hand, while the wist is at a 90 degree angle. Popular move used by Vegeta. Takes 1 turn to charge.(25,000) Upgrading: None

  • Burning Attack-A powerful energy blast shot from both hands. Future Trunks states this attack as his strongest. Takes 1 turn to charge.(22,000) Upgrading:None

  • Chou-Kamehameha-A Kamahamaha like ball that can be controlled with two fingers and goes until impact. Yamcha signaure attack. Takes 1 turn to charge.(26,000) Upgrading: None

  • Destructo Disc-A disk of energy that can cut through almost anything. It kills or serverly damages the opponent if they have no blocks or evades left(only kills if they are in critical). Takes 1 turn to charge.(23,000) Upgrading: 100,000 above(you can normally cut off a limb at 200,000 pl above an opponent but this reduces it to 100,000).

  • Death Disc-Kind of like Destructo Disc except for one thing. It can be controlled by hand movements. Kills or serverly damages the opponent if he has no blocks left. Has the same tactics as the destructo disk. The opponent can evade, but it will be a waste of time because you can just keep controlling it. The disc does not leave until impact. You can upgrade to two disks which allows you to maneuver two in 1 turn.(17,000) Upgrading: Two discs.

  • Divine Cutter-Dragoons/Kaios Only. Ki covers the sword and the user slashes opponent so fast that it can't even be seen by a Super Saiyan. This attack upgrades in damage by half rounded up if you train for it.(+5,000 to sword damage) Upgrading: None

  • Double Blade-Dragoons/Kaios Only. This allows a full blooded dragoon to be able to master two blades instead of one. Makes the dragoon attack twice in one turn, with his swords. He losses 2 evades when using this attack because the weight of the swords slows him down. (able to use two weapons in battle) Upgrading: None

  • Double Ki Blast-This is done by shooting one large blast, it splitting into two, and user guides these two blasts to his opponent(s), or blasts them with the one large blast. Upgrade only half as much damage as normal.(12,000 each) Upgrading: None

  • Dynamite Attacks-An attack where the user charges ki in their hands and feet. Their physicals attack with explosive power. Drains one ki per turn. Each attack is used instantly and caueses a critical hit. Can not be upgraded.(+8,000)

  • Electric Blast Attack-A quick one-handed blast of electricity. Takes 1 turn to charge. Double damage on Androids(Mechanical only).(24,000) Upgrading: None

  • Electric Whips-Android only. Attack from The World's Strongest where small cords come out of your arms and then become charged with electricty and then can fly out and electrocute an opponent. Used instantly.(20,000)Upgrading: None

  • Eye Beam-Beam of Ki shot through the eyes. Perfect for grappling fights. Used instantly. Half ki.(18,000)Upgrading: None

  • Fire Crusher Ball-A ball of fire that is popelled at the oppoent at a very fast speed.. Used instantly.(24,000)Upgrading: None

  • Flame Shot-Dragoons/Kaios Only. The Dragoon's form of the Kamehameha. It is made out of fire and is weaker then the Kamehameha Wave. Works instantly.(27,000)Upgrading: None

  • Fusion-This allows you to fuse with another person combining Power Levels and Attacks. Both character must have fusion. For 2 days. Upgrading: Unifuse(only you have to have fusion to fuse), Namekian Fusion(special).

  • Galactica Donut-This is a very useful attack. You point your finger or hands at your opponent, firing rings of power that can't be broken. The rings keep your opponent from moving. You can trap them to the ground, or you can keep them like that for up to two days. Very cool move, but only effective if your opponent's pl is at .00000005(knocked out). Or can be uses to hold the opponent.(2turns/2uses) Upgrading: 4 Turns, and 3 Uses.

  • Gallet Gun-A powerful blast that is Vegeta's version of the Kamehameha, but not as strong. Takes 1 turn to charge.(27,000) Upgrading: None

  • Genocide Attack-Evil aligned characters only. Captain Ginyu and Majin Buu used this attack. Very powerful small balls of ki are launched into the air, they can either explode around the opponent, or all fly at him with deadly intent. +7,000 damage to good aligned characters. Used instantly.(28,000) Unevadable. Upgrading: None

  • Ground Flare-One of Vegeta's attacks. You raise two fingers and a beam of energy comes from the ground. Very powerful if your opponent is beat into the ground. Takes 1 turn to charge. Unevadable.(16,000) Upgrading: None

  • Hankokubikkurisho-Humans, Nameks, Dragoons, and Aliens only. User shoots ki blasts that act like a net. The net shocks the enemy until they are drained of power. Could drive a Saiyan into Oozaru(always Non-controlled). Used instantly.(3turns/2uses, 5,000 per turn) Upgrading: None

  • Hell's Flash-Androids only. Fires a powerful blast from cannons under your wrist. Takes 1 turn to charge.(17,000) Upgrading:None

  • Kaiho-This allows the user to knock his opponent back with tremendous force. Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and a lot of other people did this move. Very useful move. Causes a critical attack. Adds +3,000 to your critical attack damage(permenatly).

  • Kakusandan-Goku used this move against many people in the series. You fire many ki bolts, all track their opponent down, crashing into him from all ides, causing your opponent's body to be jerked in all directions at the same time. used instantly. Unblockable.(17,000/1 turn stun) Upgrading:None

  • Kakusan Kikou Ha-A very slow-moving ball of energy that can break into several parts and hits numerous targets. Takes 1 turn to charge.(18,000, 8,000 to surroundings) Upgrading:None

  • Kamakazi-Where you cling onto your enemy and start overpowering yourself until you explode on their backs. Does the amount of damage equal to your entire normal power level, but you die using this attack. Nothing can block or evade this.

  • Kamekameha-Goten's version of the kamehameha. He pronounces the attack incorrectly. Sill works for him, though, but still not as powerful as the Kamehameha. Takes 1 turn to charge.(20,000) Upgrading: None

  • Ki Blast-A small blast of ki. Everyone character starts with this. Used instantly and half ki.(14,000).

  • Kikoho-Saiyans only. This is like the Burning Attack. But preformed through the eyes. Not as powerful as Burning Attack though. Used instantly.(17,000)Upgrading:None

  • Makosen-Goten's equivalent of Gohan's Masenko. Done much the same way, only ki is in both arms, and you launch two very powerful masenko like blasts.(17,000) Upgrading:None

  • Million Ki Blast-This is where you shoot many small ki blasts at the enemy counting as an everlasting critical hit but becareful your ki count goes down by one each time you use it. Can be used consecutively(one after the other). Used instantly.(19,000) Upgrading: None

  • Mouth Blast-Ki blast shot from the mouth. Used instantly.(27,000) Upgrading: None

  • Multi-Form-This allows you to split into 3 forms ,you take double the damage when hit and your attacks deal one half as much. Upgrading: 1 extra form.

  • Mystic Attack-Nameks and Aliens only. Namek and Alien ability to strecth their arms a very long length. This allows you to do a much stronger physical attack that can't be evaded. Used instantly. Acts as a physical attack, does not take a ki.(22,000) Upgrading: None

  • Oozaru-A Saiyan with a tail becomes a giant ape when he/she looks at the full moon or Simulated Moon Blast. You can't control your actions unless you learn Controlled Oozaru or someone uses Telepathic Control.(see Races).

  • Recoome Boom-A large mouth blast that can't be evaded, Takes 1 turn to charge.(26,000) Upgrading:None

  • Regeneration-Nameks and Aliens only. Allows the user to regeneration(regrow) a lost limb. 1 Turn to charge. Dies if the head is severed. Upgrading: Perfect(needs but a single cell to regenerate the entire body)

  • Rogafufuken-Goku's first attack, other then the Kamehameha. This is the attack where Goku get's down into a stance and attacks with claw like punches and kicks, finally finishing off with a double fisted claw punch.(18,000 + half damage from physical) Upgrading: None

  • Scatter Shot-Many balls of ki are fired at once scattering around trying to hit target. Takes 1 turn to charge.(17,000) Upgrading: None

  • Sense Power Level- This ability allows you to sense your opponents pl without a scouter. Basically useless but can sense where people go if they use Instant Transmission. Upgrading: Find Earth Dragonballs, Find Namek Dragonballs(Must have Earth Upgrade first), and Find Dark Star Dragonballs(Must have Namek and Earth upgrades).

  • Simulated Moon Blast-Ability of a Saiyan to shoot a simulated moon blast into the air and change into a huge monkey called an Oozaru. Used instantly. Upgrading: Can't be destroyed.

  • Solar Flare-You make a very bright light that blinds the opponent and makes them unable to attack, block, or evade any thing for 2 turns. Used instantly.(2 turns/2 uses) Upgrading:4 turns and 3 uses.

  • Super Wolf Fang Fist-Evil aigned characters only. You phsyically attack your opponent and a wolf image is created as you strike the opponent. Acts as a physical attack, does not take a ki.(32,000) Upgrading: None Super Wolf Fang Fist-Evil aigned characters only. You phsyically attack your opponent and a wolf image is created as you strike the opponent. Acts as a physical attack, does not take a ki.(32,000) Upgrading: None

  • Telepathy-This is an ability where the user can talk to any person they wish, any where in the galaxy. This move isn't much, but it is needed for telepathic control

  • Tri Beam-You form a triangle with your hands and shot a triangle shaped ki blast at the opponent. But if overused, it could kill the user because of an enormous amount of their own ki is used. The user dies if used 6 times in one battle. Takes 1 turn to charge.(29,000) Upgrading: None