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Earth - Free
Namek - Free
Dark Star - Free

Arena - Free

  • Earth(1xGravity)
    • Current Ruler:None
    • Current Guardian(s):None
    • Accessories:None
  • Namek(10xGravity)
  • Current Ruler:None
  • Current Guardian(s):None
  • Accessories:None
  • Dead Planet(1xGravity)
    • Current Ruler:None
    • Current Guardian:None
    • Accesseries:None
  • Vegeta(10xGravity)
    • Current Ruler:None
    • Current Guardian(s):None
    • Accessories:None
  • Freeza(10xGravity)
    • Current Ruler:None
    • Current Guardian(s):None
    • Accessories:None
  • New Vegeta(100xGravity)
    • Current Ruler:None
    • Current Guardian:None
    • Accessories:None
  • Kannasa(50xGravity)
    • Current Ruler:None
    • Current Guardian(s):None
    • Accessories:None
  • Yadrat(150xGravity)
    • Current Ruler:None
    • Current Guardian(s):None
    • Accessories:None
  • Arena1000xGravity-This planet can never be owned because it is an entire Arena. You can train for two weeks at a time for $40,000. Requires atleast 400,000 normal pl to set foot on the planet. This is where tournaments are held so make sure you have time to get there.

    • Snake Way(50x Gravity)-This is the cloudy place where snake way is. You come here right after you die. You can stay here and train if you wish but you cant learn any attacks.
    • Holy Land(50x Gravity)-This place is for good people only.
    • Hell(50x Gravity)-Only Evil and Neutral people can come to this inferno.
    • King Kai's Planet(x50 Gravity)-King kai lives here. You can come here and train for a while and learn some killer techniques
    • Other World(x100 Gravity)-This is a planet ruled by the Grand Kai. You train here by competing in tournaments.
    • Total Darkness(x200)-This place is truely unique. You can be any alignment. To get in, you must be dead and then you just think mentally that you want to go there. Once thought you open your eyes and your in complete darkness. Training here is like a spiritual way of finding inner power or buffing up your attacks. When you want to get out just think that you want to get out. Then the darkness disappears and youn reappear on Snake Way. Plus 2,000 to attacks here each week.

    Planets can also be bought and then will be put on the planets list. We will need the name of the planet, it's gravity, and it's ruler and guardian.

    • 1xGravity------------$20,000(15)
    • 10xGravity-----------$30,000(10)
    • 50xGravity-----------$40,000(7)
    • 100xGravity----------$50,000(7)
    • 150xGravity----------$60,000(7)
    • 200xGravity----------$70,000(5)
    • 250xGravity----------$80,000(5)
    • 300xGravity----------$90,000(5)
    • 350xGravity----------$100,000(4)
    • 400xGravity----------$120,000(3)