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Earth - Free
Namek - Free
Dark Star - Free

Arena - Free


The Rules of The RPG

  • 1.All Characters start out at 200,000 Power Level, if you don't like it, too bad.


  • 2.If you die you go to the designated place for your alignment, Good: Holyland or Snakeway, Evil: Hell or Snakeway, and Neutral may choose any.


  • 3.Bitching will not be tolerated!! If it continues than you will lose one week of training.


  • 4.Any questions E-mail Lynx, Cherry or Seika. Do not bother the other updaters with your problems because he/she probably will not know the answer.


  • 5.You have to be on the same planet to fight or spar.


  • 6.If you decide to attack a planet in hopes of blowing it up then you must fight all challengers that appose you on and near that planet. The guardian or ruler must fight first.


  • 7.A training master can only have one apprentice at a time. Unless its the grand kai.


  • 8.Only one person may be on the Arena at a time but not when a tornament is taking place.


  • 9.E-mail us before you start your training and be sure to state both things.(We can not read minds).


  • 10.If you become a person on the Trainers page, then you must train anyone who wants to train with that master. You do not have the moves that the masters have but can still teach them. (You can teach yourself)


  • 11.If your Power Level is reduced to 0 then you are dead. If the opponent wishes to spare you then you pass out and remain at .000005 Power Level.


  • 12.Only 3 Henchmen/Saibamen per person.


  • 13.You can not create an attack so don't ask.


  • 14.If you hold your own tournament, you must sponsor it yourself. Hence you must raise the prize money! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!


  • 15.If you do not tell us your moves when you make your character then you simply do not get them and then must train for other move.(includes desperation moves)


  • 16.If your Power is released by Guru or Bobidi then you can never change your alignment. If you go to Guru then you must be Lawful/Good or Chaotic/Good. If you go to Bobidi then you must be Lawful/Evil or Chaotic/Evil.


  • 17.You may only use 3 criticals in a row during a fight. Unless your opponent is in their Critical Zone, then only 1 may be used at a time.


  • 18.After you fight and kill someone(only if you kill), you may take their items and money.


  • 19.The ruler of a planet may have more then one guardian but he must pay 1,000 for each after the first, out of his own pocket.


  • 20.A ref MUST be present at all matches of that match never took place. A ref can be an updater or memeber, and if you are a ref then you cannot ref the match you are fighting in.


  • 21.You may only spar a max limit of two times a day, just as long as you're healed.


The Debt System

If you barrow money from anyone, then you must pay them back. You can barrow up to $50,000 at a time. This can be from multiple people. Once you get to the limit, all your Pay Checks will got to your debtors. You can not barrow or loan money till your debts are paid. And to those who loan, the purpose of the RPG is to build up your character, not someone else's. So if you don't want the money then save it for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or The Arena. Think about it, how does giving all your money out help you? However if they don't wish to be paid back they don't have to be it is there money after all.

Ability Descriptions

  • Physical-This ability is your physical strength. You must raise this by training, there are no execptions.


  • Critical-You critical is always at least +2,000 above your physical and can only be raised by training, it also stuns a oppenent for one turn.


  • Ki Attack-These attacks are your attacks based on the ki energy within each person. Each person starts at 8 Ki Attacks and Ki Attacks may be raised.


  • Block-This ability allows you to deflect half of the damage of an attack. You start with 10 of these. This may be used in addition to an attack or take your full action, your choice.


  • Evade-This ability allows you to dodge all damage of an attack. You start with 5 of these. This takes your entire action so you cannot attack the same turn you evade*

    *-Having zanzoken will allow you to evade and counter in the same action, read up on zanzoken for details on that.


  • Weapon-Weapon damage is determined by your weapon type. A Katana starts at 16,000, a Longsword starts 15,000, and a Broadsword starts at 14,000. Power poles start at 8,000. Weapon damage can be increased by training.


  • Desperation Attack-This attack is a members signature move and only he can learn it. It is made up by the player and damage is by Vegeta or another updater. This ability can be raised.

Alignment Descriptions

  • Lawful/Good-A Lawful Good character is the holiest of people. They never beak a promise, unless an outside force interferes. In Battle he is also a honest fighter and will not fight an unarmed man. He will give their weapon back if it is dropped. Also, a Lawful Good Character will resist killing at all costs, unless there is no other choice. An example of this is Goku vs Frieza, Goku let Frieza live until he had no choice but to kill him.
  • Lawful/Evil-Almost like Lawful Good but they kill without resistance. They will be as honest as a Lawful Good character but will kill anyone that fights him or her.
  • Chaotic/Good-This is a close relation to Lawful Evil. These Characters tend to do the right thing, but they are sneaky and only do what is best for themselves. They lie to promote themselves in society. If a opponent became unarmed, then the Chaotic Good person would strike while he had the chance.
  • Chaotic/Evil-Same as the Chaotic Good but does what is best for evil. He will not hesitate to kill his teammates or his henchmen, if they get in his way.
  • Neutral/Good-Neutral Good Characters tend to stay away from conflicts which involve good vs evil. But if they must decide then they sway towards the Good side, only helping when they are needed.
  • Neutral/Evil-Same as Neutral good but sways toward the Evil side of things.
  • Lawful/Neutral-This alignment chooses the side that fits his beliefs, and never turns his back on his fellow teammates. Like the Lawful Alignments but choose the side that he likes best and will leave to switch sides if he beliefs change.
  • Chaotic/Neutral-Same as the Lawful Neutral but like the Chaotic alignments instead of the Lawful.
  • True Neutral-Stays away from all conflicts. Strives to make him or herself perfect. He believes that the battle of good and evil is a waste of time and self improvement in one's own skills are the most important. Can learn moves from any alignment.