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Earth - Free
Namek - Free
Dark Star - Free

Arena - Free

Upgrading Attacks

We will put beside the attacks that are upgraded these codes so everyone can know how your attack are upgraded.

dp=attack is capable of destroying a planet.

f=attack is 1 turn faster than normal.

ki=attack only takes a half a ki.

ue=attack is un-evadable.

ub=attack is un-blockable.

ud=attack is un-defendable (un-blockable and un-evadable).

U=attack has all possible upgrades (Ultimate) Only to save space not an upgrade.

Also it takes 4 days to upgrade a No Star Attack, 8 days for a One Star Attack, and 14 days for a Two Star Attack.

Learning Attacks (from a trainer)

Attacks-It tell on the trainers page beside the trainers name

Learning Attacks (from another members)

No Star Attacks-take 4 days to learn
One Star Attacks-take 8 days to learn
Two Star Attacks-take 14 days to learn

Learning Attacks (without a trainer or member)

No Star Attacks-take 8 days to learn
One Star Attacks-take 14 days to learn
Two Star Attacks-take 18 days to learn