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Races Page

Don't get discouraged about a certian race because all races start out at 200,000 power level and all races can reach the same potential.

  • Saiyan-Saiyans are a combination of Human and Monkey. They have a Human body and a Monkey tail. They are also a magnificent warrior race from the Planet Vegeta. Saiyan transformations are known as the Super Saiyan levels. They also have the ability to turn into a gigantic ape known as the Oozaru and the Golden Oozaru, when they look at a full moon or a Simulated Moon Blast. Saiyans also get a 10,000 power level upgrade after 1 fight of being beaten to unconsciousness. When 500,000 is reached this ability no longer works.
    • Oozaru-This is the first transformation a Saiyan can under go. He tranforms in to a giant ape with massive destructive power. Oozaru cannot be activated without a saiyan tail. Those without Controlled Oozaru will recieve 10,000 damage per turn and can not revert to saiyan form. The only way that the damage stops is if your tail is cut off or you win the battle. Your Physical and Critical double during this process, but you can't use ki blasts. Adds 100,000 Power Level! Takes 1 Week to achieve.
    • Super Saiyan-The Saiyan's hair turns gold and stands on end. His muscle mass also increases a bit. Two weeks of training is required. Adds 50,000 Power Level! And it adds +3,000 to all Ki Blast, Physical, Critical, etc(not swords).
    • Super Saiyan 2-The Saiyan's hair again turns gold but this time his hair is more sharply defined with more spikes and one strand hanging down. His muscle mass is also increased again. Three weeks of training is required for this Level and a Normal Power Level of 350,000. Adds 50,000 Power Level! And it adds +5,000 to all Ki Blast, Physical, Critical, etc(not swords).
    • Super Saiyan 3-The Saiyan's hair again turns gold but this time another four feet of hair added on. Four weeks of training is required and a Normal Power Level of 500,000. Adds 75,000 Power Level! And +7,000 to all Ki Blasts, Physical, Critical, etc(not swords).
    • Golden Oozaru-This is the same as Oozaru but the fur is golden and the power of the beast is twice that of Oozaru. Your physical triples during this process and your Ki blast can be used. It also adds +3,000 to all Ki Blasts. Must have Super Saiyan 3, Oozaru, and Controlled Oozaru. This takes 4 weeks to achieve. Adds 100,000 Power Level to yourcurrent Oozaru! Half-Saiyans can not learn this.
    • Super Saiyan 4-This is the strongest form of all the Saiyan transformations. In this form the Saiyan goes back to his more beastial appearance. Their hair is black and red fur covers his stomach and shoulders. Must have a Tail and 750,000 Normal Power Level. Five weeks of training is also required. Half-saiyans are forbidden to go to this stage. Adds 100,000 Power Level! Adds +10,000 to all Ki BLasts, Physical, Critical, etc(not swords).
    • Mystic Saiyan-This is more or less the half saiyans version of SSJ4. Full blooded Saiyans can reach this for but they can not get SSJ4 if they do. In this form the Saiyan hair and eyes do not change color. Must have a 750,000 Normal Power Level. Five weeks of training is also required. Adds 100,000 Power Level! Adds +10,000 to all Ki BLasts, Physical, Critical, etc(not swords).


  • Half-Saiyan-(Tail/No Tail)-Half-Saiyans are the same as Saiyans but you can choose to be born with or without a tail. But their blood is weaker, hench putting limitations on their abilities, as with all Half-Races. When you are a half race you must choose a dominate race. place this in your background.


  • Human-Self explanitory. They don't have transformation but do have different fighting levels. yeah do however get into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for half price. Same requirements as Saiyan and same amount of levels. Their Levels are Martial Artist, Black Belt, Master and Ki Master.


  • Kaioshin-Their attacks cost half as much as normal but they start with 8 kis as normal as well. The Kaioshin are the supreme god's of the universe. There were 5 Kaioshin in total: 1 Dai Kaioshin who was in charge of 4 lower Kaioshin. Each lower Kaioshin ruled a hemispheric section of the universe, and watched over them from Heaven. A Kaioshin's lifespan is thousand's of years long. Each known Kaioshin has a mohawk and light purple skin. These supreme gods live resign in heaven on individual planet's (East Kaioshin's planet was called Kaioshin Kai). Thier Levels are Kaioshin 1, Kaioshin 2, Kaioshin 3, Kaioshin 4


  • Namek-Nameks are a green skined alien race form the planet Namek. This is normally a farming race but there are some warrior spirits among the race. The Namek transform in to Super Nameks. They have four levels and upgrade the same as Saiyans. These Aliens start of with the regeneration ability and can learn any attack one day faster then any other race because if thier intelligence and their ability to learn quickly. The Transformations are Super Namek, Mystic Namek, Sacred Namek, and Legendary Namek.


  • Android(Cell)-This is Dr. Gero finest creation and the most powerful. This Andoid can learn any attack he wishes even if it is only for a certain race. And can breathe in Space. His levels are Larva, Imperfect, Semi-Perfect, and Perfect. These level of android upgrade the same as saiyan but to get to perfect you must absorb some one in semi-perfect form. It also takes 50,000 less Power Level than Saiyan to reach the last form. Can breathe in Space.


  • Android(16)-This Android is Purely Robotic but with Artificail Intelligence. He is also extremely strong so he gets an additional 5,000 to his physical and 4,000 to his critical. His levels are Super Android 1-4. Upgrade the same as saiyan. Can not be target of any mind control or telepathic abilities.


  • Android(17&18)-These Androids are powered forever and their Ki Attacks count as only half a point per attack. but they only start off with four Ki Attacks, instead of eight. Upgrade the same as Android(16).


  • Android(19&20)-These androids are able to absorb Ki Attacks. When they Absorb a Ki 10,000 PL(Energy Absorption) is reduced form the blast. Upgrade the same as android(16). When they upgrade their Energy Absorption it only gets half the increase.


  • Changeling(Frieza)-This is the hated race of saiyans. They have four diferrent forms. Changling 1-4. Can breath in space(7 days travel to any planet). This race gets a bonus 30,000 Power Level to start off with. Upgrade the same as saiyan.


  • Makidjin(Garlic Jr.)-This is a race hated by the Nameks. They can learn and telepathy move 2 days less and get a additional 15,000 to their first transformation. The Upgrade the same as Namek.


  • Alien-Any other race in the DB, DBZ or DBGT series. If you think that a particular race should be singled out and put of this page then E-mail Goku with the name of the race and other info. Must be a real race for the series. These races get one extra ki blast(no star move) or 1 extra ki attack when they start off. Upgrade the same as Saiyans.


  • Dragoon-This is the race of the man that gave Trunks his sword. They are deadly with their blades and all dragoons start off with the blade of their choice. They hit for another 3,000 PL with a blade. Dragoons don't use brute force to win their battles. Also instead of training for pl they rely on experience, the more you fight the better you get.
    • Apprentice:5 fights, 3 wins, gain +3,000 to sword damage and +1 block. Takes 1 week to train for (can't get trainer to help).
    • Sword Master:10 fights, 6 wins, gain +5,000 to sword damage and +1 critical. Takes 2 weeks to train for.
    • Weapon Master:15 fights, 9 wins, gain +7,000 to sword damage and +1 evade, Takes 3 weeks to train for.
    • Master Dragoon:20 fights, 12 wins, +10,00 to sword damage and +1 to all stats. Takes 4 weeks to train for.