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Index of original poems.

Browse and enjoy!

A strange creature* All I noticed Faraway song* Fire Flowering image
Her face* Kissed her tears* Listen Music and wine No answer
Once more Pain Path Wind*  
Dark visions:      
A way out* Born of the devil Epitaph* Faces Going black
Honestly why? Meeting with the Devil* Mind Morality Night's companion
Soul Soul lost Strange dreams The Reaper's call Universes collided
Upon life's stage Video Dome*      
Cynic Gaze think Inside Retreat* Under the influence
Within sight of the eagle  
Medieval imagery:        
A Viking funeral Castle Under siege Sorcery* Warrior
Daughter of the Snow Queen Dragonfly Rats* Raven Spider*
On the lighter side:        
Short rhyme        
Lost emotions:        
Child Emotional poisoning Emotional toy Forgotten Fragments
I saw you again A man Missing childhood Ode to lonliness Poet
Poetry Emotion *Questions Reach out Treasure chest  
Visions in Elanthia:        

*personal favorites

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