Here in the Archive, you can find old newsletters, rare photos, old club logos, and more. If you want to submit anything to the archive send an e-mail with the attached file to RedArwing and it will be posted on the site eventually. This site looks to grow tremendously in the next few months, so keep sending things in! One Year Anniversary Newsletter Explosion - A big thank you goes out to all of you who drop by and check out the newsletters. A lot of effort went into the making of these, and I'm including them on this site so that those efforts will not go unrecognized. Please, browse, and read, remember, and bask in the glory of the EB Club days... (That was beautiful...) An "extra-special" thanks goes out to CrazedMogX who practically sent me his entire library of Newsletters. I still have dozens that I have yet to add to the Archive! This could not have been done without him. Thanks Crazed!
The Sharks
The EarthBound Gang
2-17-01 - added MSNL 3 1-27-01 - oooh! Today I added the two very first Moonside Newsletters ever! What crap! By all means, take a trip down memory lane... (The whole 12 of you...) 1-24-01 - Yesterday I added the 3rd MSN newsletter, and today I added the fourth... I plan on adding all my old Moonside Newsletters soon. Right now, I have uploaded all of the recent Moonside Newsletters for your viewing pleasure. Newsletters 20-30 can be found in the links below. I am goin got try and work witht he HTML, because these were originally in Arial font, and now they are in Times New Roman. In the future, you can expect to see stuff along the lines of homemade EarthBound Christmas Ornaments, and WAV sounds fromformer club leaders.
Moonside Newsletters
EarthBound Gang
Other Stuff
Mr. Saturn Nation