Arthur Koestler: "Letter to a Parent of a British Soldier in Palestine", 1947

mit Bezug zu: Kurt Wagenseil ("New Statesman"), IHRA 2016, "Bloomsbury Group" (Brian Howard, George Orwell), "Indien", "Orient", Berlin / Teetz / Leipzig: Hentrich & Hentrich (Benny Morris)


Arthur Koestler: "Letter to a Parent of a British Soldier in Palestine", in: "The New Statesman and Nation", Vol. 34, Issue 858, Saturday, 16. August 1947, S. 126f.

S. 126: "Dear Sir,

Every morning when you open your paper you feel sick with fear that your boy might have been kidnapped or blown to pieces by Jewish terrorists. I am a person who sympathises with the terrorists, and though I disapprove of their recent methods, I might have become one of them-by force of circumstances. I am writing to you to explain these circumstances.

I am not speaking lightly of terror; during several years I have lived in the same anxiety, for persons near to me, which you feel for your son. The persons were my mother and her family; the danger which threatened them, as Jews in German-controlled territory, was death by poison gas or quicklime. My mother was the only one who escaped. Her sister, her sister's daughter and two grandchildren were gassed. My mother's brother managed to commit suicide. Every single Jewish terrorist in Palestine has a similar story. This is the first fact you have to let sink in; without this background you will understand nothing. [...]"

Ebd.: "Palestine never was a colony or protectorate of yours; your job and raison d'être in that country was to administer a Mandate on behalf of the League of Nations and that Mandate put you under the obligation 'to faciliate Jewish immigration', to help the 'close settlement by Jews of the land' and finally the establishment of the 'National Home'. The deal concluded in 1917 and known as the Balfour Declaration had been ratified by fifty-two nations and had become the legal basis, and the only basis, of your presence in Palestine. [...]

"The White Paper of 1939* has been described as the Palestine Munich [...]".

S. 127: "You know he rest of the story. It is the story of yeat another broken pledge; of the triumph of a Foreing Office clique and Ernest Bevin's** p[..]headedness over Labour's honour. [...]

In fact the situation between Jew and Arab in Palestine is much the same as between Moslem and Hindu in India. [...] As there is no hope of reconciling these for a considerable time, the inevitable solution is to partition the country. [...] It may be argued that is was wrong to promise in 1917 a predominantly Arab country to the Jews, but this argument leads nowhere; for to-day the Jewish third in Palestine is a fact which cannot be undone, nor can their fields and orange croves be reconverted into desert and marsh. [...]

[N]ow is the time to stop disaster. For the Jews of Palestine fight for one thing only, for the oldest slogan in their history: Let My People Go. There were six million of them in Europe, only one out of ten is left. [...]"


Arthur Koestler war Autor des "Braunbuches über Reichtagsbrand und Hitlerterror" (1933), schrieb ein Nachwort zur deutschen Ausgabe von George Orwell: "1984", übersetzt von Kurt Wagenseil, Zürich: [Diana-Verlag, 1950], bis 1933 lebte er in der Künstler*innenkolonie Berlin-Wilmersdorf.

Arthur Koestler was the author of "The Brown Book of the Reichstag Fire and Hitler Terror" (1933), wrote an epilogue to the German edition of George Orwell: "1984", translated by Kurt Wagenseil, Zurich: [Diana-Verlag, 1950], until 1933 he lived in the artists' community Berlin-Wilmersdorf.

In "New Statesman", "New Series", Vol. 15, 1938, p. 452: "Two more Books on Spain"; Vol. 24, 1942, p. 255: "The Crank"; Vol. 34, 1947, p. 126: "Letter to a Parent of a British Soldier in Palestine".


[ Anmerkungen. annotations. remarques ]

* Siehe [].

** Ernest Bevin, geb. am 9. März 1881 in Winsford, Somerset, und gestorben am 14. April 1951 in London, "war ein britischer Gewerkschaftsführer und Politiker (Labour Party). Er war Arbeitsminister von 1940 bis 1945 und Außenminister von 1945 bis 1951" (WP).


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