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‘I can’t open my eyes, I can’t here anything, what’s happening? Why does it feel like it’s 500 million degree’s?’ Than groaned and rolled over he struggled to open his eyes finally they did open and he was greeted by Syl’Onora’s unblinking eyes. “Sy,..” Than tried to say the Hirgyae’s name but couldn’t. He could barely talk. ‘Am I dead?’ Than thought to himself. ‘No. If I was dead I don’t think Syl’Onora would be here.

Syl’Onora remained standing by Than for a few seconds before falling to the ground. *We,.. Seem to be,..* Even Syl’Onora seemed to be unable to communicate. Syl’Onora’s eyes begin to close briefly and Than wonder’s if the dragon is going to go to sleep, but they open again and he says, *Where?*

“Well then. You two seem to be worse off here than I would have expected. Or perhaps you just need the heat decreased a little bit and maybe something to eat and a drink?” A loud booming voice echoes throughout wherever they are. It seems to be a voice that is just abnormally loud and can’t be decreased in volume. “Pitiful. Oh well, brought you here for work and work we shall start on.” It stops and suddenly Than finds himself in something’s shadow. The voice grumbles and sighs, “Heal them, make it so they can at least stand and breath and see.”

In a matter of moments Than’s feeling of being weak is over and something lifts him to his feet. He gazes about seeing a place that looks much like the surface of Mar’s only with the heat of Mercury. Slowly turning Than found shadow like creatures picking up Syl’Onora. “Hey!” Than end up shouting and finding that he could talk. “Leave him alone!”

“Shut up boy! They mean him no harm!” Came that voice from behind Than.

Spinning around Than came face to face with an elder looking man with some gray hair and old wise eyes. “Who are you? Where am I?” Than demanded to know showing that he was not afraid.

“I am your training instructor and you are on my world.”

“Okay. Whatever.” Than said looking around and soon after he heard howls of rage, sighing he turned around and shook his head. “Syl’Onora? Knock it off.”

Once healed Syl’Onora had attacked the things trying to help them. *I don’t feel like it.*

“Well get to feeling like it right this instant. We’re in some sort of fix, definitely not where we wanted to be. Now knock off the crap and pay attention.”

Syl’Onora grumbled, but did what Than said and walked over to him. *Now what genius?*

Than grinned and couldn’t help but look down at Syl’Onora and asks, “Genius, eh? And all along I thought you thought I was a di’ra.”

*Don’t push it. I am in no mood right now and this place is really not my ideal environment.*

“You think I’m happy to be here? I thought I was dead!”

*I knew that you were not dead, but why I demanded to follow you into this place, well, I wish I hadn’t now that I’m here.*

“Isn’t this just wonderful?” The old gray haired man said while smiling.

Syl’Onora gave a fierce look at the old man and said, *No.*

“Could we possibly get back to, umm.. Where we belong?” Than asked staying where he was.

“Nope, sorry, can’t do that.” The man said who wasn’t paying attention to Syl’Onora. Syl’Onora seemed angry about this for a few seconds before deeming that the man wasn’t worth his time.

“Why not?”

“Because your idiot boy, I am Imotan and I am your new teacher.”

“Uh-huh. Right, well, I can’t really say I’m thrilled. I don’t want a teacher, I want to get back to where I belong.”

“What makes you think that at this moment you don’t belong here?”

“Because I was trying to find Shune.”

Imotan tilted his head and seemed to be thinking. “Shune?” He asked then went silent while Than tried to explain, but Imotan wasn’t listening to Than. “Ah yes, Shune, now I remember.”

Than stopped his talking and asked, “You know about Shune?”

“Why shouldn’t I?” Imotan asked, but Than remained silent. “Shune, yes, Shune and Eliya.”


“The Machesri Bishel dragon that travels with Shune.”

This gained Syl’Onora’s attention. “A Machesri with Shune? Since when? Tell me now.” He demanded.

“Some manners you have.” Imotan said giving Syl’Onora a brief glance. “But anyways, yes, Shune has been traveling with Eliya a Machesri Bishel dragon, as I said. Since when? Since about after you and Than left I believe.”

*What is the Machesri’s type and age?* Syl’Onora asked.



Imotan seemed to be thinking until he said, “Type marine-arboreal, and her age is Shrape.” With a look to Syl’Onora he asked, “Is that everything?”


Sighing Imotan was silent again then said, “Aquamarine Divine.”

*I have not heard of that.*

“Well good for you!” Imotan said. “Now enough talking! Than! Your training begins today! Syl’Onora! You shall find your element.”

Syl’Onora didn’t ask how Imotan knew that he didn’t yet know of his element, but instead he said, “I do not yet have my second name.”

Imotan rubbed his chin and nodded, “Than! Get to thinking of a second name for Syl’Onora! Think of it fast, after you have thought of it then you shall start your training.”

Two seconds later Than was sitting at a desk with a list of translated words from the Old Language. He had a paper and a pencil and surprising even him he had glasses on. Leaping up from the desk he ripped the glasses off his face and flung them to the floor them stomped on them. “What is this?” Than demanded to know.

Imotan appeared and pretended to look hurt, “What? Don’t like the glasses? I thought they’d help your eyesight.” Imotan shook his head at Than and then the glasses rose into the air and fixed themselves and were set back on the desk.

Than’s mouth dropped open and he looked a tad bit like he was disgusted. “My eyesight doesn’t need any help.” He said. “My eyesight is fine!”

Imotan frowned. “Sit down and find that dragon a second name!” He barked.

Than wanted to disobey, but for some reason he thought against it. Sitting down at the desk that was in the middle or, what seemed to be, Mars. Than picked up the list and looked at it, placing it far away from his face he blinked at it. “Let’s see, umm, .. blaze, no, blade, bland, no that’s blind, and bright,” said Than reading down the list. “Well Syl’Onora is not bright, that’s for sure.”

*I heard that, come over here and say that to my face!* Syl’Onora said growling in Than’s direction. Syl’Onora had flopped down on the rust colored dirt and yawned. Looking around he asked, *Is there in food in this place?*

Imotan turned to Syl’Onora and smirked. In a flash a large chair appeared, which seemed more like a throne to Syl’Onora. “Would you like live food or already dead?”

Syl’Onora was curious so he said, *Live.*

Another flash and a deer appeared a few feet from Syl’Onora. “There you go.” Imotan said. Syl’Onora looked from the deer to Imotan and was going to say something, but then he realized that Imotan was asleep.

*Old people.* Syl’Onora muttered.

“Never heard of the rule, respect your elders?” Imotan suddenly asked.

*So you weren’t asleep?* Syl’Onora asked getting up and running to attack the deer.

“No, no, no.” Imotan said. “Be silent when hunting.”

Syl’Onora turned his back away from the running off deer and walked up to Imotan. *So are you going to train me too, old man?*

“No.” Imotan said. “I’d rather send you back to Tr’ynka Valae.”

*How do you know about Tr’ynka Valae?*

“I know a lot of things. When you get your second name I’ll send you off for your training, but first I believe there is somebody that wants to see you.”


“Eliya, actually, she’s curious as to what a Hirgyae looks like.”

*Hmph.* Syl’Onora didn’t really have much to say. Though he was a little curious as to what an Aquamarine Divine Marine-Arboreal looked like.

“Hey! Syl’Onora!” Than called from his desk. He turned around in his chair and Syl’Onora was startled to find Than wearing the glasses that he had been disgusted at earlier.

*I thought your eyesight didn’t need any help?* Syl’Onora asked and almost laughed.

Than blinked and look back and forth between Imotan and Syl’Onora. He flung the glasses off his face, “I don’t need help with my eyesight! It was him!” He said pointing at Imotan. “He did it!”

Syl’Onora looked between Imotan and Than. *Whatever, it doesn’t matter to me. Though having a caretaker who has a weakness is never good, now is it?*

“I don’t have a weakness!”

“He’s far-sided.” Imotan said. “Not that bad, but when he reads he has to take his time, it slows him down.”

Syl’Onora remained silent about this and instead turned to Than and asked, *What were you going to say?*

“How about Aug d’kertoman’madal for a second name?”

Imotan tilted his head then turned to Syl’Onora and asked, “What’d he say? Gibberish?”

*Aug d’kertoman’madal.* Syl’Onora said. *Blade of the Shadow Death. Shadow is referring to the presence of evil. Pronounced, awg duh CARE-toe-mawn ma-DALL.*

“Yeah.” Than said scratching his head. The pronunciation of the second name had him a bit confused, he’d have to try to remember how to pronounce it right. “So,… Do you like it?”

Syl’Onora nodded once and said, “It shall be my second name, for you are the one to give it to me and so you have.”

Imotan still looked confused, but he really wasn’t. “Right then. Syl’Onora Aug d’kertoman’madal. Long name. You could have added some of it to his first name.”

“No.” Than said and shook his head. “His first name stays as it is.”

“Right,” said Imotan. “Now for your training to start. In the mean time, Syl’Onora can go hunt for his deer.”

Syl’Onora glared at Imotan. *That is Syl’Onora Aug d’kertoman’madal to you.”

“Whatever.” Imotan said. “Now get going.”

*You’ll pay for that.* Syl’Onora muttered.

Imotan spun around towards Syl’Onora. “I have had it with you!”

Syl’Onora looked over his shoulder. *And I with you.*

“Fine then!” Imotan yelled. “Goodbye Syl’Onora.” With a snap of his fingers Syl’Onora vanished.

“What did you do?!?!” Than yelled after his few minutes of trying to find out what happened had passed.

“Oh relax!” Imotan said. “Syl’Onora, no, Syl’Onora Aug d’kertoman’madal, has been sent to train with his instructor because I have no time to try and teach him.”

“His instructor?”

“Yes, now, it’s time for you to get to work.”

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