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*Psssst. Wake up! Wake up blast you!*

Than groaned, ‘Whoever is bugging me is going to die.’ Than thought as he lifted his head and looked around. Seeing a quick rustle of leaves off to the side he caught sight of a green arboreal with two front legs, “Jarod.” He muttered, knowing instantly who the Bishen was.

*Correct. Sorry to interrupt your nap, but I do believe that you are to speak with Tr’ynka Valae. I shall warn you, he’s not the best to have a chat with.*

“Whatever. Why does he want to see me though?”

*Well you did apply for a Hirgyae egg. And yes. That is why he wishes to see you. Now though I must be off much to do. Bye now!*

Than watched as Jarod flew off to do something important most likely, “So I get to talk with the Hirgyae Clan’s representative. This might be fairly interesting.” Yawning Than walked to where he thought he might find Tr’ynka Valae.

The talk was brief, but interesting indeed. Occasionally, though Than tried not to, he ended up talking rudely to the Hirgyae Clan member. Tr’ynka Valae didn’t seem very disturbed or irritated by it and soon Than found himself holding onto a dark green egg, the only male from the Hirgyae clutch. “Syl’Onora.” Than muttered. “Syl’Onora.” He gazed down at the green egg in his arms and smiled. Then Than nodded at Tr’ynka Valae not really knowing if he was to say something, but the representative merely seemed to nod slightly then walked back to the other eggs. Than again glanced down at the egg, it didn’t seem very happy, if you can say an egg seems happy or not.

Than walked along for a while, not sure of what to do now. Once again his eyes fell on the egg, “You know what? I heard that eggs are fully aware of what is going on around them before they hatch.” The egg didn’t do anything and Than didn’t think it would in the first place.


Turning around with a angry look on his face Than found Heath running towards him. “What?”

Heath peers closely at Than then at the egg, “You got one?” Than nods and says yes, “B’Elanna said that Anak said that I should come here to get you.” Heath carefully reached out his hand trying to touch the green egg held tightly by Than but soon a foot was in his face and he stopped.

“Don’t touch.” Than said.

“Protective aren’t you?”

“Perhaps. Lead the way.” It wasn’t a request, it was more of an order. Heath shrugged and nodded then started off in the direction he came from. “Were you ill?”

Heath blinked when he realized that Than was yet again talking to him after walking in silence for several minutes. “I’m not sure. I seem to be fine now.” Heath said. “You going to want a backpack or something for that?” He asked nodding towards the egg.

“His name is Syl’Onora, not that or it.” Than growled.

“Okay. So are you?”


“Heath! Heath! You idiot just answer if this stupid invention is working!” B’Elanna’s voice cut into Than’s thoughts and he grumbled.

Heath smiled and grabbed something hanging on the side of his jeans. Flicking a small switch on it he said, “Yup B’Elanna amazingly it is working. How do you do it?”

“Umm.. I don’t know. I’m just glad I have communication between my house or world or whatever and the Bishen Realm.” B’Elanna sighed. “So what’s up? Anak right again?”

Heath glanced at Than, “Well, yeah I suppose. Than got an egg. A female?” He asked giving Than a questioning look.

Than would have punched Heath if it weren’t for Syl’Onora filling his arms at the moment. “Male you idiot.”

“A male I mean.” Heath said.

“Cool.” B’Elanna said, “Name?”

Heath looked at Than who said, “Your memory is unbelievable. Syl’Onora.” Heath smiled then told B’Elanna. They both talked a while longer until it was time to go back to where B’Elanna actually was.

Than headed towards the door immediately after they got back and was down the stairs in a flash. “Hey wait!” B’Elanna yelled after him. He went towards the front door and stopped wondering what the dark haired girl had to say. “Aren’t you going to stay for a night or two until you find out what you are going to do?” She asked inching towards him.

“Blanket and backpack.” Was all that came from Than’s mouth.

“Excuse me?”

“All I require from you is a blanket and a backpack.” B’Elanna nodded.

“Okay, well I’ll go grab you some blankets and a backpack.” She said and ran off.

Heath looked at Than then at B’Elanna. “Um, I’ll help you!” He said and ran after B’Elanna.

Than stood and looked around at the mansion noticing a few things here and there that he hadn’t paid attention to before. B’Elanna jogged back down the stairs a while later and was about to through the backpack she had in her hands to Than but didn’t because of him holding on to Syl’Onora. “Won’t you let him go for a second?”

Than shifted Syl’Onora so that he was only holding him with one arm and took the backpack B’Elanna held out for him. “Thanks.” Than said, but somehow B’Elanna didn’t really think he meant it.

Shrugging she said, “You’re welcome. Blankets are in there along with a few things you didn’t ask for. I thought they might help you out though. Are you traveling on foot?” Than nodded and then B’Elanna did the same. Heath came bolting down the stairs just then.

“You leaving then?” Heath asked Than who nodded more then before Heath or B’Elanna could say goodbye he was out the door and gone. B’Elanna scratched her head a minute then peeked out of the door, but Than wasn’t in sight. Sighing she pulled her head back in and turned to Heath. She gave him a look to say, “What’s going to happen to him?” And Heath merely said, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to him Lana, so don’t look at me.”

“And the egg? Syl’Onora?”

“I don’t know B’Elanna, I don’t know.”

Than smirked as he snuck out from behind the mansion. Still smirking he took out a set of keys from his pants pocket. “Sorry brother, but I lied. I’m not going on foot.” He muttered to himself as he checked on Syl’Onora who was in the backpack surrounded by the two blankets. Than was actually pleased at what B’Elanna had given, some cash as well as a couple of matches and other things. “Seems you’re set to go.” He said to Syl’Onora as he put on the backpack and walked to Heath’s motorcycle. In a hurry he started it up and went down the driveway as fast as he could. Inside the mansion Heath and B’Elanna jumped up and went to the window.

“That little lying brat!” Heath said, “He took my motorcycle.”

“Yeah, and I don’t think he has a license either.” B'Elanna said, but then she didn't think that Than was worrying about that.

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Page 16~Syl'Onora

Full Moon Graphics