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The morning was bright and the light from the sun shone into Than’s room. Grumbling and not at all ready to get up Than stomped over to the window and pulled the curtain shut to stop the intruding light. Still grumbling he walks slowly back over to the bed and crawled back under the covers. After a few minutes of not being able to get back to sleep Than walks out to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

Than growled while eating a bowl of cereal at hearing somebody yell, “If you don’t get up right this instant!” The voice threatened. It was B’Elanna yelling at Heath.

“Leave me alone.” Than heard his brother growl back at B’Elanna.

“No!” B’Elanna said and poked Heath who was napping on the couch, “Get up!”

“I don’t want to.” Heath mumbled.

B’Elanna threw her hands into the air, “Fine!” Stepping out into the living room Than went to his room not looking at the angry B’Elanna. Opening the door to his room Than took a bite of the cereal he had taken with him. “Syl’Onora?” He asked sitting next to the egg. Naturally the green egg didn’t respond. Than tapped the egg, “You gonna hatch yet?” Again Than didn’t get an answer. “I have a feeling you don’t like me that much. Of course then again the Hirgyae don’t like humans do they? Hmph. I don’t like them either.” Than looked down at the egg, “Did I get your attention perhaps? Well, humans have hurt you and they’ve hurt me as well. They say they help us, yeah right, they change us for their benefit. I’m less human than most.” Than flopped on the bed not saying anymore except, “You think about that while you’re an egg.” A knock on the door made Than stop thinking for a moment. “Come in.” He said dully.

B’Elanna was not happy as she opened the door. Seeing Thans look at her B’Elanna smiled or tried to anyways. “Sorry about that. Your brother is impossible. Anyways I was just going to ask you if you wanted to go riding?” Than wasn’t thrilled he didn’t like to ride horses. He could stand it, but he didn’t like it. Than remained silent. “You don’t want to.” B’Elanna stated.

Than nodded and said, “No I don’t want to.”

B’Elanna sighed and shrugged, “That’s fine. Just thought I’d ask.” Just then Heath walked in.

“I’m 16 and your 15 right Than?” He asked yawning. Than raised his eyebrows at his brother and nodded. “Huh.”

B’Elanna rolled her eyes at him, “You are strange indeed.”

“Lana?” Heath asked.

“What now? And why are you calling me Lana?”

“Because it’s shorter. So, what are you doing?”

“Seeing if Than wanted to go riding.”

“Why didn’t you ask me?”

“You wouldn’t get up you lazy bum! I tried to ask you, but I could barely talk to you!”

“I would have if you asked. And I’m not lazy!”

“Oh go jump in a lake and leave me be!” B’Elanna said growling lightly.

“Okay.” Heath said and walked turned to the door.

“You know I didn’t mean that.”

“Oh. B’Elanna I’m sorry. I’ll go riding. I will! Eh…” Than watched B’Elanna’s face change from semi-angry and frustrated to practically normal, practically.

“Don’t be sorry.” She said, “I’m not mad or anything.”

“Well good.”

“Shut up.”


“You two do not make any sense.” Than said when suddenly B’Elanna was looking at Syl’Onora’s egg curiously. “Don’t touch him.” Than growled as B’Elanna reached out a hand wanting to touch the egg.

“Why not?” She asked.

“Because I told you not to b-” But Than didn’t get the word out because a first flew at him knocking him backwards slightly.

Heath glared, “Watch your mouth brother.”

“And you just watch out. I’m a better killer than you are.” Than smirked back at Heath. A foot connected with Than’s stomach and he went backwards more. “What you want a fight?”

“They may say that you can kill better, but are you sure of that yourself?” Heath muttered.

“Who knows? Let’s find out.”

“Maybe later.” Heath and Than stared at each other for a long time and all was silent.

B’Elanna broke the silence finally by saying, “I think we should let your brother be. Okay Heath?” Heath didn’t say anything just nodded slowly then left with B’Elanna. When they were back in the living room B’Elanna turned to Heath, “You okay?” She asked while Heath glared at the floor.

Heath’s angry look vanished almost instantly and he smiled at B’Elanna, “I’m fine. I just don’t like such disrespect. This is your home after all. Not to mention it’s just not nice.”

“Oh.” B’Elanna muttered. “Well I can stick up for myself you know.”

“I know.”

“Oh.” She muttered again.

“Lana? Er, I mean, B’Elanna? Are you okay?”

B’Elanna looked up at Heath and gazed into his blue eyes as if having a staring contest, “I’m fine.” But Heath could see tears in her eyes, though perhaps it was just because she hadn't blinked yet.

“If something is wrong you can tell me you know.”

“Nothing is wrong.” B’Elanna was pretty much deep in thought at the moment. “I’m going to go work.”

“Not all day you aren’t!” Heath said as she began to walk away towards her lab. “I’m not going to let you lock yourself in that lab all day. We’re going riding sometime today.” B’Elanna nodded and said okay. “I mean it! I’ll break into that lab if I have to!” More nodding and then B’Elanna walked away to her lab.

Heath let out a gust of air, shaking his head he went over to sit on the couch. Mary came out of the kitchen just then. Taking one look at Heath she asked, “What's the matter dear?”


“Well it doesn’t look like there’s nothing wrong. Well, would you like some of my new brownies?” An alarm sounded and Mary jumped high into the air. "Oh no!" She said and ran back into the kitchen.

All Heath said was, “Ehh..”

Meanwhile Than was in his room cursing at his brother. “He better watch it. He’s become to much like a normal person.” He muttered. “And he’s getting to be to much like a friend to that Vawntika.” Than smirked, “Perhaps I should just get rid of Ms. Vawntika.” Turning to the dark egg next to him he asked, “What do you think Syl’Onora? One less human for this infernal planet?” The male Hirgyae egg didn’t respond as well it wouldn’t. “I wonder what you’re going to look like. What color are you going to be?” Than tapped the eggshell. “Aren’t you getting squished in there? I wonder if there has ever been any Closter phobic wyrms. They’d probably try to hatch quickly. You know, you’re really putting my plan back. You haven’t hatched and you need to get your strength before my genius plan gets set in action.” Than stopped talking and laid back onto the bed. As soon as he was dozing off from boredom Than heard a small crack. ‘Probably just my imagination.’ He thought then he heard a faint little growl. ‘That might have been imagination.’ He sat up and looked towards the egg. “What?” Than asked aloud when he saw a small silverish looking thing poking through the shell. More growling emitted and the silver/gray thing vanished from sight. Cracks appeared, growling increased and then it all stopped. “What?” Than asked again, “Did you give up?” He reached forward and chipped off a piece of the egg. A red eye flashed before him quickly before disappearing back into the darkness of the egg. “Need some help?” Than asked sarcastically. Loud growling was his only answer. “Fine then. Get yourself out.”

Syl’Onora kicked, scratched and growled until he was almost out of the small egg. Finally with one final kick he was out. Than was staring out of the window when he heard Syl’Onora get out. “Took long enough.” Than said and turned to Syl’Onora. Before him stood a black Terran with glaring red eyes. There was also an odd looking spike like thing near the top of his nose. “So that’s what you look like.” Than muttered. “You supposed to have that spike thing?” He asked reaching towards Syl’Onora.

Syl’Onora backed away from Than slightly. Than pulled his hand away then sat silent for a few moments. He sighed, “I thought we went over this. Oh well. You better get used to me being with you though, I am your caretaker after all.” Syl’Onora yawned at Than as if saying he didn’t care and didn’t need a caretaker. “Stay here. I’m going to go get you something to eat. If you’re hungry. You hungry? Oh yeah. Not enough strength for telepathy yet. Never mind.”

Than didn’t really know what to get, so he got a little of everything he thought Syl’Onora would like. Placing the food down for the wyrm Syl’Onora looked at it and nipped at it slightly. After finding out Than hadn’t poisoned it or such nonsense he ate. When he was done Syl’Onora let out a small burp and Than shook his head, “Some manners.” He muttered. The black wyrm seemed tired which was an understatement for a second later Syl’Onora was asleep. “Well get your strength up little wyrm. I need to get my plan in action.” Syl’Onora shivered slightly and Than smiled, truly smiled at him. Grabbing a blanket Than put in over Syl’Onora and said, “I have the feeling I’m going to like being around you more when you are asleep rather than awake.” Then he got up and left the actually peaceful looking wyrm sleeping on the bed.

Five days later Than was up and about while Syl’Onora was still sleeping or so Than thought. B’Elanna and Heath did not yet know that the egg had hatched. Syl’Onora was strolling about the mansion. He let out a growl every now and then at a shadow he thought was invading his space. In the living room he found everything so boring. Yawning Syl’Onora spotted a stereo system. Not knowing what it was he blinked while looking at the small lights on it. For some reason he didn’t really like it that much so he decided to ram into it head on. After he did so a soft beautiful song filled the mansion. Syl’Onora growled wondering why the thing hadn’t died and why it now made noise. He hit it again trying as hard as he could to get it to be quite. Finally the stereo started playing rock music really loud throughout the mansion. Lucky Sofi was off in her library not being disturbed at all because of her magical object. B’Elanna, Heath, and Mary though, were instantly aware of the rock music. Syl’Onora was angry at first but then he caught on to the music. Surprisingly the little wyrm liked it. To him it was a lot better than the stupid music that was on before.

B’Elanna burst into the living room with Heath following close behind. She took one look around the place then her eyes fell on the little black sitting calmly in front of the stereo. “What the?” She muttered.

“That things not like Sofi.” Heath muttered.

“What was your first clue? It's black?” B’Elanna asked.

Than walked into the house just then and smirked at Syl’Onora, “Well.. I guess you just can’t stay in one spot.” He listened to the music briefly, “Nice choice, we have similar tastes Syl’Onora.”

“So he’s hatched?” B’Elanna asked Than while picking up the remote to the stereo and clicking the off button. She looked the stereo over not wanting to get to close to Syl'Onora. “Good he didn’t kill it.” She said.

Syl’Onora growled at B’Elanna but he too kept away from her as she was keeping away from him. “Well Syl’Onora what do you have to say for yourself?” Than asked. No answer.

“He kind of looks like you.” B’Elanna stated. Than turned to her and she continued, “He’s black and has red eyes. You have black hair and red eyes.”

“Shut up.” Than said and crossed over to Syl’Onora. “I’ve read about blacks. Fearless they say. Tell me, are you afraid of me?” Syl’Onora kept his ground and raised his head high as if say, ‘I fear nothing.’ Than reached out his hand to touch Syl’Onora. In one swift move the little wyrm bit Than’s hand hard. “Ow! Why you little….grrrr..”

“Awww. How cute. He likes you!” B’Elanna muttered grinning and Than found it increasingly difficult not to walk over to B’Elanna and punch her.

B’Elanna’s face changed just then and she looked like she was listening to something, *He has hatched.* It was Sofi, she didn’t sound happy. *He’s knows I’m here, I think he’s trying to find me.*

‘Do not fear Sofi, he shall not find you. That little devil dragon shall never find you.’ B’Elanna thought back to Sofi.

*He shall. Determination runs strong within the little Bishel. I do not wish to see him and he knows that as well.*

‘No Sofi, he won’t. If you are really that scared go down with Anak.’

*I hate Anak, he’s so annoying.*

B’Elanna grinned, ‘Oh just turn him off then.'

From where Sofi was she also grinned, *Oh..Right.. Okay B’Elanna, but, be careful around that little guy. He packs a punch even if he isn’t that old. I believe that darkness runs within him and he does not like you. I’m surprised that his hatred doesn’t go to Than as well.*

‘He doesn’t hate Than?’

*Tolerates, I don’t think he likes him just tolerates.*

“Who could stand Than?” B’Elanna asked aloud and then quickly realized she had been zoning out almost completely. “Why is everybody looking at me?”

“Who could stand me huh? Well I don’t think anybody could. And what, might I ask, is with the talking to yourself?” Than asked smirking, “You really are nuts aren’t you? Probably ever since that stupid mother of yours died.”

“How did you know about my mother? And she is not stupid!”

“I know a lot of things.” Than said shrugging.

Heath sighed and scratched the back of his head. “I feel left out in this conversation.” B’Elanna smiled at his remark.

Than shook his head and walked towards the back door. He turned back to Syl’Onora, “You better follow.” He said. Syl’Onora growled he didn’t want to follow anybody. “Come on now.” Finally Syl’Onora decided to go with Than. They walked far and soon Than found the little black wyrm was getting tired. Once Than offered to carry Syl’Onora, but the wyrm would not have that so he walked a few feet behind Than. They sat silently far into the mountains. Than was yawning, “What is it with me? I’m always so tired. And every time I fall asleep those infernal dreams come up. AH!” Syl’Onora was giving the death glare to a bird singing in the tree beside him. He looked at Than and found his caretaker sleeping. Growling made Syl’Onora jump and turn to face what looked like a large cat, a panther perhaps? He growled back at it, but then decided not to try and battle the creature. He’d lose and he knew it. Slowly Syl’Onora backed away from the feline and went behind Than. Syl’Onora bit Than hard causing the enhanced human to jolt awake. “Oh, whose your friend Syl’Onora?” Than asked tiredly. Syl’Onora silently cursed his getting stuck with what he thought was a complete idiot. It didn’t take long for Than to find out the thing before him was not a friend and he instantly leapt up. “You just have to get in trouble don’t you?” He said glaring at Syl’Onora who glared back as if saying, ‘Shut up moron and take care of the beast. I would and I’d take care of you as well, but I’m a little small here!’ His next thoughts were he could kill them even if he was small. The beast leapt straight at Syl’Onora but Than’s eyes flashed and he immediately sent the cat sprawling backwards. “Stupid cat. I hate cats!” Than zipped through the air and made the cat stay back until it got the idea that Syl’Onora was not on the menu. “I said it once and I’ll say it again. I am not a cat person.”

‘He just..’ Syl’Onora was confused, ‘I could have done that! Hmph.’ Head high in the air Syl’Onora walked past Than and down the path. Than watched the little black walk away and merely shook his head.

“Five days old and you take him out for a three hour walk about the mountains?” B’Elanna asked as soon as Than walked in the door with Syl’Onora close by.

“He is not a weakling.” Than said.

B’Elanna shook her head, “I can’t believe you.”

“Great. Nobody can anyways. Why would the supposed genius?” Than muttered he didn’t really care what B’Elanna thought. It was getting time for his little plan to be put into action, but first Syl’Onora had to be ready. Than rubbed his head red eyes suddenly flashing intensely. He almost fell over but then kept upright.

"Supposed genius? Let me tell you something you, you,.."

Heath walked in then, taking one glance at Than his eyes widened, “You okay?” He asked.

“I’m fine.” The red-eyed individual walked off and Syl’Onora followed not wanting to stay with B’Elanna or Heath.

“Two days.” Than said as soon as he sat down. “We leave in two days. I’ll get things around tonight and you work on getting as strong and healthy as you can.” Syl’Onora didn’t see the point in his mind he was the strongest wyrm in all time. “I mean it.” Than got up still rubbing his head every now and then. “We’ve got to get this done. Then perhaps we can figure out what element you are. Unless of course you already know.” Sighing Than said, “I wish you could talk.”

Two days later Than was ready to go. Silently he crawled towards the lab where the Dimensional Teleporter was stored. Syl’Onora, after much difficulty, was finally convinced to ride in a backpack on Than’s back. It didn’t make the little black happy to say the least. ‘Why me?’ Was most likely the thought going through Syl’Onora’s mind.

“Okay. Codes. Well these are the ones to the Bishen Realm. Now for some of my own. Let’s see. To get to where I need to go I’d have to put something like. Genetics. That’ll be the first.” Than paused to think, “Evil. Second. Now for the third. Time.” Than stopped and looked at the last word. “Time?” It was the first thing that came to Than’s mind and he didn’t know why but he decided that it worked.

“Now to start.” Than said and after a while he finally figured out how to make the thing go. A count down started and Than stepped into the small enclosure. Zero sounded about the room and Than along with Syl’Onora were gone.

Anak burst on every screen there was in the mansion. “This is not good.” He said sadly while Sofi also started awake. She agreed and they both alerted B’Elanna.

“WHAT?!” B’Elanna was shaking with anger, “That little brat did what?”

“There is more.” Anak said on a screen in the living room as Heath and B’Elanna sat on the couch. Sofi was watching as well and keeping away from Heath as much as possible. “I checked what he put in for where he was trying to go. Genetics, evil, and time were what he put in.”

“Whatever! I don’t care about the codes. We need to bring him back this instant.”

“It is not possible.” Anak said.

“Explain.” B’Elanna demanded.

“Unknown to anybody until I ran checks, well, there was a malfunction when he left. The DT is broken. I don’t know if we can fix it, I’m working as we speak, but I don’t know. I do know however how it happened.” He paused and B’Elanna waited for him to continue, “The third code.” Was all Anak said.

“Time!” Heath jumped up surprising B’Elanna.

Scratching the back of her head B’Elanna nodded, “Time travel. He went through time, not through dimensions. The DT wasn’t made for that. Actually it wasn’t made for that because I had deemed time travel impossible. The idea is to outrageous. I’m so confused.” B’Elanna looked up at the ceiling.

*Do not be confused. I understand. The last thing Than implemented into the DT was time making the DT actually take him through time. The malfunction was created because the internal computer of the DT couldn’t understand what was meant so it sent Than into the past, present, or future. The question now is which one and how do we get him back?* Sofi smiled lightly as B’Elanna looked at her shocked.

Slowly B’Elanna nodded, “I hate that brother of yours Heath. I could be rid of him forever now.” Sighing B’Elanna shakes her head and walks off towards her lab saying, “I better get to work.”

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Page 16~Syl'Onora

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