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“Not talking to me, eh?” Than asked peering down at Syl’Onora. “Guess not. What is with you? I mean I’m not going to bite you. You can talk to me. Say something!” Than through his arms into the air at the utter frustration with Syl’Onora who glared at Than.

Bending his head down slightly Syl’Onora peered around him. They sat in a large field far from the city they had left that night. He found it to be a happy place, but he didn’t like it. Than continued to grumble about Syl’Onora not saying anything which bothered the black wyrm. ‘Perhaps if I say something to him he’ll shut up. What to say?’ Syl’Onora thought to himself. Smirking in his own way Syl’Onora turned towards Than and said, *Di’ra.*

“Excuse me?” Than asked, but when he didn’t get an answer he went silent.

Syl’Onora didn’t say anything else. ‘Good.’ He thought. ‘He shut up.’

Than growled at Syl’Onora which actually shocked the wyrm though he wouldn’t let his surprise show. “You better speak to me or else.”

Syl’Onora yawned and stared up at the sky. ‘Or else what?’

“I warned you.” Than says smirking picking up a small pebble. He tosses it at Syl’Onora’s head with a small sound it hits the back of the black wyrms head.

‘He didn’t…He did.’ Syl’Onora silently curses to himself. Spinning himself around as fast as possible the little dragon jumps at Than. *Never do that again.* He growls.

Than picks up another pebble. “All I want you to do is talk to me.”

*Talk to you? A fool that throws a pebble at my head? No. I shall not talk to such a person, never, you have just earned yourself a painful death.*

“Oh really?” Than asks almost laughing.

*Do not underestimate me.*

“You cannot kill me.”

*Perhaps not yet, but you wait. I shall show you, I shall show everybody. I am not to be messed with.*

Than sat down on a large rock in the field and turned to Syl’Onora curiously, “Show them that you are not to be messed with? I’m afraid I don’t understand you. Nobody has messed with you. Okay so I threw a pebble at your head. Wow.”

*You are a complete moron. Do you know this?*

“Thanks Syl’Onora. I now know that. One question little guy.”

*Don’t call me little.*

“Nevermind then. I wanted to know if you were going to get bigger anytime soon.”

*I shall. Why?*

“Just wondering. Well isn’t this nice. You’re actually talking to me for once. I knew you could talk to me, it’s not that hard now is it?”


“Oh. Shut up.”

*You’ve wanted me to talk now you say for me to shut up. I shall not be told to shut up. Nobody can tell me what to do I do as I please.*

“Fine. You go and do as you please. If you’re so sick of being around me then you can leave me and go starve to death. I’m here to take care of you Syl’Onora, but if you don’t want to live and you’d rather go off on your own then fine. Go!” Syl’Onora didn’t move. Some realization came over him that as long as he was small and new to this world he wouldn’t be able to leave Than. “You finally get it? This world isn’t going to give you anything you want Syl’Onora. You have to go and get it for yourself.”

*Well they should.*

“Should what? Give you anything your heart desires? No. They aren’t going to do that.”

*I will make them then. I will rule this pathetic world.*

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

*I do not kid.*

“Okay, okay. You rule the world then.”

*I shall.*

“Fine then!” Than said looking up at the sky.

*Fine indeed!*

Than watched as the sky grew dark and night was near. Yawning he got off of the rock and made up his little bed while Syl’Onora laid down on the ground back turned to Than. Just before he went to sleep Than tossed Syl’Onora a blanket. The black wyrm looked at Than briefly and said, *I do not need a blanket.*

“Take it anyway you stubborn dragon. It’s going to be cold tonight.” Than said and then went to sleep. Syl’Onora stared at Than for a few second then curled up in the blanket.

Than’s dreams came to him again, but the message was not the same as the last one he had. It was strange, strange as dreams could always be. He was running in a dark hallway that seemed to never end. Eventually the hallway turned to light and somebody yelled, “Why did you go?” The voice sounded familiar, but Than couldn’t place it with a face he knew of. Suddenly he wasn’t in a hallway anymore, he was in a large place with nothing but a gray sky and dirt, mud ground. “Go back.” A faint whisper filled Than’s ears. “Go back.” Everything grew dark and a small face appeared covered in red flames. Blood slid down the face. “Go back.”

For some reason unknown to Than he woke up just then. It was near daylight, but not quite. He turned to look at Syl’Onora who was shivering slightly. Deciding that it was time for him to get ready to get going Than tossed his blankets on the shivering wyrm and got around.

Syl’Onora blinked as he woke up. The day was bright and he yawned grumbling at the bright sun wishing there was a dark sun instead. He scrambled to get up finding it quite hard to do so. Syl’Onora quickly realized that it was because there were many blankets on him instead of one. *Why?* He asked himself.

“Well you wouldn’t quit shivering so I put every blanket I had on you.”

*What about yourself?*

Than shrugged and didn’t say anything about Syl’Onora’s question. “Get to eating something, we have to leave soon.” Syl’Onora growled. He didn’t like being to be told what to do, but he ate just the same.

Later Than got on the motorcycle with Syl’Onora in the backpack and the other things in small packs on the motorcycle. Syl’Onora poked his head out and blinked slightly. *You’re going to the wrong way.* He said to Than.

“No I’m not. I have to go back.”

*You are a confusing person.*

“Yup.” Was the only answer Syl’Onora got. Sighing the little wyrm watched everything that went zipping by. ‘Oh well. One day I shall show everybody just what Syl’Onora is capable of. One day I won’t be as little as I am. I’ll show them.’ Syl’Onora thought then he drifted off into sleep as Than drove on.

Than rubbed his forehead briefly before driving on. "Great," mumbled Than. "Another headache. Does a person always have so many headaches?" He asked himself. Shaking his head Than once again decided not to worry about it. "Whatever." He said and forced back a yawn. He didn't want to get a bug in his mouth or something like it. 'How exactly am I going to get back to the past though? That's one thing I'd like to know. How did I get here in the first place. Wait. Nevermind. Ah! I'll figure that out later.' Mind made up yet again he continued down the road.

When Than got back to the city he had left only a what seemed minutes earlier he found that everybody was acting very strange. Whispers about people leaving were heard through the entire place. Stopping near a couple older ladies he asked, "Who left?" They looked at him startled. "I just want to know." Than said.

One looked to the other and finally they gave him an answer. "All of the children at that facility over there up and left! We don't know much but we heard that they took a ship and left!"

"Shune?" Than smiled. 'She got them out.' He thought, but then he was puzzled. "What do you mean ship?" He asked the ladies.

"A ship."

"They went by water? There isn't any water around here."

"Honey you are clearly missing us. A space ship! They went to the star's. Up and left to the star's. I must say though, the people in charge of the facility aren't happy."

"No," said Than. "I'm sure they aren't." He said, but in his mind he was thinking, 'Darn you Shune! How am I supposed to follow you into space?!' "Excuse me ladies, but is there a specific place where ships leave around here?"

"Of course lad. There has always been the Internation Space Travelling agency. They can get you to anywhere in the galaxy!"

"Riiight." Than said. "And where is this place?"

The other lady now piped up. "Why it's on Cranburrik Lane. 756 Cranburrik Lane to be precise."

"And where is that?"

"Here, I'll draw you a map."

Than looked down at the map in his hands. "Wonderful." Though he didn't really think that about the map. It was a bunch of lines with names here and there of roads. "Thank you." Than said, but then though, 'For practically nothing.'

*She left?* Syl'Onora's voice cut into Than's thoughts. *She got them out like you told her to?*


*Now you have to find her and she's in space?*

"Looks like it doesn't it?"

*Good luck.*

Than sighed. "And once again I get absolutely no help whatsoever from Syl'Onora the black, stubborn, dragon."


"Whatever. I hope these places are free."


"I'm just trying to look on the bright side."

*I prefer darkness.*

"Well here it is. The ISTA." Than said coming to a stop in front of a large building. Getting off the motorcycle he went in with Syl'Onora growling the entire way about being in a backpack. "Look. If somebody was to see you and freak out and want to experiment on you we'd all be doomed."

*They wouldn't even be able to touch me.*

"Whatever." Than said then walked up to the counter where a lady was typing away. "Excuse me." He said trying to be polite, but he didn't get an answer. "Excuse me!" He said louder.

The lady turned to him, "Yes?" She asked with a very high voice that hurt Than's ears.

"Yes. I wish to get to go on a ship to find a friend."

"And where would you like to go?"

"Umm.. Well that's just it, I don't know where my friend went."

The lady blinked at him and wrinkled her nose. "Okay so you want to rent a ship?"

"Umm, what do you mean?"

The lady opened her mouth then closed it then opened it again to say, "You want to find your friend, but you don't know where he or she has gone. So you want to rent a ship so you can go out and find them?"

"Yeah. That'll work." Than said no longer confused.

"What kind of ship would you like?"

"Something that goes?"

"Okay. Well our best ship is $358,426.87 to take for a couple days."

Than smacked his forehead. "Where is this ship located? Can I take a look at it?"

"Certainly dear. If you would please take a seat I'll have a captain come out to show you it."

Than grumbled. "$358,426.87. You've got to be kidding me."

*Then why are you looking at it. You don't have that much. You don't have hardly anything in money.*

"I have a plan." Than whispered to Syl'Onora.

*What do you,.. oh.. There might be guards. I'll get those.*

"Slow down."

"Sir?" Somebody asked. "Right this way. I shall show you the ship." It was a tall man with blond hair and green/blue eyes. Than got up and followed him out to where the ships were. "Here it is."

"This things small!" Than said.

"This is our largest ship here. Would you like to take a look inside?"

"Yeah sure." Than said.

Syl'Onora peeked his head out at the ship for a split second then pulled his head back into the backpack. *Another thought has crossed my mind. How are you going to fly this ship?*

Than hadn't thought about that. "Maybe I can get this guy to show me." He whispered to Syl'Onora.

The inside of the ship wasn't that bad. It was small, but it was plenty big for just Than and Syl'Onora. "So how do you fly it?"

"Well sir. This is one of our greatest models. Unlike most where you have to fly it this ship you just tell it where to go and it will go there."

"Just like that?" Than asked.

"Yes sir."

"How fast does it go?" Was Than's next question.

"As fast as you need. This is one of our fastest ships." It wasn't a good answer Than thought, but it would work.

"Thank you." Than said. "I'll go now."

*You're going to steal it aren't you?* Syl'Onora asked when Than was standing next to the motorcycle.

"What do you think?" Than asked.

*I think you are.*

"Tonight. We'll have to move quickly. I don't know what it's like here at night and how heavily guarded these ships are. I shouldn't be too hard. I know how to get in the ship and then he told me about starting it up. That idiot even gave me the password to get it going. I'm glad he did though or else I would have been stuck."

*Well then. Tonight it is, you better not mess it up and land us in jail.*

"Oh just be quiet. I'm thinking."

That night Than and Syl'Onora snuck into where the ships were stored within two seconds, well, after he knocked a few guards unconscious he was inside the ship and started it up. "Here we go."

*Indeed. Though I doubt that you will be able to find that girl, you don't even know where she's going.*

"Looking on the positive side of things Syl'Onora. I'm looking on the positive side of things."

*Hmph. I like the negative side better.*

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