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Home of Syl'Onora. A Bishel Dragon from the Hirgyae Clan....

Name Syl'Onora Aug d'kertoman'madal
Pronunciation sile on-NOR-ra, aug, short "d" sound
CARE-toe-mawn ma-DALL
Name Meaning blind honor, blade of shadow death
Sex Male
Age Bishen
Color Black
Type Terran
Element Psychic
Abilities To enter the mind of others, with further training
he intends to try and control other minds.
Attacks Malarikerto
Clutch #1
Parents Wild
Caretaker Than
From Bishen Realm

Syl'Onora's second name is Aug d'kertoman'madal, which means blade of shadow death. Shadow is referring to the presence of evil not a shadow cast by an object/person. Now that he has his second name Syl'Onora must find out what his element is and then it's time for training!

This Bishel Dragon is not from the Machesri Clan which is the Clan that Devgan, Stricking Echo, and Sofi are from, but rather a clan called the Hirgyae Clan.

A little on the Dragons from that Clan: Dragons of the Hirgyae Clan are slightly larger than those of the Machesri Clan and are quite the warriors. To find out more about them please visit the Bishen Realm.

Syl'Onora is quite the negitave type. He doesn't like anything having to do with being nice, cheerful, happy, etc. He loves to disagree, be negative, hateful, morbid, etc. If you get in his way he will not think twice about taking you down. Some might even say he can be slightly evil.

However, it seems recently Syl'Onora may or may not be opening up to the world. If so it will probably be a long time until he lets go of the past and his hatred towards humans and elves.

Syl'Onora's attack Malarikerto - It is where he gives his opponents a headache, migraine, make them pass out, or he can even make it fatal to his enemies.

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