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The sky was dark that day, no sunlight was seen. Few cars were on the roads of the normally busy city. Slowly in the cold morning of that day a motorcycle came up to a traffic light and stopped. “Stupid red light.” The man sitting on the motorcycle said angrily. He waited patient for the light to change. Behind him he heard a crash then some yelling, he checked the mirror and found it was who he was looking for or at least he thought it was. He turned around and approached the fighting men. They stopped fighting for a few seconds to look at who was watching them. Almost immediately they passed him off as a mere stranger and continued with their fight. Finally the taller of the two won while the smaller ran off with a look of hatred and some fright written across his pale face.

The tall man then turned and gazed at the other on the motorcycle. “Who are you?” He questioned.

“I could ask you the same, but first my name is Heath. Now, what’s yours?”

The man spit on the ground, “Heath, huh?” Heath nodded at him. “Well kid, my names Trav. What do you want?”

“How do you know if I want something?”

Trav smirked and almost seemed ready to laugh, but he didn’t. He merely said, “Usually when a kid such as yourself rides up, which most don’t ride up. Anyways, ride up on a spiffy high tech motorcycle that looks like it cost a fortune. Well, they usually want something. I must say though, kid that is a nice bike. Where’d you get it? Steal it? Anyways, I know you want something from me, now what is it? Hmm?”

“No I didn’t steal it! A friend gave it to me after a different friend got me on the road.” Heath stopped talking. He didn’t want to get to asking what he wanted just yet so instead he turned his head to the direction that the other person had ran off in, “Who was that?”

Trav turned his head and looked in the same direction as Heath, “That? Some moron called Kev. An idiot beyond all idiots. Though I might say that you yourself is getting up there on my list.”

Heath ignored the statement, “What were you two fighting about?”

“What’s it to you kid?”

“First of all, “ Heath said not that happy anymore, though to begin with he wasn’t really happy either. “I’m not a kid. Second, I’m just curious, yup, curious. That’s me!”

Trav shook his head, “Don’t you know that curiosity killed the cat?”

“Hmm? Yeah, I know. But satisfaction brought him back.”

Trav chucked a little, “Perhaps, perhaps. That kid though? Just a punk trying to run with the big guys. He went to far and needed to be taught a lesson.”

“Huh.” Heath said deciding that it was time to get to his question, “Hey Trav? Can you tell me where Lee is? You should know him, but do you know where he is?”

Trav’s face instantly went pale. He stuttered a little, but then regained composure. “Wha? Do you mean, Terrible Lee?”

“The old man Lee is who I’m talking about.”

“Yeah, that’s Terrible Lee, he may be old, but he is still Terrible Lee.”

“Where is he?”

“Look pal, you don’t want to go in search of Terrible Lee. You’ll get yourself hurt little rich kid.”

“My friends the rich one. Now where is he?”

“Whose your friend?”

“B’Elanna Vawntika now quit avoiding the question and where is Lee?”

“Y-your f-friends with the Vawntika family?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Everybody knows the Vawntika’s! They’re the richest family in, well, they’re rich! Whoa! Lucky you to be B’Elanna’s friend!”

Heath was getting irritated, “Where is he?!”

“Okay, okay, but I warned you. He’s at 286 Old Creak Lane, old run down place at the end of the lane. Have fun!”

“Thank you Trav and have nice day.” Heath said then he left leaving Trav standing there shaking his head and wondering if he would ever see the silver haired Heath again.

As Heath went zooming down the road he finally came upon 286 Old Creak Lane. Getting off of his motorcycle he carefully entered the run down building and looked around. Boxes filled the room and many barrels were also in there. There wasn’t anything living that Heath could see except a few rats and mice here and there. “This was a waste of my time.” He said and growled.

Sighing he turned back towards the way he had came, but just before he reached the rusty old door something behind him said, “Now what have we got here?” The voice was rough and sounded old perhaps somewhat worn.

Heath froze not knowing what to expect slowly he turned around to look at who was talking to him, but when he did he didn’t see anybody. Whoever it was, was probably hiding in the shadows. “Show yourself!” Heath demanded, but nobody appeared somebody though did laugh.

“My my you are quite the demanding one aren’t you? What’s your name boy? And perhaps if you tell me yours I might tell you mine. And what’s with your coming right in huh? Usually all guests knock on the door before entering. What a bad little boy for just coming right into somebody’s place. I must say, you are the first to have ever done such a thing. Usually I have to hunt down children and capture them, you’re the first that’s ever came to me, but since you have then I suppose I should find out who you are. Don’t tell me you’re another idiot here to save the kids. Though only a hand full of people actually know about them. Oh my goodness. I’m talking quite a bit. How about you come into the light so that I can see you?”

Heath didn’t like the idea of walking into the light for this talkative man to see him, he didn’t like hearing anything about capturing children. One side of his mind kept shouting to him, “Get out! Get out you idiot!” While the other said, “No, go forward. This might be it.” Heath chose to go with the latter of the two and stepped forward into the light. The whole time Heath kept watch for anything or anyone that might be out to harm him.

“My name is Heath.” He spoke bravely, “Tell me stranger, what is yours?”

“They call me Lee, Terrible Lee.” The man said after a few seconds. Something in his voice told Heath that Lee was shocked beyond belief. After waiting a few more seconds Heath heard he say in a low whisper, “So you’ve come at last to find us.” Heath didn’t know what this meant, he was on mission to find out about himself, not to find somebody. Then he turned to his left side as a man of medium height and stocky build came out of the shadows. He had wispy white hair and startled black eyes. Slowly Heath watched as the man pulled out a small device that looked much like a remote for a Television, Heath got ready for the attack, but none came. Instead the man simply pushed a small blue button on remote almost instantly Heath felt a pressure in the back of his mind. It was painful and Heath’s hands flew to his head. He staggered and fell on his knee’s the next thing he saw was pitch black.

“You’ve come at last Heath. Interesting. Now you must come with me. Perhaps to see your family?” Lee grabbed Heath then went out the back door of the run down place. He opened the side door to a van and flung Heath inside then he went to the driver’s side and started the van. As the old man pulled away from 286 Old Creak Lane a light rain began to fall almost as if somebody from above was crying.

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