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Than rolled over while sleeping. He never used to have dreams until that girl had interfered, but now this was the first time he didn’t have a dream at all while he slept. Deep within his mind was the sense that he did have to find Shune and the others, but it didn’t bring any dreams upon him. He was happier that way. All of the dreams Than had experience he thought were confusing, none of them he found happy, merely confusing. That’s how Than liked to sleep, completely without dreams simply sleeping with his mind a complete black void.

A noise filled the small ship just then, not a beeping, but loud music. Than was startled awake yet again and he found himself very angry. The one time in what seemed to be forever he slept the way he liked only to get rudely woken by blaring music. Than sat up then fell back on the bed. “Syl’Onora. Why?” He asked the ceiling. Dragging himself out of the bed he walked about trying to find the black wyrm.

When Than finally did find Syl’Onora he got quite the surprised. Syl’Onora was larger, a lot larger, than he had been when Than last saw him and he now had more silver spikes. Looking up at the ceiling again Than said, “Is this world against me or what?” Syl’Onora lifted his head from the ground and peered at Than with one red eye open.

*What?* Syl’Onora asked then said, *I’ve grown.*

“I’ve noticed.” Than said trying to get heard over all of the noise. “Would you turn that off?”


With his hands covering his ears Than walked over and turned off the music. Syl’Onora growled and crashed into Than. A spike cut into Than’s leg. Growling right back at the new shrape Than pounced. Than got cuts and bruises, while Syl’Onora got minor bruises. Finally after wrestling like that for a while Than stood up waiting for his minor injuries to heal while Syl’Onora stood up as well. “You may be bigger, but you still have a lot to learn young dragon.” Than spat out.

*I can take you down any day.* Syl’Onora said right back.

“You’re all talk.”

*No. You are.*

“Don’t even mess with me right now.” Syl’Onora growled still and was about to ignore that demand when he found that Than was no longer standing in front of him. Instead Than was back in the small room getting around for another day. “Oi.” He muttered.

*There’s a ship coming towards us. Take care of it.* Syl’Onora’s voice cut into Than’s thoughts delivering this message.

“Hmph.” Than said. “How demanding can you get?”

Syl’Onora scowled at Than. *I shall pretend that I didn’t hear that remark.*

Rolling his eyes Than said, “Wow. Thanks a lot.”

Syl’Onora walked off towards the bedroom after saying, *You’d better be thankful.* Than was the one to scowl now and he did as he took off his shoe and chucked it at Syl’Onora’s head. It landed right on it’s target making Syl’Onora spin around about to tackle Than to the ground, but before he could even leap out the door it had closed on him making Syl’Onora’s head once again get bonked.

Than grinned from the controls. Pressing a small button to a com-system he spoke to Syl’Onora who was cursing in the room. “Learn some manners and stop being so rude or you might be staying in that room for a better part of this journey.” With that said Than turned back to the approaching ship while trying to ignore the howls that came from Syl’Onora.

It turns out that the people in the ship were merely warning Than that the land or rather space he was about to cross into was being fought over and they warned him about entering. “Thanks.” Than said. “Hey wait a second. Did you see another ship go by here with a girl that had really long blue hair and red eyes?”

The man on the screen blinked. “Why yes. I gave her directions to a small place she was trying to reach.”

“Could I please have those directions?” Than said happy that he had found Shune or at least where Shune was going. “I’m a friend of hers,” said Than explaining further.

“I shall send them now.”

“Thank you a thousand times,” said Than almost grinning with his good fortune. After setting in the new coordinates and blasting off as fast as the small ship could go Than turned his attention once again to Syl’Onora who let out another angry howl.

After a few hours Than caught up with a ship. Wondering if it was Shune he called them and unknown to the other ship it actually answered and Than was able to listen. Into the small ship flooded a strong beautiful voice singing. Than knew instantly who it was and was about to say something, but he stopped himself and decided to listen to the singing.

‘Rising to the skies.’
‘A world remains forever in your eyes.’
‘We are torn inside, but still have our souls.’
‘Yes we still shall live on and right what is wrong.’
‘Rising to the skies.’
‘A world is in your eyes.’
‘Standing tall we shall be.’
‘Fly into the air, free as ever.’
‘Rise to the skies.’
‘Into the world shown in your eyes.’

Than noticed Shune had stopped her singing just then and he was about to say something when her voice stopped him. “Does the listener have a name?” She asked.

“What listener.” A new voice, but Than knew it still. Netad.

Growling Than switched for a visual. He smiled at Shune and said, “Hello Shune.”

“Than?!” She jumped up and went closer to the screen. “You’re back!” It took about two seconds for Shune to tell Netad to open the docking bay and tell Than that she’d meet him on board.

“Well I guess she’s happy to see me.” Than said. “Hey! Syl’Onora! You ready to come out?” He got growls, howls, and what sounded like claws scratching at the door. “I think that’s a yes. On one condition.” Than listened and found silence greeting him so he continued, “Behave.” Syl’Onora snorted at him, but Than said, “I mean it. You be nice. If you have to say something then say something that is nice! Okay?” No response came. “Okay?!”

*Fine!* Came the harsh reply from the black terran.

Than sighed while getting a small feeling in the farthest reaches of his mind. He had a feeling Syl’Onora was about to kill him as he pressed a button opening the door, but he had no time to worry about it. He had to land this small ship inside the Traveler’s docking bay. “New technology. I should tell B’Elanna and Heath they need to take a trip into the future. If I ever get to talk to them again that is.”

Than concentrated very hard and was almost inside and ready to set down when something next to him exploded. “Ahh!” He yelled getting distracted from the task at hand. Suddenly the ship flipped over and Than found himself crashing into the ceiling of the ship. Syl’Onora was sprawled next to him growling. “SYL’ONORA!” Than yelled not exactly happy at this sudden flip over of the ship.

*DI’RA!* Syl’Onora shouted right back.

Than noticed they were still moving forward towards the inside wall of Shune’s docking bay. Than struggled to try and get the ship turned around the right way, but Syl’Onora once again messed with something he shouldn’t have. The small ship is now moving faster towards the wall. “Syl’Onora! Quit pushing buttons when you don’t know what they do. You’re going to get us killed!”

Syl’Onora grumbled in response when suddenly something started making a very loud beeping noise. *What’s that?*

“Like I know.” Than wasn’t having any luck, but something had suddenly popped up into his mind. He didn’t know how he knew this, but he did. “Syl’Onora get out!”

*What?!* The black terran didn’t get a response though because he was suddenly shoved out of a door to land on the floor of the docking bay. He growled and looked up at the ship then quickly looked away. Syl’Onora ducked down and covered his eyes as the small ship he had been in for only a few days exploded into flames.

Syl’Onora stared at it in disbelief. ‘Hand Than known that was going to happen? Is that why he shoved me out? Did he just give his life to save me?’ Syl’Onora asked himself. *No! Give him back!* The black demanded while bits and pieces of the blown up shuttle flew in every direction narrowly missing him. Nowhere in the mix was there any trace of Than. He was gone. Syl’Onora didn’t pay any attention to Shune who had just arrived there. *Fine!* Syl’Onora shouted. *Then take me as well if you do not give Than back! I demand it!*

Shune turned to Syl’Onora to ask him what had happened, but he wasn’t there. He was gone just like Than was. Slumping to her knees Shune clutched her head in her hands. “What has happened here?” She muttered. “What has happened?”

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Page 16~Syl'Onora

Full Moon Graphics