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Noise, everywhere was noise. It was gloomy as Than opened his eyes and took a look around to where his was. “Syl’Onora? I don’t think we’re in the right place.” Then again Than wasn’t sure, but what happened next told him he had made a mistake. A car came out of the sky and dropped on the road which Than was standing on. “That’s not normal.” Looking up at the dark sky Than noticed that every single building was gray in color and reached high into the sky. “I messed up.” Than said and ran to the sidewalk.

A day later Than was walking about the entire city and found everything looked pretty much the same. He hadn’t slept in what seemed forever nor had he ate anything, but that didn’t matter much. He would last. Syl’Onora could be heard crunching into some food in the backpack as Than walked in the sunlight. Unlike the day before it was not gray anymore instead light poured down onto the large city. Cars flew about the sky or zipped around on the ground. Buildings parted as Than came upon a large set of white buildings. Stopping he read a sign in front of all of the buildings, “Genetic researching facility.” Than read. “Perhaps we have found the right place.” Many people around his age were clustered around in what seemed to be a large garden. Every single one of them was dressed in white. The boys wore shorts and the girls wore skirts. One girl was at the center of it all, she seemed to be the leader of the rest.

“Okay! They say they want us to go through code 574 today.” She shouted to the others. Than stared at her curiously. She had long blue hair and red eyes like himself. She was skinny and looked like the type that would be smiling at everything. The look she wore was not a smiling happy face rather more of a sad face. “We have limited time. I want this worked out and worked out right.”

The others hurried and got in different places. Than watched as the blue haired girl took the front of the formation and all of them took up a fighting stance. One boy didn’t though instead he shouted, “One!” The blue girl turned around, “Why are we doing this now?”

“Forty Sixty Nine.” She said, “You are not to be questioning in the middle of a code practice. Your question has been noted in my memory. We shall speak later about this.” She smiled at the small boy who was probably only 9 years old. “Do not be scared. I won’t let anything happen to any of you during practices or the real thing. You should all know that.” As one the group of 20 or so nodded at her. “Good. Begin.” Than walked towards the group when they finished with their code practice whatever that was.

“One! Intruder!” Than peered at the boy that had asked the question before. A question of Than’s own popped in his mind. ‘Why do they call her one?’ He saw that as she turned to him. A large number 1 was written on the front and back of the shirt she wore. He looked at the shirt the boy wore and saw on it the numbers 40609. Forty Sixty Nine.

“Who are you?” She asked Than. “You do not wear a uniform of the GRF. You do not belong here.”

“I already know that I don’t belong here, my question is though. Who are you? I shall not answer you unless you answer me.”

“A report to the guards will be needed if you do give me an explanation.”

“Fine. My name is Than.”


“What do you mean by number?” Syl’Onora poked his head out of the backpack and looked around. Gasps sounded throughout the air as everybody spotted him. Quickly he slid back into the backpack.

One, as she was called, looked at the backpack with a curious expression on her face until she turned back to Than. “Number. Your number.”

“Look. I’m not from around here. So if you could just explain to me what this place is and tell me who you are I will be happy to be giving a number.”

“You are on the grounds of the GRF and willingly say you do not belong here. Death shall meet you if I was one to give death to one.” Turning to 40609 she said, “9 recently died in battle simulation. Get his uniform for me. We have a new number 9.”

“He is a stranger. He should be turned in.” The boy said back.

“Turning him in will result in his being killed. He shall be 9 from now on. The leaders do not know of the true 9’s death.” The boy didn’t seem to like the idea, but then he was gone in a flash.

“1. He does not have the strength for such a number.” A boy about Than’s age said. He had green hair and blue eyes. Quite tall as well.

“I’m aware of that.”

“You can’t prevent the death of everybody.” Mr. Green Hair said.

The girl looked at the ground, “I have to try. Death to those who do not deserve such does not seem right to me. It may not bother you whether or not this person lives or dies, but it matters to me. Nobody deserves to die. Not until they are ready.”

“Believe what you shall, but you know they might find out.”

“I know Netad.” She said.

Than was lost, but then jolted back when he heard a name. “Netad?” He asked.

“We do have names.” The girl said, “Our name are the first letter’s of our operations.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. We come with a name and a number. For example. Netad. That is his name and 19 is his number. Netad stands for Nanogen Enhanced Tracker and Defense.” Than looked around while she talked and noticed that everybody was gone except for himself, the girl and the green haired boy.

“So what’s your name?”


Syl’Onora grumbled slightly to Than who quickly shushed the black dragon. “Oh. What does that stand for?”

Shune sighed, “You ask a lot of questions. Do you not know anything of GRF? I thought everybody knew about this place, but now my hopes are dashed with the arrival of you.” She paused, “The thing in your pack is not happy at you.”

“How do you know about,…” Than was interrupted by the boy 40609 who now had appeared and flung something at him. Than caught it and looked at it closely. “What’s this?”

“You are to change into these things immediately.” Shune said, “If you do not take up the number of 9 and wear the uniform as if you are one of the genetically enhanced-“

Than cut her off, “I am genetically enhanced.” He was confused and didn’t have a clue as to what was happening.

“I sense confusion.” Shune said which made Than almost fall over. “We must move to the recreation part of GRF. Follow me.” She walked off quickly. Than didn’t follow, but then Netad bumped into him and growled.

“Get moving ingrate. You may not know this, but she’s saving your life right this very instant.”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is that if they find you here and you aren’t supposed to be here they’ll kill you. Lucky though you found Shune and she doesn’t like any killing going on.” Than wondered who exactly they were.

Netad pushed Than forward, “Get moving idiot.” He said.

Than pushed back and said, “I’m not moving and I’m not an idiot.” Than didn’t really know what happened but the next minute he was sprawled back on the ground. Syl’Onora got thrown to the side and Than could hear his growls of protest at being thrown around. “Hey!” Than said. “What the heck was that about?”

Netad smirked, “Don’t keep Shune waiting for you.” He started to walk off. Than got up and left Syl’Onora in the backpack on the ground. Within the next few moments Netad and Than were kicking, punching and truly wanting to kill each other. Shune stopped walking and turned around. Spotting Than and Netad she shook her head.

“Should I stop it?” She asked herself then decided she must but her attention was brought away from the fight before her when she spotted a small black head poking out of Than’s backpack. “Why are you in there?” Shune asked. Syl’Onora looked at her and growled. “You don’t like being in there? Then get out.” She stopped and blinked several times, “You don’t like me? Why not? I didn’t do anything to hurt you. You don’t like anybody?” Syl’Onora wasn’t saying anything, he couldn’t just yet, but somehow Shune was fully aware of every thought going on in his mind. “Than likes you, worries about you. Time travel? Atoa.” Shune fell over grabbing onto her head. “Stop it!” She yelled. Netad stopped fighting and Than did as well. Turning to Than Shune then said, “Darkness fills this creatures body, all I ask is why?”

Than looked at Shune right into her red eyes that glimmered with concern. “I am unsure of why. He is of the Hirgyae. That is the only explanation I can give to you right now. Do not be concerned for Syl’Onora.”

“That is his name? And yours is Than?” She looked puzzled for a few seconds then asked, “How did you get past the barrier? Before when we had an intruder the barrier was down and being fixed none were allowed outside for fear of them running away. A man walked in accidentally and they killed him. Only the altered can go through the barrier, you are altered?”


“Records shall be checked by me. Netad? Drop your anger against this person and his Hirgyae. We shall see.” She started to walk off again and Than wondered briefly why somebody would care about people who wandered into this place. He also didn’t understand why anybody who accidentally got into here were killed or were saved only to be stuck there in some dead guys clothes. The thought didn’t really improve Than’s attitude. Syl’Onora was complaining silently but loud enough for Than to hear. “He does not like the backpack.” Shune stated.

“I know that!”

“Then why is he in there?”

“Long story.”

“Tell me at the afternoon meal.”

Than blinked, “You mean dinner?”

“If that is what you call it.”

Than walked behind Shune and Netad up to a large white building. When inside Shune pointed to a small room. “What? You want me to go in there?” Than asked.

“Unless you prefer to change where you are. Most prefer privacy, but whatever works for you.”

“I think I’ll take privacy thank you.” Than said and Shune almost smiled. Minutes later Than came out of the room dressed in the uniform with the number nine on the back of it. “I don’t like this.”

“It will do. Does it fit okay?”

Than shrugged and Netad decided to pipe up just then, “You should be grateful.”

Rolling his eyes Than said, “You should shut your mouth.”

Shune sighed, “That is enough.”

“You can’t tell me what to do.” Than growled.

“She is in charge here Than.” Netad spat. “You’d do best to obey her wishes.” Than was just about to say some smart remark when a very loud bell sounded. “It’s time for the afternoon meal.”

“Dinner! You bunch of idiots! Dinner!” Shune raised her eyebrows at Than in question, but soon a small girl was tugging on Shune’s skirt.

“Shune! Shune! I’m scared Shune.”

“Tunasa! Why are you afraid?” Shune bent down to the little girl.


“Calm down and tell me.”

“I heard somebody saying. I heard them. They,.. They said I was deemed unusable in battle.” This didn’t seem that big of a deal to Than. It was just a little girl. Apparently though it was a big deal to Shune and to Netad. Plus the girl looked like she was going to drop over and have a heart attack.

“They won’t take you. I will protect you. You are going to be fine.” Shune kept saying to the little girl.

Sniffing and tears falling down her cheeks rapidly the little girl Tunasa looked up at Shune and said, “Promise?”

Shune looked down at the floor and Than caught on. Shune was afraid to promise for fear of not being able to keep the promise. Instead of saying anything Shune merely nodded.* Idiot.* Than blinked as he heard a small childlike voice.



“Great. First word is idiot. Are you calling me an idiot?” Actually Syl’Onora was calling everybody an idiot, but the words couldn’t be spoken in full. His ability to talk was still coming to him instead he muttered what one word he could. Idiot. “I’m hungry.”

“The meal has started. You must tell me your story while we eat.” Shune said and with little Tunasa she went to get something to eat and sat down at the head of a table.

Netad growled at Than, “Better get something to eat or else you’ll be left out. The rush is coming I can hear them.” Sure enough just as soon as Than sat down with a odd plate of food tons of kids of every age were in line to get their meal.

“Tell me your story.” Shune said, “I am wanting to hear it.” Than didn’t know what to tell her so he told her everything he knew, well, maybe not everything but a good deal of it. “What year was it when you left?” Than raised an eyebrow and told her. “The past. You are from the past. Interesting.”

“Yeah I guess so. Stupid machine of B’Elanna’s messed up.” Than sighed and looked towards Syl’Onora. The black terran was slowly munching on Than’s food and keeping alert staring at anybody who moved towards him. “I wish you would quit this, but you are of the Hirgyae so I suppose this is, instinct?”

“I like your creature you have with you. I wish I could have something like that to talk to, even if they don’t talk back.”

“They can talk, just not right when they hatch. They have to get stronger at first Bishel Dragons don’t have strength to speak.”

Shune’s eyes were watering and Than thought she was about to break down into tears which seemed very odd to him. Shune seemed the type to take charge and also the type to perhaps not really have many emotions. She hadn’t shone hardly any if any at all since he had first seen her. “Marvelous creatures. I so wish to have one.”

*You’ll have one.*

“What?!” Than jumped out of his seat and stared at Syl’Onora who had also jumped up from surprise.

*Yes I can talk.* Than started muttering something like it should be too soon for Syl’Onora to be talking but the little dragon shook his head. *Fool! I am Syl’Onora. That and your making me go on that walk and shoving food down my throat might have helped.*

“Oh..” Than muttered stupidly. “What do you mean with Shune though?”

Syl’Onora seemed to smirk at this. *She will have one. That is all I say as of now. This talking is stupid. No more of it.* But Than had the feeling that the dragon was having trouble keeping up the strength to continue telepathy. The last few words were very soft unlike those at the start. Syl’Onora may be boasting that he can speak, but it seems he can’t talk for long. Than told Syl’Onora this but the little dragon didn’t say anything semi-confirming Than’s idea.

“Wow.” Shune whispered silently. “Amazing. Telepathic creatures. The words in your head instead of in open space. If they could enhance somebody to do that they would have, they would be thrilled to say the least. So far in all of their attempts at genetic enhancement in the field of telepathic and telekinetic abilities, well, they haven’t made any progress and they’ve been on it forever.” A dark, sad look came over Shune. “Protect yourself Syl’Onora. If they find you, you will be in danger.”

Than smirked. “They won’t get Syl’Onora. I promise the little guy that.” It was obvious Syl’Onora was not happy at being called little but he didn’t say anything.

After dinner, as Than kept insisting it be called that, Shune showed him around the buildings. Every one of them white and every one seemed to be filled with the same thing. Tons of rooms and a recreation/eating room. Than asked Shune about this, but she merely said, “No. There are more room besides these, but you cannot see them yet. When training begins you shall know.”

“What do you mean training?” Than asked and saw that Syl’Onora seemed to perk up at this. Why shouldn’t he though? Than was practically sure that the terran knew of his own having to train.

“What I mean by training is, well, training or rather what they call training.”

“Who is they?!!” This one was beginning to drive Than a little crazy. They this and they that. Who is they?

“We don’t have anything else to call them.” Than sighed when Shune said this and decided that he had to put up with the they this and they that thing. “This is your room.” Shune said suddenly stopping at a door with a large light blue 9 written on the front of it.

“Where’s your room?” Than asked wondering. If the numbers went in the right order than 1 wouldn’t be that far away.

“At the end of the hall.” Shune said and pointed down the hall to where a white door was with the blue number 1 on it. “If you need to talk to me for any reason then use the com-system. If you can’t reach me or I am asleep and haven’t heard your call then leave a message.”

“Oh. So it’s like a phone?”

“Yes. It is the only way everybody has of communicating with others after everyone is required to be in their rooms.”

Than scratched the back of his head and yawned. He jolted awake suddenly as if he’d been sleeping and looked at Shune curiously, “You mean that you can’t go out of your rooms or something?”

“At a certain time we are required to be in our rooms.”

“When?” But as soon as Than asked a large bell sounded once more. “What more food?” He asked.

Shune shook her head. “We have five minutes to be in our rooms.”

Syl’Onora sighed. He was bored. “What if you aren’t in your room?”

“Just be in your room.” Shune said and trotted off to where her room was. Opening the door she vanished behind it.

Than sighed and went inside his room. It was a fairly medium sized room. It had a bed, a stand next to the bed, a desk, a chair, a dresser, and a little thing on the side of the wall. Probably the com-system thing Shune had talked about. That was it. There was also a door to the side of the room that Than thought was probably a bathroom. He was right. Syl’Onora took up a position laying on the bed and soon Than found out that Syl’Onora must have been really tired, either that or he was good at faking being asleep so fast. Exploring the room Than didn’t find anything of interest. Sighing again he decided it would probably be best for him to get some sleep.

It was dark as he snuck around. Syl’Onora was beside him growling silently until the little dragon stopped so that he could hide in the shadows and not be heard. A voice was there and it said, “You aren’t supposed to be where you are. Leave that place.” Than tilted his head and closed one eye in confusion. “Leave the place. Shune you shall meet again. Leave now!”


“Leave!” With that final word a dark figure struck out at Than making him fall backwards onto the hard stone floor. Again, like the whisper of a ghost from far away the voice said, “Leave!”

Jolting awake Than had one side of his brain cursing all dreams, the other side was ready to leave like the voice said. Thinking about it Than decided that he would do as the voice said, he didn’t have anything to loose so he’d leave. “Listening to some voice, I must be insane. But I think it’s right. I guess.”

Syl’Onora was once again put into the backpack. As soon as the terran was in there though. He was complaining. *No backpack.* The wyrm hissed angrily.

“We’re leaving.” Than said and headed straight for the door. He stopped and turned to the com thing. Pressing the small button on it he said. “Room 1.” A couple of beeps emitted then a ringing sound like a telephone emitted from the small device. It stopped finally and a voice said, “Hello.” It was Shune’s voice but it didn’t stop at hello it kept going to say, “I’m sorry but I’m not in my room right now. Please leave your message and I shall get back to you. Thank you.”

“Great,” muttered Than, “Answering machines in the future. Just what I need.” Sighing he started his message. “Shune this is Than. Look Syl’Onora and I are leaving. We must leave, please don’t come after us and don’t worry about us. Anyways. I think you should get these people out of this place and to someplace safe. Something isn’t right here and I think you know that. You seem to be their leader, well, lead them. They aren’t safe here.” Than pressed the button and hoped Shune would understand what he was saying. With a grumble from Syl’Onora they left.

It was surprising to Than that getting out of facility was so easy. He couldn’t understand why the people were still there like prisoners. The noise was outrageous and Syl’Onora snarled at not being at to sleep. *Some caretaker.* Was the lazy comment he made while yawning in the backpack.

Than grinned when he spotted somebody stop at a place on the side of the room and get off his motorcycle with it still running. “Idiot.” Than said. “I guess I’m lucky though.” Little did he know that the vehicle was designed only for one person and nobody else could make it go at all. Silently wishing he could get the stupid thing to go he found that the only thing preventing him for riding the motorcycle was a computer. “Great. I need to turn off the computer. Wait… What if that ends up turning the whole thing off.. AHH! Punching the core of the computer a million times Than ended up going, but,….he probably didn’t want to go that fast.. The motorcycle took off at it’s top speed and went flying right off a ramp parked down the street a little ways. “I’m flying!” Than yelled at along as he went zoomed up and came crashing down. “Okay. Hold on Syl’Onora! Here we go!”

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