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It was getting colder and Than wondered if Syl’Onora was warm enough. Hoping that he was Than continued down the road. Off to his left a full moon was rising up over the tall mountains. ‘When I get my hands on them,…’ Than thought as he rode onwards. Then he caught the glimmer of city lights just beyond a small hill. A car passed him probably leaving the city to go on a vacation, in the air an airplane blinked and was nearly silent. “The city. Now, if only I knew where exactly I was going. Get revenge on people. I know that. But where are they?” Than thought out loud, “They don’t stay at that prison, I know that.”

After entering the city Than stopped to get a couple things and to see if anybody knew of any gangs lurking around the streets. He was hoping that they might know where some of the guys with the prison, as he liked to call it, were. “Do you know where any gangs are?” He asked the man sweeping the floor at the gas station he had stopped at.

The man scratched his brown hair as he looked up at Than, “Yeah, but why are you wanting to find those guys? Nothing but trouble that lot and you better not be joining them, you might wind up in prison.”

Than smirked, “Been there, done that. But really I need to know where they hang out.”

“Kid, gangs aren’t a good thing. Don’t they teach you that in school?”

Than growled, “Look man! I don’t have time for your nonsense and for your info, I’ve never been to a stupid school! Now tell me!” Than yelled when the man started to tell him to calm down Than grabbed the broom and snapped it in two. “Tell me now.” He demanded.

“43 Camberg Street.”

Handing the man back the two pieces of the broom Than grinned mischievously and said, “Thank you.”

When he had left the man looked down at his broken broom, “Strange.” Was all that he could manage to say.

“43 Camberg Street, I have to remember that.” Letting out a frustrated sigh Than pulled out a map that B’Elanna had given him, though little did he know it was Sofi’s idea. Quickly he located the street and went off.

“Seems like this is the place.” Than muttered. It was an old building with many broken windows and holes in the sides of it. In one corner of what little lawn there was an old dead tree. “Hey!” Than yelled, “Anybody here in this place?” No response. “Don’t tell me you gang peoples are scared!” A response somebody fired a gun. Being enhanced as he was though Than dodged it, “Fire bullets all you want. I’m here to talk with you.” A few murmurs came from inside the building and soon a tall guy stepped outside. He had red hair and greenish/blue eyes behind him a head peeked out. It was a younger kid maybe 10 or so with red hair and more bluish eyes than the other.

“What do you want?”

“Some assistance. Might you know where the people behind the capturing of children are?”

“We don’t know them, we don’t know where they are, we just run when they are around. Why would a kid like you be finding them? And what’s in your backpack.” Than growled slightly at the answer he received then grabbed the strap of the backpack and held it. Syl’Onora was in there, but he wasn’t about to let these guys know that he had a dragon with him.

“Come on dude, let us see.”


The tall red head walked towards Than, “Come on, we won’t hurt your backpack.”

“Hmm, how many times must I tell you? NO!” But the guy didn’t listen, just kept coming forward. Than couldn’t stand him anymore and punched him making the red head fly back against the wall of his hang out. Before Than actually knew what was happening many others where trying to get him and his backpack. Grabbing his sword he got from the old man he growled at anybody approaching him. “Stay back or suffer a painful death.” They didn’t listen and one by one Than struck them down until the last two a woman and the 10 year old remained. He turned away from them saying, “I’m not going to hurt a woman and a child. That’s not very nice.” He smirked looking down at the men who lay on the ground in pain. “I told you no, but you didn’t listen. Thanks for your help, even if you didn’t give me any. Bye now!” With that he hopped on the motorcycle and road off.

“This is practically hopeless. Come on Atoa!” Than yelled up at the sky, “Make your move! I’m ready!” Then he thought, ‘My being ready is probably why he isn’t moving. Darn him!’ “You know what Syl’Onora? This might not be as easy as I thought it would be. I think we should go back to the Vawntika’s place for a little bit. She did offer anyways.” With that as his plan in mind Than headed off towards B’Elanna’s mansion.

“I still can’t believe that brat brother of mine took my, MY motorcycle!” Heath said to B’Elanna who was pretending to listen. “Hey! Are you listening?”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”

“It’s not whatever!”

B’Elanna sighed, “Heath you idiot, just shut up and deal with it! I’ll get you a new one if he busts it now shut up!”

Heath also sighed and fell silent as a loud knock came from the door. B’Elanna looked up startled then crossed the room to answer it. “Hello.” Than said when she answered the door, “Is the offer for a place to stay for a while still available?”

B’Elanna blinked, “Umm, yeah sure. Just a few rules I have to tell you. First of all, no going into the library. Second, no using the DT without my permission. Third, if you see a white figure darting through the hallways ignore it because it was your imagination.”

“Sofi the first white born at the Bishen Realm, bondmate B’Elanna Vawntika. I know she is here, I will not disturb her or go in search of her.”

“Oh. Well that works for me as well and if you do, you are out of my mansion. Period.”

Than’s room was large and had a bathroom off to one side. His things, what little there were, were set on a large dresser while Than was in the bathroom taking a shower. Sofi peeked her head into the room and spotted the green egg resting on the large bed in the room. *So that is where you are.* She muttered knowing that the egg was aware of her. *I’ll leave now, but I had to see you.* And then she did leave. A few minutes later, Than walked out of the bathroom wearing some of Heath’s pajamas.

“We won’t stay here long Syl’Onora.” He said wondering why he was talking to an egg, “Just until I have a plan. Then we will be gone.” Yawning Than laid down on the bed next to the green male Hirgyae Clan egg. “I promise.” Than looked at Syl'Onora's egg, "When you think you're going to hatch? Wait. You can't tell me even if you do know. Oh well. I can't help but be a little curious as to what you're going to look like." Than stops and yawns again. "I'd better get some sleep." He mutters and is about to say more as he rests his head on the pillow, but then he can't for he is no longer awake.

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Page 16~Syl'Onora

Full Moon Graphics