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Than sighed, the day was boring. Heath and B’Elanna had gone riding horses and when they asked Than to go along he had declined. He didn’t really want to ride a horse when he didn’t know how. “I’m bored.” Than said to practically nobody except for perhaps Syl’Onora. He looks down at Syl’Onora and says, “I think I’m going to go look around. Uh, don’t get into any trouble.” After Than said this he could have sworn the green egg was thinking something like, “You imbecile, I’m an egg. Like I can go anywhere.” Than sighed yet again and left the room going off in search of something interesting.

Than peeked into the room containing the DT, “Soooo.. She doesn’t want me using this without her permission? A rule is it? Hmph.” He walked around it wanting to push all of it buttons like a little child just to see what would happen.

“I thought you weren’t supposed to be in here.” A voice said. Than spun around, but all he could see was a little man on a screen.

Smirking Than said, “B’Elanna said I couldn’t use the DT without her permission. Not that I could be in this room.” Than blinked as he heard music coming from somewhere not far away. It was a peaceful melody and he was interesting in where it was coming from, but before he could wonder anymore a kind voice filled the air and started to sing. With Anak watching him Than walked out and went to a room down the hall a ways. He peeked in to see a white Bishel Dragon prancing about the room. Than waited until her song was finished then said, “Sofi.” Instantly the white whirled around startled beyond belief.

*A rule you have broken.* She said shaking slightly.

“I was curious as to where the music was coming from. I’m sorry to have disturbed you white.” Than said then left leaving Sofi wondering if he had actually meant what he had said. Sighing for what seemed to be the millionth time Than went back to where the DT was. “Hey! Little man in the screen thing!” Than said.

A not at all amused Anak appeared and said, “What do you want?”

“Can this DT go other places besides the Bishen Realm?”

The computer image of Anak rose his eyebrows, “Why?”


“Yes it can.”

“Interesting. As in where?”

“Well, according to B’Elanna you would have to implement the codes to get to wherever you are going into that computer over there.” Anak said motioning to a computer which Than was at instantly. “I wouldn’t be messing with that though. Remember the rules?” At this Than nodded and went out of the room.

Days went by and Than actually was talked into going on a horse ride. After he had though he promised anybody listening he would never do so again. It was the most pleasant experience of his life. Many times when nobody was aware he visited the DT room as it was now called and gathered up as much information as he could. Every once in a while he would ask B’Elanna a few questions about it but not to many to get her wondering about anything. Most of Than’s time was spent with the egg Syl’Onora. He didn’t know why but for some reason he could openly talk with Syl’Onora. Unlike trying to talk with Heath which Than had found to be a real headache or B’Elanna who babbled many words Than didn’t want to look up. Mary? Than didn’t bother trying to talk with her. Sofi? Ha! Yeah right. Although a conversation with her might be interesting he didn’t think she’d be up for one. Than also found that Sofi avoided Heath and Mary as well as himself.

One night when Than was with Syl’Onora he said to the green egg, “You know what? I think I have a plan. I think perhaps after you hatch and get your strength we will be leaving. Problem is B’Elanna’s going to have a fit. I’m going to break another rule.”

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Page 16~Syl'Onora

Full Moon Graphics