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Syl’Onora awoke in somewhat of a daze. His mind had a terrible headache, but it seemed to recall all of the events that had led to his being where he currently was. Then again, where was he? Getting to his feet and shaking his head Syl’Onora then looked around and came to the conclusion that he had somehow been sent to the Bishen Realm. *Great. Well at least I shall be able to accomplish something here.* Syl’Onora sighed then started to walk hoping he would somehow eventually locate Tr’ynka Valae.

It took quite a while until Syl’Onora actually ended up finding Tr’ynka Valae and he was surprised he had even ended up doing so, but there the Bishen was looking at Syl’Onora as if he was expecting him. *So, you’ve finally made it here. What took so long?* Tr’ynka Valae asked.

*Did you know I was going to be here?*

*Your training was supposed to begin quite a while ago, what took so long?* The older dragon asked again seeming to have ignored Syl’Onora’s question.

*My caretaker had things to do I suppose that is why it has taken me so long to get here.*

*You have already rested, training starts now. What is you element? Oh wait,* Tr’ynka Valae paused, *you don’t have one.*

Syl’Onora looked to the ground then back at Tr’ynka Valae. *No, I have not yet found my element.*

Tr’ynka Valae nodded. *Get to doing so.* With that said he turned and walked off leaving Syl’Onora standing in front of a waterfall that ran into a small pool.

*Now to meditate.* Syl’Onora ended up muttering to himself as he went to sit down next to the waterfall. *Search inside myself to find the element that is mine. Interesting.* Syl’Onora didn’t even know where to begin so he just relaxed, closed his eyes, and let his mind wander hoping it would somehow run into his element. It surprisingly didn’t take him that long until his mind was racing or rather he was racing through his mind almost like he was dreaming, but still awake. For Syl’Onora he thought it was strange, but it was also exciting because of how much he wanted to find his element. Syl’Onora passed a picture in a frame hanging in midair with the dark gray fog fluttering around his feet. He was inside his mind somehow. Blinking several times Syl’Onora wandered back to the picture and looked at it. A small dark little glimmering circle was in the center of ominous looking clouds of black filth. Syl’Onora started to move away when another small circle appeared in the picture and another after that. Soon many little circles filled the page until they began to overlap each other. Making sure that he would remember this image Syl’Onora walked on. A black road appeared in front of his feet and he kept walked. Every time something interesting popped up in the black clouds that stayed just a foot beyond the road Syl’Onora would stop to look at it. The next thing that appeared seemed to be a picture that looked like you were moving around in somebody else’s point of view as if you were that person. Not fully aware of what this might mean Syl’Onora moved on. *Is this how I am to find my element? Follow the black road?* Syl’Onora kept walking and sighed. No more pictures appeared, but suddenly the black terran stopped because in front of him stood millions of creatures. Humans, dragons, horses, animals of every kind were in front of him.

“Hello.” A small human girl stepped out towards Syl’Onora and smiled. Her eyes shown brightly, the right was a beautiful blue, while the left was a deep brown. She had dark brown hair that had silver sparkles fluttering around in it. When Syl’Onora didn’t respond she frowned. “Hello?” She asked wondering if Syl’Onora would answer.

*You are in my mind? Who are you?* Syl’Onora asked standing where he was and not moving.

The girl let out a small giggle. “Silly, silly Syl’Onora. What’s the matter Syl’Onora, can’t you tell me by my aura? I’m a part of your mind and I’m here to get you out of a bind.”

*You're a part of my mind? Get me out of a bind? You speak in riddles!*

“No, no. I am a part of your mind, you are in a dreamlike state and you are trying to find your element. Your mind created mind, without the you or image of you that is here really knowing it. Strange, eh?” The girl continued to smile an innocent smile at Syl’Onora. “As for getting you out of a bind, well, I am here to help you locate your element.”

Syl’Onora nodded. It seemed to make a bit of sense so he decided to leave that at that. *What about the others?* Syl’Onora suddenly asked when he realized the millions of creatures weren’t there anymore.

“Syl’Onora was not paying attention now was he? Alas, oh well! You shall see eventually if you really want to.”

*Why would I pick you to show me what my element is?* Syl’Onora seemed to viciously spit this at her, she was a human and why she would be the one showing him around really confused him and made him quite angry as well.

“It is your mind, so you tell me. As for what you said about my showing you what your element is, I can’t do that. I can show you the door to finding your element, you are the one that has to brave your own minds troubles in order to reach it.”

*Then let us begin the journey since it seems my minds has come up with you and I shall not be able to get rid of you.*

The girl nodded and the surroundings changed. They were in a field with dark clouds hovering everywhere around them. Surprisingly they were still able to see even with the darkness threatening to choke them. “Your travel shall begin now. We shall find the door, do not be afraid.”

*I am not afraid.*

“Let us walk.” For being a small girl Syl’Onora soon found out that she walked fairly fast. They walked into a forest and darted through the trees. Syl’Onora still didn’t understand why a little human girl was to be the one to show him the way, but he went along with everything if it meant that he would soon find his element. “Blade of shadow death.” The girl muttered when they finally stopped. “It means something, and you agreed to have it as your second name. Why though? Why? Shadow is said as if referring to the presence of evil. Blade is almost as if you are cutting the evil away. You shall do good in your lifetime, even though you do not wish to do so, you shall.”

*Rubbish! Absolute nonsense you speak girl!*

“You know I’m right, because I am part of you, you do know that I am correct. You just don’t admit it so I have spoken what you need to realize.”

*I help nobody, I shall rescue nobody, I shall live only to protect my kind and return my kind to the rightful place that we belong, to go back and fight with the rest of my clan!*

“What do you like Syl’Onora? Answer that question.”

*What do you mean? If you are a part of me then you should know.*

“Part of you? Yes, an image that is trying to tell you things that you already know, but that you don’t really want to know or perhaps what you can’t remember. I am somewhat confused myself now. Answer the question though Syl’Onora, what do you like? Warmth and happiness perhaps?”

*No, darkness, cold, negativity.* Syl’Onora muttered quickly with a hint of anger. *Things like that, how dare you suggest such a thing as happiness.*

“Do you wish for those of your clan to be happy?”

*Shut your mouth for I do not like where you are trying to take this conversation, let us continue the journey so that I can find my element!*

The girl smiled and sighed. “As you wish.” She walked onwards then and Syl’Onora followed her quietly.

They came upon a large rock suddenly and Syl’Onora merely glanced at it then started to move on, but the little girl stayed near the rock. *What are you doing?* Syl’Onora asked.

“You glance at it then walk away? Oh well, but know that something like this might actually prove to be important.”

Syl’Onora looked at the rock then towards the girl. *It’s a rock.* But the girl merely nodded and did not say anything then she stepped away from the rock and walked onwards.

“What kind of element do you think you’re looking for?”

*Something powerful, something somewhat dangerous, something that can be fatal if necessary.*

“If necessary? Then you don’t wish to kill?”

*I will, if I must.*

The girl nodded. “You shall find your element and it shall show you things you never knew the world could offer.”

Syl’Onora kept walking, but he glanced at the girl curiously. *Like what?*

“Like the fact that some creatures besides yourself also want revenge, but others have had wrong doings done unto them and they don’t want revenge. You shall get a very good understanding of people and/or creatures.”

*Are you hinting at what my element is?* Syl’Onora asked.

“You already know what it is.” The girl replied with a happy innocent smile. “You just need to realize that you know what it is.” She paused before saying, “Than is your caretaker and you have been around him all your life, tell me Syl’Onora, what is he thinking right now?”

*I am be telepathic like all Bishel dragons are, but I cannot peer into the minds of others. Than is my caretaker, not my bondmate.*

“What is he thinking?”

*I already told you…* Syl’Onora began angrily, but the girl shook her head at him and he stopped.

“You would make an excellent leader.” She said with a nod. “You’re brave, true, and you seem to not wish to kill, just protect those whom you are close to. Answer me this Syl’Onora, if Than was going to be killed and there was no way for him to escape, would you save him?”


“Would you kill the person or creature trying to harm him?”

*Cage the person or creature, assist Than.*

“Why? Why help Than in the first place? Why not kill the person or creature? Or perhaps kill the person or creature then leave Than wounded where he is?”

*He is my caretaker, which is why I shall help him in such a situation.*

“And the reason for not killing the person?”

*If you so wish then I shall kill them. Their life means nothing to me, but I believe that there are worse things than death.*

“Would you leave Than wounded?”

Syl’Onora’s temper was having a hard time with all of these questions. He hated having to answer question after question, with a sigh he said, *I am not a healer, but I would not leave him either.*

“You’re not a healer?”

*I’m not a healer.*

“Interesting. You are not a healer, then are you a helper? Will you help others if it was in your power to do so?”

*I would help those of my kind to take back what is rightfully theirs.*

“That was not what I meant, but alas that is the answer I got. Oh well, oh well. I must ask you one more thing though Syl’Onora.”

Glancing at a rock nearby Syl’Onora sighed and asked, *Now what would that be?*

“Does the dragon choose the element or the element choose the dragon?”

Syl’Onora stopped and thought about this for a moment or two. Finally he came up with an answer. *I don’t know.* It was the truth, he had no clue on whether or not the element chose the dragon or vise versa.

“What if you end up with an element that you do not wish to have?”

*I thought that last question was indeed the last question.* Syl’Onora growled, but then he said, *Fine, one more question. This is the last answer to you are your questions though. If I end up with an element that I do not wish to have then I suppose I shall have to live with it and/or learn to like it.*

“Indeed so.” The little girl said with a small nod and a smile. “But there are plenty of elements out there, I’m sure you will find that you will like yours. It is quite an interesting element with many areas of exploration.”

*You know what it is?* Syl’Onora asked surprised slightly. *You know what my element is?*

The girl nodded. “Yes, I do know what your element is.”

*Then why do you not tell me what it is? Why must I go and search for it if you already know what it is and an merely tell me!*

The girl frowned and shook her head. “If I tell you what it is then you still will not have found it and will not be able to use the abilities that it will grant you if you find it on your own. Syl’Onora Aug d’kertoman’madal, this is your test, this is the test that your element is sort of giving you. If you find it, you win the game.”

*What happens if I don’t find it?*

“Has there ever been a Hirgyae dragon that has not found his or her element?”

*I do not know. Perhaps, perhaps not.*

The girl smiled and reached a hand forward quickly then patted Syl’Onora’s head. “You’ll find your element, do not worry about that. You shall win this game Syl’Onora because I have never known for you to lose at anything before. Remember, blacks are merciless at achieving their ends.”

*So what kind of element do blacks normally have?* Syl’Onora found himself asking. For a second he was going to bite the girl for patting him on the head, but then he was lost in her words and soon was asking his question.

The girl shrugged. “How should I know?”

Syl’Onora rolled his eyes. *Well I thought I’d ask. I don’t know what element’s blacks normally have. It is said that their magical strengths lie in darkness, cold, and negative forces. I don’t know though, what elements are like that? Destruction? Is that even an element? Pain? Sadness? Anger? Death?*

“Your element can be used for good or evil, it is your choice. It can be cold and dark and it can be destructive and painful, but it can also be many other things that are wonderful. It is your choice.”

Syl’Onora stayed silent and thought this information over. His element, whatever it is, could be used for good or evil. What would he use it for? That was a question that he could not answer at that moment and he wondered if he could ever answer it. At that moment he thought he’d probably end up using it for both. Helping his fellow dragons, that would be a good thing, but harming those in the way of helping his fellow dragons would be a bad thing. Or would it be a bad thing? What if he harmed the innocent?

Syl’Onora walked and walked and ended up wondering what time it was in the actual world where his physical body was still sitting next to a waterfall. Not paying attention to where he was going Syl’Onora found himself running right into a door. His head crashed into it and he growled fiercely when he had found out how graceful he had just been. The door was just there and as Syl’Onora looked at it he realized that he could walk around it as well. *A door.*

“Yup!” Cried the girl behind him. “You found the door, now go on through! I’ll be leaving you now, bye!”

Before Syl’Onora could ask any questions the girl vanished and the door opened. Cautious, yet curious, Syl’Onora entered and the door swung shut behind him then vanished. Syl’Onora walked up to a little stand in the center of the room and saw a picture of Than there looking like his stupid self, but as Syl’Onora looked at the picture he felt himself moving and suddenly he was someplace else. ‘Man, why do I have to do this?’ Syl’Onora jumped slightly then blinked. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid.’ It sounded like Than, but where was Than?

*What’s going on here?* Syl’Onora questioned himself quietly.

‘Huh?’ The thing that sounded like Than asked. ‘Wow, this stupid training much really be harming my head, now I have Syl’Onora’s voice running through my head. What’s going on here? I’m tracking down some alien because I have to train! Some training!’

Syl’Onora stayed silent for a few seconds, but then asked. *Training?*

‘Now I know I’m going crazy. Go away stupid voices in my head!’ Something shook the ground or air where Syl’Onora was standing/floating and after a few minutes Syl’Onora came to realize that Than had just hit himself in the head.

‘I’m in Than’s head?’ Syl’Onora wondered to himself. ‘Can I take over? Is this my element? Being able to go into peoples minds?’ With a few blinks he then wondered, ‘If so then how do I get out of their mind?’ Something deep inside Syl’Onora though told him that he already knew how to get out of somebody’s mind. Calmly relaxing, Syl’Onora felt himself drift away from Than and back into the small room he was in before. Now that he was back in the room inside his mind though he had millions of questions.

“Ask away.” A voice said and Syl’Onora spun around to find the little girl standing there once more.

*What is the name of my element?*

“What do you think it is?”

*It seems to relate to going inside others minds, element of the mind?*

“I’d call it Psychic, that’s easier don’t you think?”

*What is my attack? Can I take over their minds? Control them?*

“In time, if you wish, that is a hard thing to do. For now one of your abilities is to merely hear their thoughts, you won’t hear anybody’s whom you don’t want to so don’t worry about that. You choose to hear whoever’s thoughts you wish and you shall here them.”

*What is my attack then?*

“Can’t tell you, there are many attacks you could do with an element such as this, but you have to find them out for yourself. I believe you will find out more by training with Tr’ynka Valae. You have found your element and as you train you shall learn more of the abilities it grants you and more of the attacks that it has to offer. Now stop meditating and go train!”

Everything vanished, the girl, the room, everything disappeared suddenly and then Syl’Onora’s body that still sat next to the waterfall opened it’s eyes. Instantly Syl’Onora was hit with a headache and he sighed. *What is this? The after effects of entering somebody’s mind?*

*Found your element?* A voice asked and Syl’Onora looked up to see Tr’ynka Valae standing in front of him.


*And it is?*

*It is an element that relates to the mind and minds of other people. Psychic is an easier word to explain it.*

Tr’ynka Valae was silent for a few seconds before nodding and saying, *So be it. You are Syl’Onora Aug d’kertoman’madal whose element is Psychic. Interesting, now to begin the training.*

Syl’Onora trained with Tr’ynka Valae while his headache steadily started to go away. At first he had to enter Tr’ynka Valae’s mind, it was relatively difficult, but Syl’Onora felt that it was because he was new at it. Tr’ynka Valae somehow caught on to Syl’Onora’s presence and fought him out. *Some minds may be harder to access, while others might be simple.* The older dragon said. *Others you may enter then be forced out. I shall try to train you how to fight back. Perhaps one day you might even be able to control those around you, but I believe you shall be much older than you are currently when you are able to do that.*

*But what is my attack?*

*This could actually be an attack, you could hear very important information about a battle strategy of the enemy then we would be ready to attack them and they would be caught off guard.*

*I am Syl’Onora Aug d’kertoman’madal! I do not wish to be the ears of a battle! I wish to fight in the battle!*

Tr’ynka Valae nodded. *I fully well know who you are Syl’Onora, but if you know what somebody is going while they think about what they are going to do before they do it then you shall be able to strike them down. They will think to move to the left and you shall leap in and attack. Do you understand?*

Syl’Onora sighed and nodded. *I believe so. But-*

*Good, now let us continue.*

Syl’Onora knew that Tr’ynka Valae had interrupted him and that he shouldn’t get mad that the elder dragon wasn’t listening to him, but something inside him snapped and at that moment something invisible flew at Tr’ynka Valae, connected with his head, and flung him off his feet.

Tr’ynka Valae got to his feet quickly and struck Syl’Onora violently. *Foolish! Absolutely foolish! If you wish to merely get angry to learn an attack then go ahead! But if you have to have anger in your system every time you have to attack somebody then you will not be a truly great fighter!*

Syl’Onora was confused and he would admit he was. *What did I do?* He asked.

*Apparently you found yourself an attack when you got angry that I did not listen to you.*


*You wanted to learn an attack now didn’t you? You attacked right now, but you didn’t really learn it now did you? Think Syl’Onora, what did you just do?*

*I was angry at you and I suppose I wanted to make you listen to me, but I don’t know how that happened or what I just did.*

Tr’ynka Valae shook his head. *We have much work to do, but what you just did was toss me off my feet and give me a migraine, I thank you Syl’Onora and don’t be angry with me while I find a way to punish you!*

Syl’Onora quickly found himself taking care of Machesri wyrms the rest of the day while their mothers went off for a small vacation. One wanted to here a story while another wanted to fight Syl’Onora to the death, that one was a red that was, to say the least, full of himself. The day drug on and soon night came. Syl’Onora slept and his mind clearly welcomed sleep.

*Wake up!* Syl’Onora was on his feet in an instant then found breakfast shoved into his mouth and the next thing he knew he was back to training. *Now, what happened yesterday we shall try to repeat today, but you shall now try to aim it at somebody else and without anger.*

*Where are the others from my clutch?* Syl’Onora asked before getting started.

*Right now, I train you, now let us begin!*

The day was long and it wasn’t even half over yet. Syl’Onora had given headache after headache to those willing to help with his training and he had surprised himself when he found out what he had done, but for Syl’Onora headaches weren’t enough. It seemed that when he attacked, he attacked the mind and usually hurt it and/or gave it a headache or migraine, but both Syl’Onora and Tr’ynka Valae knew he was capable of more. *Now what?* Syl’Onora actually asked as lunch seemed to draw near and he was getting hungry.

Tr’ynka Valae seemed to smirk at Syl’Onora. *We eat, but we can only eat once you have hunted and you cannot move once we find prey.*

*What do you mean?*

*Use this new ability to kill, make your attacks stronger, and make it so the mind stops functioning.*

Syl’Onora nodded. He knew he could do this, but how much strain would it put on his mind? It took several tries before Syl’Onora managed to kill a small deer. He had tried then they ran off somehow aware of his presence, then tried, and tried. It wasn’t until what would be dinner that he had finally, after resting a bit, made his first kill with his new attack.

After eating Tr’ynka Valae and Syl’Onora sat quietly. *You had to rest.* Tr’ynka Valae said suddenly.

*Yes, I did.*

*All of this seems to put some strain on your mind. All Bishel dragons are very intelligent and can communicate telepathically though you can now attack the mind of others up to the point of be fatal. I believe there are other things that this element of yours can also do, it is interesting. Perhaps one day, with immense training, you can take over the minds of others and maybe even more than that. For now though we shall perfect your current attack and abilities. We must also strengthen that mind of yours, it is never good to take a little breather in the middle of a battle now is it?* Syl’Onora shook his head and Tr’ynka Valae nodded. *It is getting late, tomorrow we shall continue training.*

Tomorrow seemed to come too early for Syl’Onora and once again Tr’ynka Valae’s wake up call was not that welcomed. Nobody seemed to wish to help out today and Syl’Onora guessed that they didn’t want to get any more headaches or migraines. Instead more hunting came and as the deer and other creatures fell they began to feed other dragon families as well. Syl’Onora did indeed wish to rest, but he wouldn’t allow himself to do so, he kept saying to himself that he would be strong and he wouldn’t fall in battle.

Days passed as the training continued. Syl’Onora could now look at somebody and know what they were thinking or hear their thoughts. Not many dragons really appreciated their private thoughts being listened too so quite a few of the Machesri clan decided to tell Syl’Onora not to peek into their thoughts, they just weren’t comfortable with it. Every time somebody would ask him not to practice on them though Syl’Onora would smirk and ask, *Why? What are you hiding in your mind?* But he wouldn’t bother them again and instead he practiced on those who didn’t seem to care if he looked around inside their minds.

Syl’Onora’s main attack kept getting stronger and stronger, but Tr’ynka Valae made sure that Syl’Onora could control the level of strength he put into his attack. Would it result in them having a headache, migraine, fainting, or dying? Syl’Onora kept practicing certain levels and was very pleased to find himself improving until finally Tr’ynka Valae let him practice his attack on his own.

One night as Syl’Onora gazed up at the stars he wondered if all of his efforts would be enough for him to become a full Bishen. With a sigh he decided to sleep and worry about that later, surely Tr’ynka Valae would approach him soon enough with news on whether or not the older Hirgyae dragon believed he had trained hard enough to be a full Bishen for after all the red dragon did know that he had learned at attack so perhaps he would learn he was a Bishen in the morning instead of having to train more, which he'd probably do anyway. Syl’Onora had learned an attack, had trained for a long time, had mastered the attack so that he could decide how strong he would make his attack and he didn’t need to rest anymore. But as Syl’Onora drifted into sleep though he couldn’t help but wonder if he had trained enough or done enough.

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