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Heath groaned as he awoke finding himself sitting in a metal chair with metal clasps around his hands and feet. The pain was still in the back of his head, but it wasn’t even close to being as bad as it had been before. The room was dark except for a small blue light that came from a door. Heath looked around the small room and found that he was sitting in front of a desk. Heath peered closer at the desk and found that a man was sitting in it. This man wasn’t Lee but Heath soon learned just who he was.

“Welcome back. So you’re called Heath now? Interesting.”

“Who are you? What do you want with me?” Heath demanded.

“I am Atoa.” Heath instantly recognized the name. The person he had talked to in the Bishen Realm, but how? How was he here? Perhaps he wasn’t here, but then perhaps he was.

“Yes Heath it is I, and no I’m not actually here. I’m a projection. Now my little experiment it’s time to learn about yourself. First of all you are one of two genetically enhanced individuals, the other is your brother. No not that Erik guy, he was not your brother. No, but both you and him where made to believe your were brothers. Your real brother’s name is well, how about you meet him yourself? But first, have any questions?”

In truth Heath had a million questions, but only two were going through his head just then. “What do you mean genetically enhanced? And what do you mean brother?”

The projection or whatever it was sighed, “Genetically enhanced. You Heath are capable of breathing different atmospheres, survive long periods of time without breathing, and you heal faster than the normal person, you can also see long distances and many other things that I just can't remember. You and your brother were created to kill, but we found flaws with you, so sorry. So when we did we scrubbed your memory clean and sent you off. That’s when we began to create your brother. Now brother? Well I mean exactly what I said, he is your brother. Though he doesn’t look much like you, he still has genetic material similar to your own yes. Now if you’re done with questions. I’ll call for him.” Atoa did so and not even two seconds later a medium sized figure with flashing evil red eyes appeared in the doorway. “This,” Atoa said, “Is your brother. The other children we experiment on call him Than rhymes with Dan, why don’t they call him Dan or something? Who knows? Now I shall release to go with your brother. I warn you now though don’t you dare try anything or you will pay. Both of you.”

The metal clasps came undone, but for a long time Heath could only stare at his brother who did the same at him. “Than?” The other nodded. No emotion was on his face, it was blank, and it was cold. He was a killer, he most likely had done it before, but then, who knows for sure? Heath slowly got up from sitting in the metal chair. He shivered and hugged his jacket close to him finding it quite cold. Then he looked Than over closely. He was surprised to find his brother was wearing but a mere black sleeveless shirt and he wasn’t shivering or even had goose bumps at all. Every thing Than wore was black even his hair was black, but what was most startling were his red eyes. They never seemed to blink, not once as Heath stared into their cold depths. Than then turned and left, Heath guessed that he was supposed to go with him so he did. Walking down what seemed to be an endless hallway Heath turned to his brother, “How long have you been here?”

Than kept walking and in a low, cold voice said, “Forever.”

“Don’t you want to get away from here?”

“Yes. I do not have anywhere to go though.”

Heath immediately had a plan forming in his mind. “Can they hear us?”

“No. They only have camera’s in the important places, not hallways.”

“Will you help me get out of here? And then I could take you with me?”

Than stopped his red eyes were still emotionless but Heath could have sworn he say a glint of excitement in them. “I can get out of here easy. I will help you. Only if you promise me, my supposed brother, that you take me with you then one day I shall come back and they shall suffer for what they do.”

The way his brother talked scared Heath, but he nodded. “Good. I want out of here as soon as possible. Do you know what they have down with my motorcycle?”

Than nodded, “It is in a small storage compartment. If you wish to take it with you it may hinder our escaping because we would have to get it.”

“We would go faster with it especially with the things B’Elanna added. Now could you help me get it then get out of here?”

Than nodded, “Yes. But when?”

“As soon as possible would be preferred.”

“Let’s go.” Heath blinked a couple times but Than shot away and Heath quickly went after him.

As they walked along they passed many young people who chattered excitedly about the brother’s being back together. Heath guessed that they already knew about Than having a brother. Than entered a large room, in the room were many vehicles. Heath watched as his brother went to many cameras in the room and turned them off. “We won’t have long. We must hurry.” Than said.

Heath nodded then spotted his motorcycle. He started it up and Than opened a door at the other end. “Hop on!” Heath yelled to his brother. The whole time he thought, ‘Well this is easy.’ Than hopped on then they went out of the door and found themselves smack dab in the middle of a vast desert.

Heath stared at the desert as his motorcycle went along. “We’re in the middle of a freaking desert!” He yelled back to Than.

“That’s why it’s easy to get out. No place to go once you’re out. I didn’t think this would work actually and I still don’t if this is as fast as this motorcycle of yours can go.” Than’s voice was filled with disgust.

“It can go faster, hang on!” And Heath pressed a button the motorcycle was instantly going faster than any normal one would go. In his mind Heath was thanking B’Elanna a million times for making some adjustments of her own to the motorcycle.

Two hours later Heath was thrilled that he was back in the small town he had started in. Behind him Than was actually quite amused with the motorcycle and was wondering if he could somehow steal it from Heath. Heath being as happy as he was almost forgot about Than. A stranger he practically didn’t know anything about. Heath decided not to stop in the small town. “Where are we going now?” Than asked thinking that Heath didn’t have any clue.

But Heath did have a clue, “B’Elanna’s!” He yelled to Heath and headed in off in the direction of B’Elanna’s house. “I hope you don’t have to stop to go to the bathroom or eat! It’s a long trip. Might have to get some gas along the way.”

Finally Heath entered the small valley that B’Elanna’s home was in. He saw the driveway and went faster. He reached the mansion and got of his bike. Than did the same and looked around curiously. Heath walked up to the door and knocked motioning for Than to follow him. Mary answered the door and almost fell over at seeing Heath. “A moment please.” She said and walked off to find B’Elanna. A couple seconds later Than found himself standing in a large living room next to Heath. A young lady then entered she started to talk immediately to Heath who told her everything. Than’s stomach growled just then interrupting Heath and B’Elanna’s happy reunion. That’s when B’Elanna first noticed Than standing there. She gave Heath a questioning look, but he merely said he’d tell her later. “Go in the kitchen and Mary will find you something to eat.” Than nodded and walked to where the young lady, about that same age as him he guessed, pointed. Mary did get him something to eat a lot of things to eat actually. Than gazed over the food curiously at first then dove in meanwhile Heath was telling B’Elanna the whole story.

“Oh. Well sounds like you’ve had an interesting little adventure.” B’Elanna said.

“Yes, but I want to take Than to the Bishen Realm. If that’s okay with you.”

B’Elanna was shocked at first then said, “Why?”

“Something tells me he has to go there. Please B’Elanna.”

B’Elanna sighed not knowing what was going on, “Agree to do these things and it’ll be okay. First of all. Nobody goes in search of Sofi. You don’t go near her at all. She is peacefully reading in the library. Do not bother her. I cannot stress this enough.”

“I won’t and Than won’t either.”

“Good. When you’re ready you know where the DT is.”


“Yeah. But don’t you want to rest first?”

“I do want to rest, really want to rest. For some reason though. I have this feeling that Than has to go there. I don’t know why but I just have the feeling that he needs to go there. So I don’t really want to waste anytime. Besides from what I’ve told you I don’t think he’s the least bit tired.”

Heath got up and so did B’Elanna, but while B’Elanna most likely headed off to the library to tell Sofi what was happening Heath went straight to the kitchen. Than just barely finished devouring tons of food as Heath walked in. “Ready to leave Than?” Than got up, he didn’t really know what Heath was talking about but he said he was ready to go nonetheless.

Heath went to B’Elanna upstairs Laboratory and went in Than followed. Heath moved to the controls of the DT and started it up. “Where are we supposed to be going?” Than questioned.

“You’ll see, or perhaps you already know. Just go and stand there or wait for me to come over and I’ll show you what’s happening.” The countdown began and Heath pulled his brother over to where they were supposed to stand. When 0 came around they were gone to the Bishen Realm.

Than looked around shocked, “Where are we?”

“We are in a different realm called the Bishen Realm. Isn’t it great?”


“Why is it great? You’ll see.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Okay, okay. Then don’t believe me. Now come on.” But as Heath said that he saw something.

~Hello! Hello! I am the bird bird. Are you going to the Bishen Realm realm?~

“Yeah.” Heath said, “Don’t really know how to get there though.”

~Follow bird bird! I will take you.~ Than stared at the bird as Heath followed it and he followed Heath. ‘A talking bird? Perhaps my brother is speaking the truth.’ Than thought then suddenly he had the feeling that there was something here he was supposed to do.

“Welcome to the Bishen Realm! My name is Indyana.”

“You have Dragons here don’t you?”

Heath turned to his brother surprised at him, “Yes they do Than.”

“Adoption? You can adopt?” Than’s mind was racing he barely knew what he was saying every word that came out of his mouth was as if he had been there before and said the same things like he had dreamt it happening or something. “Can I adopt?” In his dream he had remembered asking that question.

Heath followed his brother now wondering what he was doing, but that was actually plain and clear. His brother was planning on getting a Bishel Dragon. Little did Heath know that the Dragons now up for adoption were not at all like Sofi. They were more like warriors with armor, dark warriors. So Heath, thinking that his brother was wanting something like Sofi, sat down and waited for Than to get done with seeing if he could get a Dragon.

Than walked, Than read what he was told to read, then Than asked to see the eggs. Surprisingly he was able to and he stared at the eggs. “Will I be able to get one of these?” He asked himself, “It’s so like the dream. What if? Can it be true?” He muttered silently to himself. Heath after a while went back tot he mansion and told Than that he'd be back later he was just leaving to tell B'Elanna what was happening. Than merely said, "Okay." Then he sat back and watched the eggs for a long time waiting to hear whether or not he could have one.

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