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“Heath!” B’Elanna ran out into the living room as fast as she could. “Heath!” She said when she saw him. “We have a problem.”

“Wha? Problem? What problem? I don’t see a problem.”

“Shut up this is serious. Look at this!” B’Elanna then threw something to Heath who caught it and looked at it with a bored look on his face.

“What is it?”

“A tracking device. I found it on your motorcycle. Anak has pinpointed the position of your enemies I suppose. They are closing in fast. They’re almost near the mansion.”

Heath yawned, “That’s not good.” B’Elanna growled and smacked his head. “Ow! Hey! What was that for!”

“You idiot! Think! Wait! I got it!” Then B’Elanna zipped off leaving Heath rubbing his head and almost getting ready to fall asleep. Just then B’Elanna ran back out and grabbed the tracking device. Heath sighed then wondered what Than was up to.

“You might want to stop staring at the eggs, they won’t be going anywhere and you might not get one.”

Than didn’t like the idea of him not getting a dragon, but he took the hint and got up. Slowly Than turned and went out of the door not knowing what to do next. He stood in the sunlight for a long time amazed that his skin didn’t burn immediately. Many creatures that he had never seen or even thought were to be seen before now fluttered around him or walked or flew.

Than was tired and soon he found himself sitting on the ground instead of standing next he was laying but that soon changed to him being fast asleep.

“Help us! You’re stronger! Why don’t you help us?” A small girl was shouting at Than again along with many others. He ignored them, they were weak and not important.

“Shh. Don’t worry. You will be okay.” An older girl said to the younger one. Kazni, that was her name. She was the only one ever comforting the younger children. She was weak as well yet she always seemed to make it out of every year. Than occasionally thought why she did up until he asked her and she had said, “I am still here because I have to keep telling kids that one day it will be fine and they will be out of this place.”

“It’s not going to happen. Besides having dreams like that is a useless waste of time.”

“Haven’t you ever had a dream? Or have you ever dreamt while you were asleep?” Kazni asked.


“I pity you.”

“I do not care if you pity me or not. You are the one that needs pitying yet I am not the person to do so.”

“You are a cold cruel individual”

“Oh, so you’ve just figured that out? Leave me alone, don’t try to understand.”

“And if I do?”

Than glared at her and said, “You die.” Then he walked away without another word. Another year had passed and Kazni was no more. She couldn’t make it, she had caught a cold or the flu and didn’t make it out of that. Nobody comforts the children anymore. Then as unlikely as it was Than did dream. For the first time in his life he had a dream, but it was more of a nightmare.

He was close to the exit, to freedom where he could do whatever he wanted but at the last moment possible he was grabbed by what seemed to be fifty men. All of them yelling and screaming to knock him out or do away with him. Every one of them said he’s to great to live. Than was the best genetically enhanced person they ever had, he was quite dangerous as said on his file but the leader didn’t want to get rid of him. He wanted to make more of Than, more as great as Than so to do that he needed to keep Than. Than merely assumed that the guy in charge had the idea to take over the world or some such nonsense. He never got out and spent the rest of his time chained to a wall while people muttered around him doing experiments and such. In this dream though he remembered a dark frightening looking head that said inside his head,*Imbecile, absolute imbecile.* But even as whatever it was said that it still helped him. Than was grateful to whatever it was, but when he awoke he remembered it was just a dream. Shockingly enough he had another dream in this one he was outside of prison he had spent so much of his life in. With him was a silver haired boy, together they left. That part of his dreams had come true, but what about the other? Perhaps Than shall never know.

Just then Than’s red eyes blinked open to find a creature staring right at him. *Hullo! Who are you? *

“None of your business now back off.”

*Well aren’t you the cheerful type? *

“Leave me alone.”

*Fine, whatever you say.* Than smiled. He liked it that way people or even creatures that he knew nothing about obeying his every wish, which wasn’t like, “Get me a cup of tea.” But rather the, “Leave me alone.” Ones. He didn’t need a cup of tea anyway, just to be left alone. ‘Besides.’ He thought, ‘They’ll never understand me.’

*And why not?*

Than growled, “I told you to leave me alone.”

*No, you told somebody else to leave you alone. You didn’t tell me anything. Now, why won’t they understand you?*

Scratching his black hair Than turned around to see a red arboreal flying silently behind him. “You read thoughts? Stay out of my mind dragon.”

*Answer my question if you don’t mind. I am after all helping decided where the eggs go, don’t test me boy I have seen much.*

“They’ll never understand, because they’ll never understand.”

*Not looking on the bright side, eh?*

“There is no bright side.”

The red seemed to let out a great sigh then said, *There is always a bright side, you just have to find it. Now then. Tell me why you wish to have one of the Hirgyae clan.*


*Because I asked you and it’s only polite to respond.*


*You know boy that’s not a good answer.*

“Because if this is anything like my dream then I must apply to get one.”

*What is your dream like?*

“You wouldn’t understand.”

*You know. I may very well understand, but if you never tell me then I shall never know whether or not I understand.*

Than leapt up to his feet and scowled at the dragon before him, “Who do you think you are?!”

*Well I think I am the Kailan.*

Than kept scowling, “I’ve read about you.”

*Indeed, many have.*

“Goodbye now.”

*Where are you going? Back to B’Elanna’s? You do know that she herself has a Bishel Dragon though if you go near her dragon B’Elanna may very well kill you.*

“Nobody can kill me. And no. I’m not going back to that B’Elanna’s house, I’m going for a walk if you must know.” Than practically spit at the Kailan and walked off.

*Such disrespect.* The Kailan thought, then he glided over to where a few people and other dragons waited for him.

A lady with red hair whose name was Indyana and was also the creator of the Bishen Realm greeted him and asked, “Well? What’s he like?”

But before the Kailan had a chance to speak another dragon said, *I for one think that kid has problems. *

*He is strange indeed, but there is something here that we are not aware of. I cannot tell what he is really like and that in itself makes me question. * Leukosri let out yet another sigh. *Right now I am ready to believe that he has problems, but he blocks his mind from any telepathic creature. Actually he just started that when I tried to wiggle my way in. Obviously whatever is in his mind he doesn’t want it let out. Something strong is in there, I know that much. Strong, evil, dangerous and ready to destroy. I also have the feeling it takes a lot out of him to keep it under control. I shall not press any further for information from him for fear of letting that demon inside him loose.*

Than looked out over the land from the top of a large hill. His hand was twitching and he quickly clenched it tightly into a fist. ‘No.’ He thought fiercely into his mind. What was he saying no to? Good question. Blinking a couple of times Than watched as an old man can walking out of his home carrying with him a sword. ‘I could use a sword or some sorts.’ Than thought and watched as the man laid the sword down then walked back inside his home. Faster than lightning Than raced down and snatched the sword then he raced away again. “Sorry old guy. But you’re to old to use this anyways. Thanks.” Looking at the sword Than noticed a dark jewel glimmering in the center of it, it seemed quite ominous but Than shrugged at it then looked at the over all quality of the sword he now held. It was amazingly light as a feather and on the blade ran markings of the sun, moon and stars. Than smiled then walked off wondering where he should go next.

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Page 16~Syl'Onora

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