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In Honor of Those Who Have Fallen

Superman (Killed in battle with the Anti-Monitor, altering history brought him back)
The Flash II (Killed destroying Anti-Monitor's Anti-matter cannon)
Brainiac 5.1 (Killed in battle with the Anti-Monitor, altering history brought him back)
Wonder Woman II (Diana) (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar, later info shows the dead here was actually a Durlan spy, body recovered on Durla--still dead)
Power Girl (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Booster Gold (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Adam (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Starfire (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Zauriel (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Barda (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Orion (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Eradicator (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Captain Marvel (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Metamorpho (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Azrael (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Firehawk (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Prysm (Murdered by the Executioner)
Nuklon (Killed in action by the Executioner. Died saving Kid Lantern's life)
Force (Killed in action battling the Executioner)
Tick (Killed in action battling the Executioner)
Green Lantern (Lightning Bug) (Murdered by the Executioner)
Dusk (Murdered by the Executioner)
Magenta (Murdered by Jericho's ghost)
Forgotten Boy (slain trying to avert Impulse from destroying the multiverse)
Magus (overcome by evil taint, slain in self defense by Connor Hawke)
Tempest II (Killed in action battling Vulcan)
Mary Marvel (Killed in action battling Teekl)
Artax (Killed during power overload while hunting the Executioner)
Morph (Killed by a Yakuza shadow demon)
Junior (Killed by a Yakuza shadow demon)
Fire (Died during childbirth)
Damage (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Bloodwynd (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Dove (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Superman (Killed in action battling the forces of Avatar)
Aquagirl II (Killed in action battling both the forces of Avatar and Shadowmaster)
Hawk (Killed in action vs. the Executioner I and Hitman, during Bad Friday)
Deadshot (Killed by Green Arrow I in self-defence, during Bad Friday)
Hitman (killed in action vs. the Executioner I, during Bad Friday)
Executioner I (killed by Hitman, during Bad Friday)
Miscreant (killed in action vs. Executioner I, Deadshot & Peacemaker, during Bad Friday)
Coldfront (Killed in action battling Carnage)
Doom Patrol (1999-2000 incarnation destroyed due to events of Bad Friday).
Black Lightning (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Obsidian (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Peacemaker (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Willpower (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Mirage (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Madame Xanadu (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Pantha (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Baby Wildebeest (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Duela Dent (Killed by the Bad Friday event).
Judomaster (Murdered by Dava during The Contest)

(After 2000 AD)

Hourman III (Killed by Johnny Sorrow in 2001; resuscitated; off-line in 2002)
Claw (Killed by Executioner 3 in 2002)
Meridian (Killed by Executioner 3 in 2002)
Cassandra Cain (Killed by Executioner 3 in 2002)
Captain Atom (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Black Condor (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Robotman (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Changeling (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Astra (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Batwoman (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Atom (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Bladerunner (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Stargirl (Killed battling Shadowmaster's Horde in 2003)
Mockingbird (Murdered in 2005 by Durlan assassins)
Freefall (Murdered in 2008 by Percival Chang)
Cave Carson (Sacrificed self to save humanity in 2008)
Dolphin (Assassinated by IRA members in 2012)
Triumph (Killed during the unsuccessful Battle For Detroit)
Plastic Man (Killed during the unsuccessful Battle For Detroit)
Power Girl (Killed during the unsuccessful Battle For Detroit)
Phantom Lady (Killed during the unsuccessful Battle For Detroit)
Pascual Godard (Killed during the Magic War of 2013, by friendly fire)
Jason Blood (Killed during the Magic War in 2013, by Etrigan)
the male aspect of Dr. Occult (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Dr. Fate (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Swamp Thing- Alec Holland (Killed during the Magic War in 2013, by Naiad)
Mister E (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Ragman (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Looker (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Celestial Guardian (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Dove III- Renee Montoya (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Black Orchid (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Tattooed Man (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Halo (Killed during the Magic War in 2013, by Faust)
Raven (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
the Leymen (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Omen (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Circe (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Queen Hippolyta (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Kid Eternity (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Eclipso (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Hellbreed (Killed by Tim's "Other" during the Magic War in 2013)
Encantadora (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Felix Faust (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Flora Faust (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Tim Hunter's Other (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Secret (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Merlin (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
the Wizard (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Tannarak (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Teekl (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Wotan (Villain) (Killed during the Magic War in 2013)
Terra (Murdered in 2015 by vampires)
Wonder Woman (Donna Troy Harper) (Murdered in 2016 by the Cult of Brother Blood)
Aquaman (Killed by Cadaver II in 2019)
The Flash IV (Killed by the Crooked Man in 2020)
Red Bird II (Killed by Dread in 2020 Detroit)
Blowfish (Killed by The Devilfish in 2020)
Tarantula II (Killed by assassin in 2020)
Flying Fox (Killed by assassin in 2020)
Red Bee II (Killed by John Zatara of Earth 3 in 2020)
Firebrand (Killed by John Zatara of Earth 3 in 2020)
Quick (Killed by Johnathan Zatara of Earth 3 in 2020)
Green Lantern-Roxy (Killed by Harpy (Earth 3 Piper) in 2020)
Green Lantern--Kyle Rayner (Killed by Harpy (Earth 3 Piper) in 2020)
Steel (Killed by John Zatara of Earth 3 and Mara Ramirez of 2027)
Tink (Killed by John Zatara of Earth 3 and Mara Ramirez of 2027)
Hero Cruz (Killed by John Zatara of Earth 3 and Mara Ramirez of 2027)
Platinum (Killed by John Zatara of Earth 3 and Mara Ramirez of 2027)
Officer Gordon (Killed by John Zatara of Earth 3 and Mara Ramirez of 2027)
John Zatara of Earth 3 (Lobotomized by Kal Armorr, Ibn Al Xu'ffasch and Hal Jordan)
Jolt (Killed in Detroit 2021, by Black Lanterns)
Spellbinder (Killed in Detroit 2021, by Black Lanterns)
Black Condor (Killed in Detroit 2021, by Black Lanterns) Batman-Guy Rayner (Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Batman-Brin Armorr (Killed by Zsasz 2020)
The Pink Panther(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Nightbird(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Bumblebee (Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Blue Bird(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Blackhawk(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Chickadee(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
The Great Tit(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
The Crow(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Nite-Owl(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Hawk(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Dove(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Whippoorwill(Killed by Zsasz 2020)
Iron Munro II (Killed by Black Lanterns)
Liberty Belle 2 (killed by Black Lanterns)
Cyborg (Killed by Black Lanterns)
Saturn Girl (Killed by Black Lanterns
Nekron (villain) (Killed by Sgt. Rock)
Superman (Killed by Sensor Boy)
Val Armorr (Killed by Sensor Boy)
Indigo Lantern--Hank Henshaw (Killed by Sensor Boy)
Bruja (Killed by Sensor Boy)
Captain Amazing (Killed by Superboy Prime)
Elder Stapleton (Killed by Superboy Prime)
Apostate (Killed by Superboy Prime)
Green Lantern Alex Rayner (Killed by Superboy Prime)
Beast Girl (Killed by Superboy Prime)
Kid Flash (Went into the Speedforce battling Superboy Prime)
Super-Fast (Went into the Speedforce battling Superboy Prime)
Quickstrike (Killed by Joanie Swift)
The Earth 3 Miscreants (Peter Drake, Ana Grayson, Kitten, Jack Quick, Frostbite, Hal Queen, Brandy Reilly, Jesse Grayson) (Killed by Rival)
Johnathan Chambers 2.0 (Killed by Savitar)
Maxwell, Jennifer, Judith, Theodore, Jared, Julian, Jacob and Justain Chambers (Killed by Savitar)
Red Sun Killed by Non during World War Zod
Hourman III destroyed during the Fall of New Oa during WWZ
Metal Man killed during the Fall of Atlantis during WWZ
S.T.R.I.P.E. killed during the Fall of New Oa during WWZ
Captain Marvel (Freddy) killed during the Fall of New Oa during WWZ
Invisible Justice killed during Fall of New Oa during WWZ
Black Cat killed during Fall of New Oa during WWZ
Green Lantern: Alan Scott killed during Fall of New Oa during WWZ
Green Lantern: Rond Vidar killed during Fall of New Oa during WWZ
Twilight killed by Kryptonians during WWZ
Superboy killed by Doomsday during WWZ
Kal Armorr killed by Zod during World War Zod.
Mermaid killed during Fall of Atlantis during WWZ
Plastic Manta killed during WWZ
Artemis (Athena Anders) killed during WWZ
Dick Anders killed during WWZ
Crucible killed during WWZ
Outer Darkness killed during WWZ
