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Dimensional Theories:
Rules of Conduct
Samurai Code
Colors & Sources
Power Quirks
Timeline of Doom

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings
Character Birthdays
The Official Ranger Kid Rules

Site Stuff:
Fading Lights

Bright Skies Characters

The current listing of characters used in the Bright Skies, organized by year, as the people working for S.P.D. and various teams change *many* times. Here you can find bios on series characters as portrayed in this universe, and the official listings of who works where and what Powers they have. Fair warning this area is still under contruction and contains *MASSIVE* spoilers. Proceed at your own risk.

2001 Time Force Rangers

2011 Wes Collins joins S.P.D.

S.P.D. Earth Duty Roster

2017 Newtech Rangers

2019 Several Rangers' children are kidnapped; Jaz Johnson and Elizabeth Stewart-Ortiz are never recovered
       Mirloc attacks; Dino Thunder, Lightspeed Rescue, and Newtech Ranges suffer losses. Wes falls into a coma

S.P.D. Earth Newtech City Duty Roster
       * Pre-Missing
S.P.D. Earth Tokyo Duty Roster
       * Pre-Missing
S.P.D. Earth Newtech City Duty Roster
       * Post-Missing
S.P.D. Earth Tokyo Duty Roster
       * Post-Missing

2023 Wes wakes up

S.P.D. Earth Newtech Duty Roster

2028 Emperor Grumm advances on Earth; A Squad disappears, B Squad Rangers are formed

S.P.D. Earth Newtech Duty Roster
       * Pre-Welcome to the Club
S.P.D. Earth Newtech Duty Roster
       * Post-Recovered
S.P.D. Earth Tokyo Duty Roster
       * Post-Recovered

2029 Emperor Grumm is defeated

S.P.D. Earth Newtech Duty Roster
S.P.D. Earth Tokyo Duty Roster

3002 Time Force Rangers

2044 Omega Ranger Samuel Thorn returns home

S.P.D. Newtech City Duty Roster