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Timeline of Doom

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Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings
Character Birthdays
The Official Ranger Kid Rules

Site Stuff:
Fading Lights

The (Semi) Canon Timeline of Doom

In an effort to organize the series of events that take place in the Bright Skies universe, I have created this, the Timeline of Doom. It lists each year, the dates that briefly summarized events happen, and birthdays for all Rangers and some support staff of our series. I say that it's 'semi' cannon, because to give any remote sense of linear time, I adjusted things as they would most likely have occured.

This was made to begin organizing Bright Skies and FtD for those who I confuse - and I'm sure there's a lot of you - but it's also available as a reference for anyone else that wants to use it. Just please, if you want to repost it somewhere else, credit it me. The headache this thing gave me alone demands it. -Glares at Mighty Morphin Era-

* Please note that this timeline is constantly under construction. Feel free to offer input to help further its completion.

1997 - 1998: Turbo Rangers

June 11Tommy, Adam, Kat, Tanya, and Rocky graduate high school; Zordon and Alpha return to Eltar and are replaced by Dimitria and Alpha 6; Elgar turns Bulk and Skull into chimpanzees.
June 30Chromite makes Shadow Rangers and abducts everyone but Tommy; Tommy saves the day.
July 2Visceron comes from Inquiris to tell Dimitria that she has a twin, but is captured by Divatox and turned against the Rangers.
August 5Justin competes in a soapbox derby; Porto attacks against against Divatox's orders.
August 24Divatox puts a detonator in a drag racer's car; destracts the Rangers with Demon Racer.
September 16Justin gets a bike for his birthday from Divatox with a detonator in it; Rangers throw him a surprise party.
September 19Justin is put under a spell to make him lie, making a Piranhatron appear each time he lies.
September 21The Pharaoh's Staff turns written words everywhere into hieroglyphics
September 23Kat tries to go on a diet; Numbor makes her weightless.
September 24Justin is bullied and contemplates using his Powers to protect himself
September 27Blue Senturion arrives
September 29Adam coaches a soccer team; Divatox puts a detonator under their scoreboard.
October 2Griller manipulates the automobiles of Angel Grove to fly around and destroy the city
October 6Shrinkasect shrinks Blue Senturion and the older Rangers; Justin and MiniBlue Senturion have to save the day.
October 10-11Tommy, Adam, Tanya, and Kat, retire, chosing T.J., Carlos, Ashley, and Cassie to take their place.
October 12Divatox uses Ashley's ugly jackets to turn people evil; the other Rangers and Blue Senturion are all affected.
October 15Lightning Cruise and Storm Blaster arrive
October 18Divatox loses her memory and becomes a waitress in a pizza parlor; T.J.'s infamous pizza story occurs.
October 20Phantom Ranger first appears
October 28Everyone in Angel Grove is sent into an invisible dimension
October 31Divatox screws around with time and still loses
November 3General Havoc arrives; defeats and captures the Turbo Megazord.
November 4Phantom Ranger gives the Turbo Rangers the Rescue Zords
November 5Phantom Ranger's ruby is stolen
November 6Phantom's ruby is used to power the Turbo Megazord under Divatox's control; Phantom nearly dies as a result.
November 15Robot Rangers visit Earth
November 17Divatox's monster makes three wishing coins; one goes to Elgar, one turns Blue Senturion evil, and the third is lost to Bulk and Skull.
November 18Divatox's monster searches for the missing wishing coin; the Rangers fight evil Blue Senturion.
November 25Torch Tiger steals the Ranger's new super fuel, and is able to breath fire.
December 1Ashley struggles with autoshop and learns to fix Storm Blaster
December 3T.J. meets Erutan, the spirit of nature, while trying to protect the forest from Divatox.
December 14Cassie tries to start a band with a friend; Divatox's monsters sneak their way into becoming part of it to brainwash the public.
December 10Carlos thinks he injures a soccer teammate; Divatox sends Piranhatrons to pretend to be his other angry teammates.
December 22Divatox's monster turns Cassie's dog Jetson into a human
January 3T.J. struggles to hit curve balls
January 6Carlos gets bit by a lunar bat Divatox turned into a monster, and becomes a vampire.
January 13Justin gets bitten by a radioactive ant and gains super strength, but loses his ability to morph.
January 27Cassie and Ashley fight over Bobby, the new guy at school
February 7Bulk and Skull are accused of stealing contents of packages at their new job; Rangers go to help and learn that Piranhatrons have been taking them to build a Zord remote.
February 10-11Turbo Rangers lose both Megazords to Goldgoyle; Dimitria and Blue Senturion leave Earth to help Zordon; Divatox destroys the Power Chamber. Rangers go into space to help; Justin stays behind.

1998: Astro Rangers

February 13Team meets Andros
February 27Team meets Ninja Turtles
March 6Andros looks for Karone; learns Darkonda kidnapped her.
March 13Rangers find satellite on Kalderon
March 20Andros makes friends with thieves
March 27Cassie is blackmailed into a date
April 3Craterites escape the Simudeck
April 4Cassie befriends monster
April 11Rangers find Phantom Ranger, and get the Delta Megaship.
April 18Evilyzer Ray
April 25Ashley's grandmother comes to Angel Grove and tries to set up Ashley and Carlos
May 2Carlos and Cassie turn into bugs
May 9T.J. gets amnesia.
May 16Andros wins key cards for MegaVoyager, and remembers that Darkonda is the one who kidnapped Karone
May 20Team finds Mega Vehicles
June 6Storm Blaster escapes and looks for help to save Lightning Crusier; Justin saves Astro Rangers.
June 8Ashley swaps places/looks with Astronema
July 3Zhane wakes up
July 10Zhane hits on Ashley; Andros finally asks her out.
July 14Zhane's morpher acts up, and is eventually fixed.
August 5Zhane and Astronema's 'date'
August 16Zhane stays on KO35 to help the rebels
September 17Carlos injures Cassie, Adam comes to boost his ego.
September 21Andros finds Astronema's locket
September 23Astronema joins Andros
September 24Rangers try to rescue Zordon and end up in a trap
September 28-29Astronema is recaptured
October 3Psycho Rangers appear
October 13Carlos is blackmailed by Sylvie
October 17Ashley and Cassie fight; Ashley is caught by Psycho Rangers.
October 25Zhane returns to help against Psycho Rangers. Everyone pretends to be T.J.
October 28Psycho Rangers use voice recognition to look for Astro Rangers
November 2Psycho Rangers steal Mega Voyager
November 8Andros finds a stowaway
November 12Andros becomes the Red Battlized Ranger
November 19Psycho Rangers return through data machine
December 1Ecliptor takes over the Megaship
December 13Rangers attacked by psycho humvee; Zhane saves them all.
December 16-17 Countdown to Destruction

1999: Lost Galaxy Rangers

February 6Terra Venture is launched; Rangers get their sabers, and Mike is lost.
February 20Rangers rescue Galactabeasts
February 27Leo attempts to join GSA, and later quits.
March 6 Damon finds Matthew the stowaway
March 13Utantrum pretends to be Mike and tricks Leo into releasing the Lights of Orion
March 20Kendrix meets her movie star diva double and changes places with her
March 27Kai takes Commander Stanton's daughter rollerblading and crushes on Hannah
April 3Furio self-destructs, and Magna Defender rescues Leo.
April 17Rangers search for the Lights of Orion in a sunflower statue, and learn about Magna Defender.
April 24Terra Venture is put to sleep except for Leo, Magna Defender, and animals.
May 5Kendrix and Maya get into a fight, while part of Terra Venture is shielded so a monster can search for the Lights of Orion.
May 8Rangers leave Terra Venture to search for the Lights of Orion
May 15Treacheron and the Shark brothers try to capture Trakeena
June 24Magna Defender goes insane and throws himself into a volcano; Mike returns.
June 25Skelecron captures Kai, Kendrix, Damon, and Maya; Mike and Leo rescue them. Mike tells Leo to keep his saber, and becomes Magna Defender instead.
July 2Trakeena steals the beauty of all the women on Terra Venture and tries to kill Mike
July 9Mike and Leo try to answer a distress call, and find the Galaxy Book.
July 16-22Deviot appears with lost Galactabeasts
August 23Deviot betrays Scorpius, and Trakeena becomes the new commander of the Scorpion Stinger.
August 25Trakeena captures Leo and tries to kill him
August 26Monster pretends to be Maya's friend Shondra and tries to steal the Galaxy Book
August 27Trakeena holds High Commander Renier hostage. Damon fixes the Scorpion Stinger, while Leo frees the Commander.
August 28Commander Stanton is brainwashed by a monster, and Kai commits mutiny.
September 4Mantis captures the girls; Leo turns his Astro Cycle into the Capsular Cycle.
September 8Loyax fights Maya and is convinced to become good, but Deviot destroys him in the end.
September 12Leo falls for Hannah, and gets into fights with her overprotective older brother.
September 16Chameliac tries to mimic Rangers to defeat them
October 4Deviot brings back the Psycho Rangers; Astro Rangers show up to help.
October 15Kendrix dies fighting Psycho Pink
October 28Karone finds the Pink Quasar Saber, and becomes the new Pink Galaxy Ranger.
November 9Karone helps Leo gain a magical key to restore his Powers and give him a new battlizer.
November 10Damon fights Baxter for position of chief mechanic, but loses out when Baxter steals his plans, only to have to work together later against Decibat.
November 11Kai becomes the new guardian of the Galaxy Book, and Deviot sends Terra Venture into the lost galaxy.
November 12Terra Venture meets Captain Mutiny and his slave camp
November 15 Grunchor monster tries to destroy Terra Venture with earthquakes
November 18 Leo and Damon are captured by Captain Mutiny and left to bake in the sun
November 24Huxuba sends past monsters after the Rangers
November 28Captain Mutiny sends the Titanisaur after the Rangers
December 9Barbarax captures Mike and Terra Venture cititzens for slave camps. Leo and Kai open the portal out of the lost galaxy, and Mike sacrifices his Powers to get Terra Venture out.
December 16-18 Terra Venture crashes and is forced to evacuate to Mirinoi; Leo defeats Trakeena. Rangers return the Quasar Sabers to the stone, freeing Mirinoi and reviving Kendrix.

2000 - 2001: Lightspeed Rescue Rangers

February 12Demons escape into Mariner Bay; Carter, Joel, Chad, Kelsey, and Dana are recruited for Operation Lightspeed
February 19Rangers use Zords for the first time
February 26Carter almost blows up some people, and a kid gets hurt. Captain Mitchell tells him to use his brain in the future.
March 4 Kelsey flirts with astronaut Nancy and saves her shuttle
March 11Dana whines about her father not trusting her while taking his friend fishing; later learns she was the one with the real fuel cell everyone wants.
March 18Rangers gets Lightspeed Cycles, and Ms. Fairweather continues to shoot Joel down.
March 25Rangers are replaced with Cyborg Rangers, who later turn evil.
April 1Kelsey gets injured for being reckless, and Chad deals with a rival allied with Vypra
April 8Queen Bansheera arrives, caueing a volcanic erruption, and Dana deals with a hostage situation on a bus
April 15Rangers get Supertrain Megazord
October 22Ryan steals the Titanium Morpher
October 22Ryan goes on a rampage while Dana tries to stop him. Captain Mitchell tells Ryan the truth; Ryan surrenders his morpher and leaves.
October 23Ryan returns to help the Rangers, and officially becomes the Titanium Ranger again.
October 30Ryan's cobra tattoo starts to attack him, and Carter attempts suicide. Carter learns Ryan's secret and busts him.
November 2Ryan ignores orders and risks his life to use the Max Solarzord to help the Rangers
November 27Ryan destroys cobra monster and lifts the Cobra Tattoo curse; Rangers make Lightspeed Solarzord.
December 19Impus becomes Olympius and captures four the the Rangers. Carter figures it out and saves the day.
December 26Carter finally realizes that Captain Mitchell was the one who rescued him from a fire when he was a kid
January 2Rangers interrupt a ritual to return Queen Banshira into her full form, leaving her in a deformed state; Ryan pulls a Zhane and leaves to find a way to stop the demons for good.
January 9Rangers get Omega Megazord, and stop an astroid
January 17Vypra steals some crystals to make a laser; Kelsey teams up with her estranged grandmother to save the day.
January 23Chad's old sensei trains Cycloptor, but Chad defeats it and makes peace with his mentor.
Febuary 2Carter finds himself in an episode of Groundhog's Day
February 7Rangers take the Max Solarzord into space to prevent attached spores from poisoning the atmosphere; Loki and Vypra resurrect Diabolico.
February 21Freezer captures four Rangers; Carter saves them with Thermo Blaster while Diabolico returns.
February 28Joel gets jealous over Ms. Fairweather's brother Clark, who helps build Mega Battle Armor for him and Chad.
March 13Kelsey makes friends with a thief who steals an egg containing a monster
March 24Vypra uses Chad's girlfriend Marina to lure him into a trap
April 6-7Trakeena returns; Leo - and eventually the rest of the Galaxy Rangers - comes to Earth to help stop her.
April 10Four Rangers get amnesia, and Dana fights alone until they remember her.
April 16Rangers end up in the monster underworld, while Ryan helps them out with the Sorcerer of the Sands. Olympius is trapped, and Diabolico kills the sorcerer.
May 10Captain Mitchell is manipulated into giving Olympius energy, but Ms. Fairweather interrupts the feed and destroys the star Power. Rangers defeat Olympius for good.
May 29Marina returns; Chad helps save her father Neptune's trident.
June 13Four Rangers and Lightspeed staff are captured by Arachnor; Carter uses Trans Armor Cycle to defeat Aracnor and the Vyprari.
June 24Dana is discovered and gets an ego, but eventually choses being a Ranger over modeling.
July 15Four Rangers are trapped (again); Carter fights Bansheera to save them from the Skull Cavern dimension.
July 16Olympius captures and enslaves Diabolico into destroying the Megazords. Rangers use the Lifeforce Megazord to destroy them both.
July 17-18Queen Bansheera takes control of Omega and Lifeforce Megazords. Rangers escape a raid on Aquabase, destroy their zords, storm the Skull Cavern, and defeat Queen Bansheera at last.

2001: Time Force Rangers

February 3Jen, Lucas, Katie, and Trip arrive in the past and meet Wes.
February 17Ransik lets out his first mutant, and Jen finally lets Wes join the team.
February 24Wes and Jen paint a TV station; Wes is captured by Ransik, who tells him about his origins and the genetic tampering of newborns in the future.
March 3Lucas tries to get his driver's license and traumatizes the examiner
March 10Wes steals his dad's money to pay ransom for some kids; decides to move into the clock tower.
March 17Nadira kidnaps Circuit; Trip uses his psychic mojo to find him.
March 24Jen broods about Alex and fights Fatcatfish, nearly getting herself killed in the process.
March 31Alex sends Rangers Time Shadow Megazord
April 7Katie broods and debates fighting for 2001; Rangers form Shadow Force Megazord.
April 14Trip has self-confidence issues; builds the Electro Booster.
April 21The Silver Guardians appear, and Eric shows up in Silver City. Wes gets injured in battle, and Mr. Collins and Eric find out he's a Ranger.
April 28Eric steals the Quantum controller, and becomes the Quantum Ranger.
May 5Wes and Eric follow Commandocon back in time to find Q-Rex; Eric nearly leaves Wes behind. Eric takes control of Q-Rex from Commandocon.
May 12Nadira kidnaps Dr. Zaskin, while Lucas protects his daughter.
May 19Katie meets Walter's ghost, and travels back in time to save him.
June 2Jen and Wes have trust issues and learn to work together to rescue team from another dimension; Jen tells Wes about Alex.
June 9Trip saves a mutant, and fights with Eric, eventually convincing him to help the mutant instead.
June 16Conwing mimics Eric's voice and steals Quantum Morpher and Q-Rex; Eric steals back his morpher and gets his Mega Battle Armor.
June 23Contemptra betwitches the guys with a love spell, and the girls save their butts
July 7Lucas fights with his old friend Dash, and eventually convinces him to turn himself in.
July 14Photographer Mitch learns Rangers identities; Katie eventually convinces him not to say anything.
July 28Rangers get sucked into their favorite movie genres
August 4Jen faces her old partner Steelix, who brainwashes her. Wes saves her, and Steelix is defeated.
August 11Venomark attacks; Rangers are bitten. Wes steals the remains of Ransik's vial and convinces his father to reproduce it, saving everyone. Alex shows up in the past.
September 8Alex returns Red Chrono Morpher to Wes, returns to the future.
September 15Wes and Jen go undercover at the gym; Jen flirts with Eric to piss off Wes, Eric is disturbed.
September 22The Black Knight attacks Silver Hills; Wes gains Battle Warrior Battlizer.
October 1Vypra returns; Time Force teams up with Lightspeed Rescue.
October 6Miracon sends the Rangers into mirror world
October 13Lucas gets forced into dating Nadira
October 20Alex screws with Circuit's memory
October 27Ransik runs out of mutants, and the Rangers ponder what happens now.
November 10Wes sends Rangers to the future to protect them; convinces Eric to team up against Ransik.
November 11Eric is injured; Rangers return to the past to help Wes. Ransik is defeated.
November 17Jen, Lucas, Katie, and Trip return to future

2002: Wild Force Rangers

February 9Cole finds the Wild Force Rangers and joins them as Red Ranger
February 10Master Org resurfaces, and the Rangers form the Wild Force Megazord for the first time.
February 16Camera Org turns Taylor invisible
February 23Max runs into Bell Org, and Danny finally gives up on his old crush Kendall to save his boyfriend.
March 2 Alyssa gets the Elephant Zord
March 9 Max tosses a message in a bottle into Turtle Cove lake, wishing for the others to take him more seriously, and ends up with the Giraffe Zord.
March 16Taylor meets two weird boys who turn out to be the Black and Polar Bear Zords, who help Rangers defeat Cell Phone Org.
March 23Cole looks for the Soul Bird, but it escapes, leaving behind a Soul Bird egg. Master Org sees Cole's family picture, and remembers meeting his parents.
March 30Freezer Org freezes the Zords, leaving the Rangers Powerless. The Soul Bird hatches, restores the Zords and Powers, and helps defeat Retinaxe.
April 6Zen-Aku is released, and steals the Elephant Power Orb after defeating the Rangers.
April 13Zen-Aku takes care of injured Alyssa, then summons his Dark Wild Zords to fight the Rangers own Zords.
April 20Zen-Aku forms the Predazord, and steals Giraffe Zord from the Rangers.
April 27Zen-Aku kidnaps Princess Shayla, and vaguely remembers her necklace. Rangers defeat Motorcycle Org and Zen-Aku, rescuing the Princess.
May 4Zen-Aku starts to remember his past, but Nayzor puts a bug in his head to convince him he's pure evil.
May 11Zen-Aku is revealed to be Merrick; Rangers destroy the Predazord and break the curse, freeing him.
May 18Merrick tries to retrieve the stolen Animal Crystals. His Wild Zords return to make him the Lunar Wolf Ranger.
June 1Merrick defeats Necronomica with the Wolf Savage Cycle
June 8Cole gets amnesia and ends up on a farm; Alyssa discovers that Cole's parents have been presumed dead.
June 15Max convinces his old bowling coach to teach him the tornado spin to defeat Bowling Org
June 29Danny fights for Kendall's effection, and Kendall finds out he's a Ranger.
July 6Alyssa's father shows up in town, and realizes she's a Ranger when he sees her fighting.
July 13Princess Shayla and Merrick lure Dear Zord into joining the Rangers with music
July 20Nayzor is resurrected, but Cole defeats him with his Falcon Summoner; Rangers get Isis Megazord.
July 27Time Force Rangers come to help Wild Force
August 10Master Org captures four of the Rangers and tells Cole his true identity. Cole turns him back into a human; Toxica and Jindrax replace Master Org with General Org Mandilok.
September 14Zen-Aku returns
September 16Cole meets Kite
September 21Flute playing org controls everyone, and Animus saves the day.
September 24Jindrax recruits his brother Juggelo to fight the Rangers, while Taylor babysits Max and Kite at the carnival.
September 27Rangers fight Lion Tamer Org for control of the Wild Zords, and are saved by Kite.
September 28Mandilok convinces Kite that humans suck; Kita turns out to be Animus and takes the Wild Zords.
September 30Rangers fight without their Zords; Animus sees the light and gives back the Zords.
October 5Cole meets former Reds and helps them destroy General Venjix and Serpentera
October 19Master Org returns with Duke Org Onikage. Onikage kidnaps Shayla, destroys Toxica, and creates Shadow Rangers, but is destroyed by Pegasus Megazord.
November 2Jindrax sets up Rangers and Locomotive Org to reenergize Toxica's horn to fish her out of the spirit world
November 4Rangers battle resurrected Org generals to disable Nexus' force field, while Toxica and Jindrax rescue Princess Shayla.
November 15-16Master Org attacks, destroys Wild Zords and Rangers' Powers. Wild Zords return from dead, destroy Master Org with Ultra Roar. Shayla goes back to sleep, and Merrick is ditched on Earth.

2003: Ninja Storm Rangers

February 15Lothor attacks the Wind Ninja Academy and turns Sensei Watanabe into a guinea pig; Cam gives morphers to Shane, Dustin, and Tori.
February 18Shane learns to be a leader instead of ass, and Tori and Dustin forgive him.
February 22Marah and Kapri clone Tori, but Tori escapes to save the day.
March 1 Hunter and Blake befriend Dustin; Shane and Tori don't like it.
March 8-14Thunder Rangers defeat Wind Rangers; Tori lets Blake into Ninja Ops, find him & Hunter kidnapping Sensei. Cam and Wind Rangers hunt them down; convince them Lothor killed their parents.
March 20Tired of sitting on the sidelines, Cam helps defeat Lothor's latest monster.
March 29Tori gets Turtle Mace Power Sphere
April 10Thunder Rangers return and are captured while infultrating Lothor's ship, then brainwashed against Wind Rangers.
April 17Choobo sends Wind and Thunder Rangers to deserted island, where Blake is saved and Hunter tries to kill his brother. Cam rescues team and brings them all home.
April 20Shane and Hunter work out their alpha male issues
April 27Tori uses Ninja Streak for personal gain to balance time between Shane and Blake; Hunter & Blake get up close and personal with a bucket of popcorn.
May 6Cam goes back in time for Samurai Amulet; returns to present and becomes Green Samura Ranger.
May 14CyberCam takes over Cam's life, while Tori and Dustin are captured by Fragra.
May 18Lothor brainwashes girls into loving him; Mr. Ratwell makes Cam and Blake fight over Tori.
May 21Hunter works as a big brother; kid gets ahold of a PAM and sends Kelzacks all over the place.
May 25Marah tricks Dustin into thinking she's good; Beevil creates the Kelzack Furies.
May 28Sensei swaps bodies with Shane and Dustin
June 2Yellow Ranger becomes popular, sending Shane and Dustin into a lover's spat.
June 22Perry creates Motodrone; Hunter gains Ninja Glider Cycle.
June 29Tori's Birthday; Shane meets Skyla; gets his Battlizer Armor.
July 23Shimazu attacks the city; Cam finds the Lightning Riff Blaster and summons Mammoth Zord.
July 20Tori gets sent to an alternate dimension where the Power Rangers are evil, and joins forces with Lothor and Co. to defeat the other Rangers.
July 27Blake trains on Thunder Blade with Leanne; Tori gets jealous.
August 4Porter visits; Rangers gain Hurricane Megazord.
August 31Zurgane uses data from Power Spheres on his own Zord; Rangers destroy it with Hurricane Megazord, Mammoth Zord, and all Power Spheres. Zurgane is destroyed by Vexacus.
September 11Team learns Hunter has fragments of the Gem of Souls; Cam attempts to infultrate Lothor's ship and free the Ninja students, but fails.
October 13Kapri, Marah, and Shimazu attack Rangers with two Samurai Star drones, destroying the Zords; Kapri and Marah turn on Shimazu.
October 15Lothor opens the Abyss of Evil; Thunders free Cam and Ninja Students. Rangers sacrifice their Powers to trap Lothor in the Abyss.

2003 - 2004: Dino Thunder Rangers

August 26-27Tommy has detention with Conner, Ethan and Kira; trio fall through a sink hole and find Dino Gems. Tommy eventually gives them morphers.
August 30Conner tries to resign after Rangering makes him fail important soccer try-outs, but reconsiders. Tommy gives Rangers Raptor Riders.
August 31Mesogog kidnaps Tommy; Rangers watch his video diary of Power Rangers while Hayley tries to find him.
August 31Tommy is rescued, and becomes Black Ranger.
September 13Kira reunites with Kylee Styles
September 20Ethan and Kira get trapped in Ethan's video game; Triptoids are released.
October 7Rangers fight Zeltrax's 'son' Goldenrod, and stop Anton Mercer's plans of taking over Hayley's Cyberspace.
October 10Trent gets White Dino Gem and attacks everyone
October 14White Ranger steals Stego Zord
October 25White Ranger ambushes Tommy and traps him in amber
November 1White Ranger goes nuts on everyone, and Trent flees the city.
November 7Rangers personalities are warped by meteor; Tommy is freed from amber.
November 14Trent completely possessed by White Dino Gem, and temporarily joins with Mesogog.
December 8Kira is possessed by Fossilador long enough to bring him back to life
December 12Conner's friend Derrick bullies Ethan; Tommy finds out who Zeltrax is; Trent and Zeltrax form a temporary alliance that ultimately fails.
December 13Conner, Ethan, and Kira bond over Abaranger
December 19Kira interns on Funky Fisherman Show; Trent and Zeltrax battle for second in command.
January 10Zeltrax frames Trent, and Mesogog turns on him. Trent is freed and becomes good. Zeltrax makes an evil White Ranger clone.
January 17White Ranger Clone wreaks havoc; Tommy and Trent get the Shield of Triumph; Conner becomes Triassic Ranger.
January 24Kira gets discovered, but gives up the contract; Rangers get Triassic Megarover; Tommy and Zeltrax duke it out.
January 31Ethan bonds with Cassidy; Kira tries to get Cassidy a job.
February 7Ethan gets cursed; uses Hovercraft Cycle to defeat Tutenhawken.
February 21Ethan and Cassidy go on a date; Tommy finally powers down, but becomes invisible instead.
February 28Tommy becomes visible, but falls into a coma. Rangers fight Terrasaurus without their Powers; Tommy revives.
March 5 Conner tries to impress Krista; gains Battlizer.
March 18Elsa tries to awaken a volcano; Ethan tries to win a video game competition.
March 25Trent and White Ranger Clone duke it out to survive; White Ranger Clone is finally destroyed.
April 9Wind Rangers are brainwashed into fighting Dino Thunder; Thunder Rangers and Cam save them; everyone teams up to defeat Mesogog and Lothor.
April 16Elsa tries to destroy Rangers through their dreams
April 23Trent meets comic book artist Carson Daily; helps him save other Rangers trapped in a comic book.
April 28B Squad comes back in time to help Dino Thunder Rangers; Conner, Ethan, and Kira's memories are wiped, but Tommy, Trent, and Hayley still remember.
April 30Principal Randall and Dr. O duke it out in front of the school; Rangers find out Trent's dad is Mesogog.
May 6Trent tries to find a way to redeem himself; Rangers struggle to trust him again.
May 20Mesogog prepares to return Earth to the age of the dinosaurs; Zeltrax unleashes Zelzord; Rangers sacrifice their Powers to defeat Mesogog at last.
June 7Kira and Ethan find the link to the Morphin Grid; see S.P.D.

2006: Mystic Force Rangers

February 20Udonna recruits Chip, Vida, Madison, Xander, and eventually Nick to become Rangers
February 27Chip and Vida try to perform 'heroic deeds' to unlock more spell codes
March 6 Madison is turned into stone while protecting people; the Rangers fight to turn her and others back to normal.
March 13Rangers question Nick's honor while Koragg tries to defeat the isolated Nick
March 20Nick and Catastro are lost in another dimension; Nick heals and temporarily tames Catastros into helping him get home and defeat Koragg.
March 27Necrolai and the Rangers search for the Fire Heart; Xander causes problems by wanting to be leader.
April 3-4Vida gets turned into one of Necrolai's Vampires, and is saved by Chip.
April 24Xander tries to get rid of a pimple and turns himself into a tree
May 8Necolai searches for the child of the Gatekeeper, which turns out to be Clare. Udonna is captured and the Rangers are in danger; Clare borrows her mother's powers to save them.
June 5Rangers find Jenji
June 12Udonna's friend Calindor returns; Madison is haunted by a frog who turns out to be Daggeron.
June 15Daggeron and Xander clash when Daggeron tries to train the Rangers
June 19Chip releases a Soul Specter; Daggeron takes him to retrieve the Staff of Topez to free him from it, and promises to train him to become a knight.
June 26Jenji gets jealous of Fire Heart and tries to get rid of him, then runs away when he disappears. Madison tries to convince Jenji to go back to his lamp before he disappears forever.
July 10Imperius captures Jenji and makes a wish that the Power Rangers never existed. The Rangers find Koragg, who sends them to the Tribunal of Magic to reverse the wish.
July 22Imperius puts Koragg on trial for being a traitor; the winner is decided by whoever destroys Daggeron.
August 11Koragg has flashbacks; Udaonna sacrifices the Rangers to save them from the Underworld; Koragg is Leanbow and saves the team; Nick finds out Udonna and Leanbow are his parents.
August 14Udonna leaves to look for Leanbow, while Phineas tells Nick that he is the Light; the Ten Terrors rise from the Underworld to free the Master.
August 19The Hunter captures the Rangers one by one while Nick is forced to watch; Nick joins with Fireheart to get his battlizer.
September 18Nick and Vida bicker, lose their Powers, and learn to work together.
September 25Snow Prince switches student/teacher roles between Nick and Daggeron for a day; Leanbow eventually shows up.
October 9Clare, Phineas, and Leelee save Udonna; Rangers temporarily lose their Powers agains Hekatoid; Sculpin finds Leanbow.
November 3Udonna seaches for wounded Leanbow; Rangers try to protect Matoombo from becoming an unwilling vessel to the the Master.
November 13Nick is possessed for all of twenty minutes; Mystic Force fights to defeat the Master once and for all, with help from the magical and non-magical communities of Briarwood.

2007: Operation Overdrive Rangers

February 26Andrew Hartford recruits Will, Ronny, Rose, and Dax to protect the Carona Aurora for the Sentinel Knight and find the crown's jewels. Mack 'borrows' Red Morpher to save his dad.
February 27Andrew is finally convinced to let Mack be Red Ranger
March 5Will has issues with being a team player, eventually learning to put his ego aside in time to find a scroll.
March 12Miratrix tricks Dax to get the scroll; Dax pulls a fast one and gets two more scrolls; Rangers get the Sword of Neptune.
March 19Mack has self-confidence issues; gets over it in time to save the team from an avalanche with the new Drill Driver.
March 26Rose is possessed by Brownbeard the Pirate; Brownbeard betrays the Rangers, but later saves them. Eventually gives Rangers the first jewel of the Corona Aurora.
April 2Rangers go to get a dragon scale for the Defender Vest to use with the Drill Blaster; Ronny has competition issues.
April 9Will pretends to betray the Rangers to retrieve the next Hou-oh bird statue from Miratrix; accidentally helps her release Kamdor from her necklace.
April 30Flurious and Moltar form alliance to capture Drivemax Megazord and Mack; Rangers repair their Zords to rescue Mack, while Max tricks Flurious and Moltar into breaking the alliance.
May 7Dax tries out for a movie with Rose's support, but has to reprioritize later.
May 21Moltor uses Tyzonn against the Rangers; Mack convinces him to help the Rangers find second jewel. Andrew finishes the Sonic Streaker.
June 4Featcats appearl and capture Ronny; Tyzonn returns. Rangers try to convince Tyzonn to join them; he eventually becomes the Mercury Ranger.
June 11Rangers go on Good Morning San Angelas talk show with Jessica Jeffries, recieve medals from the mayor; Tyonn's medal makes him sick. Fearcats try to retrieve a legendary cannon.
June 18Tyzonn idolizes Will and tries to mimic him, driving will insane. Later realizes he's pretty damn charming on his own.
July 2Rangers meet Thor, god of thunder, who turns out to be Loki, god of mischief. Spencer pretends to be Ronny pretending to be a goddess to get Thor's hammer back.
August 9Mack gets cursed with bad luck by an ancient compass
July 16Will loses third jewel to Kamdor and Andrew accepts his resignation for it; Fearcats attempt to retrieve a super armor; Spencer tells Andrew he's a hypocrite.
July 23Overdrive Rangers lose their Powers; Adam, Bridge, Xander, Tori, and Kira team up to protect the Corona Aurora.
September 6Tyzonn follows Rose around; Fearcats trap them a forcefield together.
October 31Ronny throws a Halloween party and fights with Will. Moltor and Fearcats join forces to capture Ronny and Will, forcing them to work together for escape; others go to Egypt.
November 1Mack learns he's an android and has massive issues. Eventually tells the team, who are supportive.
November 11Mack continues to brood; Tyzonn meets Crazar, who taunts him about Vella.
November 12Tyzonn is trapped in illusion of Vella and Mercuria with Crazar; Fearcats steal things; Mack borrows Flash Point Megazord and tries to commit suicide, later smarts off to Andrew.
November 22Rangers access Mack's CPU to work threw who has the other jewels of the Corona Aurora
November 29Rangers go to Greece to find the final jewel; Miratrix shows up to fight them and prove herself to Kamdor. Kamdor eventually shows up and is defeated by the Rangers.
December 5Rangers globetrot to find the last jewel; Mack acts more suicidal and gets scolded by Will and Andrew; Flurious destroys Moltor.
December 6Flurious forces Andrew and Rangers to surrender jewels for Mack's life; Rangers defeat Flurious. Mack dies, but is brought back to life as a human by the Corona Aurora.

2008: Jungle Fury Rangers

February 18Casey, Theo, and Lily become guardians of Dai Shi; Jarrod is possessed. Master Mao dies, and trio is sent to R.J., who makes them Rangers.
February 25R.J. teaches Casey a la Karate Kid
March 3Camille summons the Five Fingers of Poison; Casey is injured. Lily defeats one of the poisons.
March 10Theo gets beaten by Gacko; R.J. restores his confidence through training.
March 17Theo gets jealous over Casey and Lily bonding; Rangers bond through dancing.
March 24Casey gets left in charge of Jungle Karma Pizza, Fran quits, and Casey learns to be a leader.
March 31Lily out-stubborns Master Phant, and gaints the Jungle Mace.
April 13Casey meets Josh, and teaches him to work for things. Jarrod releases Carnisoar, who screws around with time.
April 27Theo stresses himself out, and Master Swoop teaches him out to focus.
May 5Camille is kicked out and Lily tries to help her.
May 12Master Finn shows up, causing problems between Casey and R.J.
May 19R.J. turns himself over to Dai Shi to protect the Rangers; Rangers travel to the spirit world to face their fears and get new Powers from dead masters.
June 2Lily turns 'evil' from Porcupongo's quills
June 16Rangers learn R.J. is the werewolf they've been fighting; R.J. becomes a Ranger.
June 23R.J. and Casey learn about humility and leadership
June 30R.J. turns on Rangers in a Megazord battle, and accidentally saves Flit
July 7Dom shows up and becomes the Rhino Ranger
July 14Dom and Theo search for the Control Dagger to tap into the Rhino Nexus
July 21Dom finally gets the Control Dagger and gets the Rhino Steel Megazord
July 28Rangers search for the crystal eyes to bring back the Phantom Beasts before the Over Lords do
August 4Lily trains Master Phant's niece Gabby for a dance competition; Masters Phant, Swoop, and Finn become Spirit Rangers.
August 11Theo's brother Luan shows up
August 18R.J. refines the Claw Cannon and saves the Masters
September 29Rangers are sucked into a game show
October 6Part of Casey's tiger spirit is stolen, and Daishi and Camille powered up
October 13Dai Shi strips Whiger of his power and banishes him, while Casey shows him kindness and makes Whiger question his morals
October 20Dom hits on a scientist he's protecting from Camille
October 27Lily and Theo get their master stripes, Casey does not. Casey realizes that Jarrod can still be saved.
November 3Casey goes after Jarrod and earns his master stripes. Jarrod and Camille help the Rangers destroy Dai Shi for good.

2020: S.P.D. Rangers

March 5B Squad is promoted to full Ranger status; Jack and Z join SPD
March 12Jack goes on a Power trip and nearly loses his morpher. B Squad in danger deflates his head a bit.
March 19Sky acts like an ass because he isn't Red; Grumm steals diamonds.
April 26Rhinix attacks; Syd makes Bridge and Boom save R.I.C.
May 5B Squad goes after T-Top, while Bridge finds the real culprit.
May 12-19Sam shows up in Newtech City and is tricked into working for Grumm
May 2Dru returns and tries to kill Cruger
June 3Jack and Syd go on a stakeout together, and Syd nearly misses her birthday.
June 23Cruger becomes Shadow Ranger
June 30B Squad takes Shadow Ranger for granted, and Cruger refuses to help them.
July 14Sophie comes to S.P.D. Newtech; B Squad tries to expel her.
July 21Boom pretends to be a Ranger to his parents while Bridge, Z, and Syd cover for him.
August 4Sky swaps bodies with Wootox
August 11Delta Command goes to Kyoto, and Grumm steals Hemotech Synthetic Plasma from Newtech Laboratory.
August 18Supreme Commander Birdie comes to S.P.D. Newtech and tries to fire Cruger. Grumm kicks his ass, and Birdie is forced to backtrack.
August 25B Squad argues about who saved them, and Omega makes his first 'appearance'.
September 10Omega Ranger reveals himself
September 15Rangers battle Mysticon and fight about Cruger playing favorites; Syd is brainwashed.
September 21Jack gets his battlizer
October 9Piggy and friends steal the S.W.A.T. armor, while the Rangers are sent to Zentor for training.
October 15Bridge dreamfights three new robots
October 22Kat leaves Newtech City, and S.P.D. falls apart.
October 26Bridge is kidnapped by Bork
November 11Dino Thunder Rangers are brought to the future
November 14Meteor mission; Jack shows off his Red Ranger Complex.
November 17Icthior attacks S.P.D.; Sky, Bridge, Syd, and Cruger are hospitalized.
November 28B Squad goes back in time to help Dino Thunder Rangers, return with memories wiped.
November 28B Squad can't sleep, thinking about why Grumm is still around.
December 4Jack broods and bonds with Ally
December 7A Squad is found; Cruger is kidnapped. B and A Squads battle it out while S.P.D. fights Broodwing and Grumm's forces; Grumm is finally defeated.