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Dimensional Theories:
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Samurai Code
Colors & Sources
Power Quirks
Timeline of Doom

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings
Character Birthdays
The Official Ranger Kid Rules

Site Stuff:
Fading Lights

Giggles is a section devoted to various things the Rangers have said that made me laugh. Currently this covers several episodes, but I'm still working my way through downloading the episodes I haven't seen in awhile, or ever in some cases. I plan to add more in the future, but if there's anything in particular that you'd like to add, let me know.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Day of the Dumpster
"This ain't exactly the mall, is it?"
       - Kimberly

"Whoah... A fully sentient, multi-functional automaton."
       - Billy

"Excuse me, but will like somebody come back to Earth and pick me up 'cause I am totally confused."
       - Kimberly

"Hey, guys. We shouldn't have left. I mean, he chose *us* to save the world. I say we do it."
"Do you really think we can?"
"Hey guys, I mean you don't even know what you're talkin' about. We were talking to a giant floating head."
       - Jason, Trini, and Zack

"We're teleporting again!"
"Where are we going?"
"We're gonna save the world!"
       - Blue, Pink, and Red Rangers

"Finster, those stupid putties are getting beaten by a bunch of pimple-faced nitwits. They're pathetic!"
       - Rita Repulsa

"Look at him! That dude's huge!"
       - Red Ranger

"Log on!"
"Let's do it!"
"Going up!"
"Zack here. This is kickin'!"
"This is Billy. All systems go!"
"Trini here, ready to rock!"
"Hey! Nice stereo!"
       - Red, Black, Yellow, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Rangers

"You and your weapons are no match for me!"
       - Goldar

"You fools! I'm bad."
       - Goldar

"I don't know, you guys. I mean, the outfits *are* cool and everything, but my hair gets all tangled up inside that helmet. I don't think I can do it."
       - Kimberly

"Oh. Humor. What a concept."
       - Alpha 5

The Wanna-Be Ranger
"Have fun, Rangers. Don't worry about poor little old me. I'll be fine. All alone in this big, scary Command Center."
       - Alpha 5

"I'm bored. Let's see what's happening at the park!"
       - Alpha 5

"Hasta la pizza, baby! Alpha Ranger to the rescue!"
       - Alpha 5

"Then something really strange is happening around here."
       - Trini

"I bet you it was the ape that turned himself into Zack and told us to go to the park. Zack, I am really sorry for mistrusting you."
"It's solid. Let's get his bogus baboon."
       - Kimberly and Zack

"What will we do now, Master?"
"You will do nothing. I am going to make my beautiful monster a little bigger."
       - Goldar and Lord Zedd

"I think you're gonna be grounded for a few thousand years, Alpha."
       - Trini

Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers
Along Came a Spider
"And uh, do me a favor. Try to stay out of trouble?"
"Who, us?"
       - Billy and Tideus

"It's not Aquitar, but... Ah... Any port in a storm."
       - Tideus

I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger
"This is cool."
"Cool? It's *freezing*!"
       - Kimberly and Rocky

Sowing the Seeds of Evil
"You know, I'm really starting to dislike birds."
       - Billy

Power Rangers Zeo
Good as Gold
"Hey, there's more to life than savin' the world, right?"
       - Tommy

Power Rangers Turbo
Shift into Turbo Part 2
"Tick tock, tick tock. Look at those simpletons. They couldn't find pointy ears at a Star Trek convention!"
       - Divatox

Power Rangers in Space
Survival of the Silver
"You think they're friendly...?"
"Uh uh."
"I didn't think so."
       - Andros and Cassie

Countdown to Destruction Part 1
"One down. A gazillion to go."
       - Silver Astro

Power Rangers Time Force
Movie Madness Part 1
"You're gonna cook me?! This can't be happening!"
       - Eric

Power Rangers Wild Force
Forever Red
"Four hundred fourty-four episodes of this shit."
       - Jason Narvy (Skull) during a deleted scene

"Wow. So that was Tommy? He really is the greatest Ranger."
"What did I say?"
"Well, I wouldn't go that far. After all, I was the one who replaced him."
"Are you kidding me? I was doing all the work while he was at the juice bar kissing on Kimberly."
"Alright, well, at least his haircut's regulation now. Right?"
"My Q-Rex would eat his DragonZord for lunch."
"He didn't discover lost galaxies!"
"Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait. I changed history. So why does he have a fan club, and I don't?"
"Hey! I saved two worlds! What about that?"
"Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait! Did I ever tell you guys about the time I got baked in that giant pizza?"
       - Cole, T.J., Jason, Carter, Eric, Leo, Wes, and Andros

Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Prelude to a Storm
"Tell you what. You guys can blame it all on me."
"Don't worry; we will."
       - Dustin and Tori

"Hey dude, what if his alarm clock didn't go off, and he doesn't even miss us, man?"
"He's a ninja master, Dustin. They don't oversleep."
       - Dustin and Shane

"Ladies and gentlemen: the defenders of the galaxy."
       - Cam

"Oh. Oh yeah, baby yeah! Well, I guess no one's laughing at the comic book geek now, are they?"
       - Yellow Wind

"What's wrong? Never seen a girl in blue spandex walk on water?"
       - Blue Wind

"That really just happened, right?"
"I'm pretty sure it did."
       - Red and Blue Wind

There's No 'I' in Team
"Oh my gosh. Is that a zit?"
"Your whole *head* is a zit."
       - Marrah and Kapri

"And they wonder why I have acid reflux."
       - Lothor

"Looks like you put on a few."
"He might wanna try cutting out carbs."
       - Red and Yellow Wind

"Woah, check it out. This is pretty cool."
"Dude! I got seat warmers!"
"Alright! Let's bring it!"
       - Red, Yellow, and Blue Wind

Beauty and the Beach
       "You know, Shane thinks you're mad at him."
"Wow, I guess that's why he gets the *Red* suit."
       - Dustin and Tori

"Ha ha! You're afraid of *spiders*?"
"You wanna make something of it Waldo?"
       - Yellow and Red Wind

Looming Thunder
"He's right. Dark and brooding, but right."
       - Blake

Thunder Strangers
"Note to self: never *ever* doubt Cam."
       - Red Wind

"They have sticks!"
"Really big sticks!"
       - Red and Blue Wind

"The quarry again? What is it, like a monster con over there?"
       - Cam

"It could be a trap. Use caution when engaging him."
"We always do."
"Yeah, right."
       - Sensei, Shane, and Cam

"What, that sort of thing happen a lot around here?"
"You never wondered why housing was so cheap?"
       - Blake and Shane

"What kinda answer was that, huh?"
"I don't know! I just thought-"
"Ah-ah! What did I tell you about thinking?"
       - Kapri and Marrah

"Sir! T-that hurt! Quite a lot..."
"It's a laser beam. It's supposed to hurt."
"Oh, okay."
       - Choobo and Lothor

"Y-you know, I hope these things are under warranty."
       - Dustin

"Men as a species are doomed."
       - Cam

"These guys are fearless!"
"They're dead. It's not like they have a lot to lose."
"So that would be the glass half empty, right?"
       - Red, Blue, and Yellow Wind

"Hey! Is that...?"
"Who gave him the keys to a zord, huh?"
       - Red, Blue, and Yellow Wind

Return of Thunder 2
"You never even let *me* ride that thing."
"She hits harder than you do."
"...Good point."
       - Dustin and Shane

"Where have you been, anyway? No call, no letter..."
"You missed me, didn't you?"
"Yeah, you did. I can tell."
"I don't like you anymore. And I'm not talking to you ever again."
       - Tori and Blake

"We could always trade him in for a new Ranger. Maybe a green one."
       - Dustin and Tori

"My blaster's bigger than yours!"
       - Crimson Thunder

"Dustin, you are *so* fired it you don't come in to work today."
       - Kelly

"How did you get them, anyway?"
"Your powers. You never told us how any of it happened."
"It's a long story. You really wanna hear it?"
"Yeah, it's either that or watching Dustin play in the dirt."
       - Tori, Blake, and Shane

"Is that you Cam?"
"No, it's the phone company, calling to find out if you're happy with your long distance service."
       - Shane and Cam

"Will you look at that. Isn't that precious. One big dysfunctional superhero family."
       - Lothor

Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Day of the Dino Part 1
"So let me get this straight...they have a club *just* for computers?"
       - Conner

"Well, what do you do in your spare time?"
"Me? I go out with girls. You know, they're the ones at school that smell really good, with the long hair and the make-up?"
       - Ethan and Conner

"Great. Yeah, lock the door, Tommy, real good."
       - Tommy

"All right. You guys...stay here where it's safe. I'll climb up and come back with help." -Falls down again-
"Back already?"
       - Conner and Ethan

"Whoa... Huh, this must be like the mothership for you, dude."
"Normally, I'd be insulted. But when you're right, you're right."
       - Conner and Ethan

"Yo. How much do I *love* detention?"
       - Ethan

"Hey! Are you guys all right?"
"Well, uh..."
"Yeah... Couldn't be better."
"Nothing out of the ordinary happened?"
"Nah... Just your uh, routine walk in the woods. Lots of furry little creatures."
"And a few scaley ones."
       - Tommy, Kira, and Ethan

"Don't you think we should tell him?"
"I don't know about you, but I've got over a thousand Sci-Fi DVDs. Wanna know how many times the dude with the superpowers ends up in some freaky government lab lying on a table with wires in his head?"
"Even *I* know that."
       - Kira, Ethan, and Conner

"Don't you think that's a little odd?"
"A bunch of kids standing around talking. Yeah, freaky man."
       - Cassidy and Devon

"What are you doing?"
"Why would he leave it unlocked?"
"He's got no neighbors..."
"What, you never heard of the three bears?"
"Was that the last book ya read?"
       - Ethan and Conner

"Man, check it out."
"Hey! Remember what happened the last time you did that?"
"Dude, the guy's a *teacher*. Not...Batman."
       - Conner and Ethan

Day of the Dino Part 2
"Now, where are the Dino Gems?"
"You mean those rock things we found in the cave?"
"I gave mine to Conner and Ethan. You'll have to ask them. Can I go? My mom's gonna freak if I'm late for dinner. It's taco night."
       - Mesogog and Kira

"We're really sorry. How were we supposed to know those things had like, superpowers, and those lizard dudes were gonna come lookin' for 'em?"
"...I guess it isn't exactly something you see everyday."
"Sorta like a science teacher with the remains of an ancient civilization under his *house*?"
       - Conner, Tommy, and Ethan

"How did you do that?"
"I have no idea. One minute I'm being chased by frankenlizards in this creepy lab, and the next thing I know, I'm a hood ornament!"
"Whatever. Next time, I'm calling a cab."
       - Ethan, Kira, and Tommy

"Now you see me... Now you're unconscious."
       - Conner

"Dino Morphers. Use these to become Power Rangers."
"...I gotta sit down."
"Breathe, dude."
"We can't be Power Rangers. Aren't you supposed to fly, or have super-human strength, and stuff like that?"
"You do."
"Oh, yeah... I forgot."
       - Tommy, Ethan, Conner, Kira, Tommy, and Kira

"The only way these powers can be taken if you're destroyed."
"Okay, for future reference, that's not a great selling point."
       - Tommy and Ethan

"Dino Thunder... What, you come up with that?"
"I kinda like it."
"You would."
       - Conner and Ethan

Wave Goodbye
"Hello... Anyone in there?"
"He's, isn't he?"
"Can I get you a glass of water, oxygen mask?"
       - Ethan and Kira

"Isn't he just so *wow*? *Ow*!"
       - Ethan

"Dr. O, we may have a problem on our hands."
"Let me guess: thirty story version of that guy you were just fightin'?"
"You've done this before, haven't you?"
"Once or twice."
       - Red Dino Thunder, Tommy, Blue Dino Thunder, and Tommy

Legacy of Power
"Alas, all my efforts to retrieve this power source have been...less than successful. That's where you come in."
"Can't help you there-I'm just a high school science teacher."
       - Mesogog and Tommy

"Why can't you just wanna rule the Earth, like all the other sickos?"
"Are you going to tell me how to open that stone, or not?"
"Take a wild guess."
       - Tommy and Mesogog

"So, what's happening? Well?"
"Either I'm losing my touch, or Mesogog is really smart. For a mutant freak."
       - Conner and Hayley

"That was *sick*, but not helpful."
       - Ethan

Back in Black
"This is your final chance, Dr. Oliver. Free the Gem from its resting place, or feel the wrath of my disappointment."
"Do I have to pick one?"
       - Mesogog and Tommy

"Whoa...! Uh! I *meant* to do that."
       - Red Dino Thunder

"It seems we have visitors."
'I'm gonna take a guess that it's for you."
"There's that wit again. If I had a sense of humor, I might actually enjoy it."
       - Mesogog and Tommy

"You remember me, I trust."
"Like I could forget *that* face?"
"Uh...what part's his face?"
       - Mesogog, Kira, and Ethan

"Should have known you'd try to rescue me."
"Is that your way of sayin' thank you? 'Cause if it is, it needs some work."
       - Tommy and Ethan

"Ranger or not, you're mine now."
"Aw, I hate it when he gets like this."
       - Mesogog and Tommy

"Such negativity. Haven't you learned that in our world, *anything's* possible?"
"Even the destruction of The Great Dr. Tommy Oliver."
"I heard my name. You missed me, didn't you Zeltrax?"
       - Elsa, Zeltrax, and Tommy

"That Gem belongs to my master."
"There's two things you guys need to learn about Dino Gems. One, you can't choose them; they chose you."
"What's the other?"
"They go real well with Dino Morphers."
       - Elsa and Tommy

"Aren't you a little *old* for this, *Tommy*?"
"I may be old, but I can still pull it off."
       - Elsa and Tommy

"We are not intimidated by your teacher."
"Then you've obviously never taken one of his pop quizzes!"
       - Elsa and Red Dino Thunder

"Is that all you've got, Black Ranger?"
"Give me a break; it's been awhile."
       - Zeltrax and Tommy

"Don't be a Pollinator Hater!"
       - Pollinator

"Well, I better get going."
"Going? Where are you going?"
"Shopping. I checked my closet this morning, and there's a serious shortage of Black in there."
       - Tommy and Hayley

Diva in Distress
"A donkey that can extract the youth out of people? That is wrong in so many ways."
       - Ethan

Game On
"Look, what's the big deal, anyway? I mean, it's just practice."
"Training is just as important as the real deal. You never know when you might get attacked. -Gets knocked flying- Wow, couldn't have planned that better."
       - Conner and Tommy

"Have you tried to morph?"
"What would that do?"
"Keep us alive long enough to figure a way out?"
"Good enough for me."
       - Kira and Ethan

"Beldorf! Give him his mouth back!"
"Can't he wait until after mid-terms?"
       - Ethan, Conner, and Beldorf

Golden Boy
"What the...? Trent, look. Do you see a-?"
"A big gold guy running like fifty miles an hour right behind us?"
       - Tommy and Trent

Leader of the Wack
"The meteor fragment. My theory is that it frees your inner self. That's why you guys are acting so weird."
"Of course! If you could harness its power, you could free Dr. Oliver from the inside out! Although, I do take offense at being called weird."
       - Hayley and Conner

"Think this'll work?"
"The components should still have residual powers that can help Dr. O."
"How do you know this stuff?"
"It's called *education*?"
"Okay, that was brutal."
       - Kira, Ethan, Conner, Ethan, and Conner

The Missing Bone
"That's great!"
"You're kidding, right?"
"No. I know you think Anton is a little strange..."
"Yeah. And Justin Timberlake's a little cute."
       - Black Dino Thunder and Kira

Bully for Ethan

"So Zeltrax doesn't like Dr. Oliver."
"Huh? You! How'd you-"
"Can't say I like him much, either. Gives way too much homework."
       - Trent and Zeltrax

"Look Geek-Boy. Isn't there some kind of Sci-Fi convention that you need to go to?"
"Oh, you really are cliché, aren't you? Your parents must be *so* proud!"
"What'd you just call me? What'd he just call me?"
"Why are you asking *him*? Can't you figure it out for yourself?"
       - Derrick and Ethan

Lost and Found in Translation
"Oh come on, that is *so* a guy in a rubber suit."
"No one said this was a documentary. Use your imagination."
"Like anyone's gonna believe a combination bear, mushroom, ATM monster."
"Is it really any stranger than anything *we've* been fighting?"
       - Conner, Ethan, and Kira

"And my hair has *bounce*."
       - Red AbaRanger

Thunder Storm Part 2
"I suppose you're wondering why I've called you here."
"Let me guess; does it have twelve legs and come in assorted colors?"
       - Mesogog and Lothor

"Look over there."
"The Samurai Amulet!"
"I can't believe there's no one guarding it."
- Group of monsters appear-
"You had to say it, didn't you?"
       - Hunter, Cam, and Blake

"Can I get you anything? A doughnut maybe, or a muffin?"
"Try to stay away from sugar. Makes me hyper."
"Oh, I'd hate to see him when he gets hyper."
       - Conner, Shane, and Ethan

"Dude. She's kinda cute, don't ya think?"
"Yeah, in a crazed ninja-terminator sort of way."
"Would you two focus here?!"
       - Conner, Ethan, and Kira

"Ninja streak? Oh, how cool is that..."
       - Ethan

"I can't believe I'm going to miss my race tomorrow!"
"Did you seriously just say that?"
       - Blake and Hunter

Power Rangers S.P.D.
"All right, mental note. Walls are not always your friend."
       - Bridge

"And to add insult to injury, I broke a nail."
       - Syd

"Maybe you guys should wait to fight until *after* the fight?"
       - Green Ranger

"You really think these crates are full of diamonds?"
"Ain't any of our business if they're full o' diamonds or dirt. We get paid to put *these* boxes into *this* van, and not ask any questions."
"Even a question about some guys standing over there in leotards?"
       - Random workers

"Bridge! It's rude to sniff other people's dogs without permission."
"My bad."
       - Jack and Bridge

"Why do they get the fast bikes?"
"It's a trade off. They get the speed; we look good."
       - Z and Syd

"What did the Ranger want?"
"You know. Flowers, balloon animals ... I don't think that one's playing with a full deck."
       - Broodwing and Hydrax

"She's clever. Or maybe too clever. Or is it too cleverer? Anyway, she's the Fernovian Bank Robber!"
       - Green Ranger

"I was right! She is the bank robber!"
"Urgh ..."
"She's a Fernovian. A plant-based being that has the ability to jetison water under an extremely high pressured stream, enabling them to cut through any object. And you tried to frame T-Top so we'd arrest *him*, and get him off your tail! Or root, as the case may be."
       - Green Ranger and Hydrax

"You may be able to fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, and some of all the people all some of the time, but you can't fool me!"
       - Green Ranger

Sam, Part 1
"I'm confused."
"Hello. Bridge is talking?"
       - Syd and Sky

"So in this dream, right? I'm running away from this horrible alien. And I can't move. My - my feet are like stuck to the ground. And then, the monster tears off its outer skin, and it's me inside. What do you think?"
"Simple. You were looking at your inner monster."
"Maybe you're just weird."
       - Bridge, Syd, and Z

"You have to do the entire entrance?"
"Yeah. And all the other cement areas, too. Seems Commander Cruger thinks I'll remember that academy regulations are meant for everybody. Even self-righteous, pig-headed, ego-driven Rangers like myself."
       - Jack and Sky

"Whoa, there's trouble!"
       - Green Ranger

"He's got some serious firepower, I'll give him that."
"Bridge, try to remember who's side you're on, will ya?"
       - Green and Blue Rangers

W.I.R.E.D., Part 1
"Welcome, to the extemely cool and high-tech Command Center. Notice the many buttons and switches."
       - Bridge

"Hmm ... I'm thinking giant gophers."
       - Bridge

"My emperor. I am not worthy."
       - Valco and Grumm

"Didn't see that one coming ... "
       - Red Ranger

"That's bad."
"No kidding!"
       - Yellow and Pink Rangers

W.I.R.E.D., Part 2
"Sometimes I just hate myself ... But then I quickly get over it."
       - Piggy

"Is that all you got?!"
"Honestly? No."
       - Red and Shadow Rangers

"Birdie's brief stay was a little too long for me."
"I heard that. Makes six of us."
"Uh, seven."
       - Kat, Jack, and Boom

"Wipe those silly looking grins off your faces! If you think that it's going to be a holiday around here now, well you're *wrong*. You're soft. Spoiled. Stubborn. Every last one of you. Aren't you supposed to be attending some training at this particular moment?"
"Um - "
"Ooh, it's so good to be back."
       - Cruger and random S.P.D. staff

The Messenger Part 2
"Hey! No free rides!"
"Be quiet and drive."
       - Omega and Red Rangers

"What's your sign?"
"That's hard to say. My mother went into labor on a transpacific airline. So I was born on one day, and then when we landed, it was the day before. So I was actually born the day before I was born."
       - Syd and Bridge

"Cruger gets Omega Ranger, and we get Sparkie the Night Light."
       - Syd

"Come on, guys. Sam's new, and he's from the future. I'm sure Cruger's just trying to gain some valuable information."
"And we're not valuable?"
"Apparently I am."
       - Sky, Jack, and Cruger

"You'd better tell us what we wanna know. Or *else*."
"Ooh! Did you have onions for lunch?"
       - Sky and Al

"Your new assistant - she's S.P.D."
"Ooh! She is *so* fired!"
       - Morgana and Mysticon

"Whoa, Syd! It's me, Bridge!"
"I must stop you."
"Yeah. Sure. But uh, first say S.P.D. Emergency, okay?"
"S.P.D. Emergency, okay."
       - Green Rangers and Syd

"What? Where am I?"
"Hut - hiyah! In the middle, of a fight!"
"What else is new?"
       - Pink and Green Rangers

S.W.A.T., Part 1
"Hey. Sky. Would you rather have sausage links for fingers, or ... sweat, mayonnaise?"
       - Bridge

"I'm going as fast as I can!"
"I didn't say anything."
"Yeah, well you were going to."
       - Kat and Cruger

"Oh, *no*! Tell me I didn't fry the Quantum Enhancer! Tell me I didn't fry the Quantum Enhancer!"
"What happened?"
"Kat fried the Quantum Enhancer."
       - Kat, Z, and Cruger

"My armor's better than yours!"
       - Stench

"Hey, Z. Would you rather have Piggy as your roommate, or ... have morning breath for the rest of your life?"
       - Bridge

"I am *not* looking forward to this."
"Who is?"
       - Sky, Jack, and Bridge

"Okay, would you guys rather fight that thing, or run? Personally, I would rather run away."
       - Bridge

S.W.A.T., Part 2
"Okay, simulation or not, this can't be good."
"Come on, Jack. We've taken on this many Krybots before."
"Yeah, but we used to have our morphers."
"And we used to be a team."
"We still are. At least, I still are."
" ... I are, too."
       - Jack, Sky, Syd, Z, Bridge, and Jack

"Looks clear!"
"Looks dark."
       - Blue and Yellow Rangers

"You know, I heard ... that this Bork is wanted on, like, a bajillion planets."
"Oh, really? That many?"
"Okay. Maybe, only like, ten planets."
       - Green and Yellow Rangers

"No way out. Yet somehow I got in. But I got in. No way out. In. Out. In. Out. You know, I'm beginning to realize how I sound to other people."
       - Bridge

"H-hey! I still got my communicator, I'll just call for help. *Pause as communicator shoots off electricity* After I fix it."
       - Bridge

"Any thoughts on what these things are?"
"They're not Tyrannodrones, but they're definitely up there in the creepy department."
"Any thoughts on how to get out of this?"
"I'm still trying to figure out how we got into this."
       - Conner, Kira, and Ethan

"Maybe you're suffering from a lack of oxygen from being in that punch bowl too long, but in case you didn't notice, we're the good guys."
       - Conner

"We've run away from a lot worse things than you, buddy. Oh, that didn't come out right at all."
       - Ethan

"Okay, I'm not complaining, but, our command center was a cave."
       - Ethan

"And no offense, but fighting dinosaurs is so over."
"Weren't you guys taught to respect your elders?"
       - Syd and Ethan

"I couldn't let my soldiers have all the fun."
"We want to play, too."
       - Grumm and Morgana

"Get off my truck!"
       - Shadow Ranger

"It's *obvious* we should stay. We work great together."
"Nice try. But I don't date older guys."
       - Conner and Syd

"You mean I'm a genius? Sweet."
       - Ethan

"Excuse me? We're here to get yelled at?"
"Not now, Bridge!"
       - Bridge and Cruger

"Yes, I've been monitoring this meteor for some time. It is an interesting one."
"But is it headed here?"
"Is it gonna crash into the city?"
"Should I tell my mom not to repaint the garage?"
       - Professor Cerebros, Z, Syd, and Bridge

"Saw what you look like. And frankly, you're no supermodel."
       - Bridge

"Sky's going to be okay. Won't he, Syd?"
"I don't know, Z. I'm really worried."
"Yeah, of course he'll be okay. He's a pro!"
"That's right. Sky's the best!"
"Okay, Sky's really good. But I figure this is a two-man mission."
"Jack! What are you doing?!"
"Going with you. I've always wanted to see a meteor up close."
       - Yellow, Pink, Omega, Green, Red, Blue, and Red Rangers

"Jack has stowed away in the S.W.A.T. Megazord. That stubborn fool!"
"True, but are you really that surprised?"
"No. Sky would have done the same."
"Those two are more alike than they care to admit."
       - Cruger and Kat

"Pretty crazy idea, huh?
"You can say that again. What were you thinking?"
"That I was a better shot than you."
"No way! ... All right. Guess I can live with that."
       - Red and Blue Rangers

"I have a new assignment for you on Earth."
"Oh, I hate going down there! It's so - *happy*!"
       - Grumm and Morgana

"Jack, where are you going?"
"Take a wild guess."
"But Cruger said no!"
"Yeah, I heard him."
"You *saw* what happened to the others!"
"Yes, I did."
" ... Wait for me."
       - Z and Jack

"Never a dull moment with you, Jack."
"No doubt. Now let's party."
       - Z and Jack

"I always eat when I'm responsible for the end of the world."
       - Bridge

"I got it! Gumm's master plan is to open up a mega jewelry store."
       - Bridge

"You're a girl."
"Red's a girl?!"
"Right on!"
       - Red, Blue, and Pink and Yellow Rangers

"You got a problem with that?"
"No. I'm cool."
       - Charlie and Red Ranger

Endings Part 1
"I got it! If I was Kat and the base was under attack, I might transfer the S.W.A.T. Flyers to the secret underground zord bay."
"Whoa! There's a secret underground zord bay?"
"Doesn't every command base have one?"
       - Bridge and Z

"They *are* here! You were right!"
"I'll never call you weird again."
"Thanks. I think."
       - Z, Sky, and Bridge

"Take that bat face!"
       - Omega

"Now, your end has come! -Lights go out- Hey!"
       - Broodwing

Endings Part 2
"What have I done? I'm a filthy, slime-ridden, low-life, worm-eating vermin! Okay, so I was that before I betrayed the Rangers. But I had to. Grumm would have vaporized me! Anyone else would have done the same thing. Tell me, have I done the right thing? Show me a sign that I've done the right thing! -Lightning strikes café behind him, sending if flying down a hill to purst into flames- My café! Oh, no!"
       - Piggy

"Who would have thought *Piggy* would have sent us into this trap?"
"Just goes to show ya - you can't trust reptiles. -Pause- He's a reptile, right?"
       - Z and Bridge

"O-kay. What just happened?"
"It's hard to say, I was kind of, covering my eyes with my hands? But from the looks of things, the last Krybot standing is a *really* bad shot."
       - Z and Bridge

"Uh, wait for me! ... Again!"
       - Piggy

"Now they match."
       - Cruger

Power Rangers Mystic Force
Stranger Within Part 2
"I'm sounding like a sorcerer."
"Chip - you *are* a sorcerer."
       - Chip and Udona

"Okay! We're getting really hurt taking it easy on her."
       - Nick

Fire Heart
"Slight magical malfunction."
       - Xander

The Return
"Now, Leelee's mom, is zhee Queen of de Vampires, who really did carry me off. So, I guess I can stop seeking professional help now."
       - Toby

"Isn't he cute? He's my new boyfriend."
"You're seeing uh, Xander's uncle from the old country?"
       - Leelee and Toby

"I can't believe she did that."
"Nothing V does surprises me anymore."
       - Red and Yellow Rangers

"Oh ... Daggeron is gonna put me in the catbox for doin' this."
       - Genji

"You guys all right?"
"I've been better."
       - Red and Pink Rangers

Mystic Fate, Part 1
"Great. I'm a cat sitter."
       - Nick

Mystic Fate, Part 2
"Leelee's mum is *hot*."
       - Xander

"Now. Turn to the audience, and shake your booty!"
       - Vida

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Kick Into Overdrive Part 1
"You're rich. Buy an army!"
       - Rose

"Mack! You need to go home."
"I am home. Technically, several hundred feet...below my home. What is this place?"
       - Mack and Andrew

Kick Into Overdrive Part 2
"That was the same stunt I did in King for a Day. Only that time I saved a beautiful princess."
"I saw that movie. I don't remember you being in it."
"Story of my life."
       - Dax and Andrew

"Mack has the makings of a *fine* Ranger, Sir."
"Don't you have some silverware to polish or something?"
       - Spencer and Andrew

Once a Ranger
"This isn't so bad." -Falls down a hole- " time Mack, just keep your mouth shut."
       - Mack

Red Ranger Unplugged
"It's kinda quiet around here. Too quiet."
"Don't say that. Whenever someone said that in the movies, something *bad* happens." -Monster shows up- "See."
       - Ronny and Dax

"I know we don't usually call out the Zords...until we have to go big... But don't you think just this once it wouldn't hurt?!"
"Yeah...good idea... Send the Zords!"
       - Dax and Ronny

Way Back When
"Okay. Well, please turn off your cell phones, and there will be no talking during the movie."
       - Mack

"I feel like the six million dollar DVD player."
       - Mack

Nothing to Lose
"Oh, no..."
"This day just keeps getting worse..."
       - Will and Mack

"Mack. You gotta quit putting yourself out there like that. You're gonna get hurt."
"I thought you could take him."
"Yeah, and I thought computers were supposed to be smarter than humans."
       - Will and Mack

Crown and Punishment
"Not so fast, Frosty!"
       - Mack

Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Welcome to the Jungle Part 1
"Why are we here? Where's Jared? Why's that recruit here?"
"Why do you *always* have to know what's going on? You have control issues."
       - Theo and Lily

"This is so cool! Where are we?"
"It's called the Forbidden Room."
"Forbidden? That doesn't sound good."
       - Lily, Master Mao, and Casey

"Yeah ... well, the evil hasn't escaped, and all's well. And look, I've just been here a week, and there must be someone better than - "
       - Casey

"Wait! I'm not your guy! I can't destroy evil, I haven't even mastered handing out towels."
       - Casey

"We're from the Pai Zhua School, ready to take on evil and defeat it. You have our total obedience. We're eager to learn *everything* you have to teach us, Master!"
"Yes. Treat us to your words of wisdom."
" ... Check!"
"Okay, wrong guy."
       - Lily, Theo, and random pizza parlor customer

Welcome to the Jungle Part 2
"Okay, that answers my first question. Now can you explain how that mantis grew the size of Dodger stadium?"
       - Casey

"That was some pretty awesome strength. You're not bad for a Cub."
"Thanks. You're a pretty good teacher. For an uptight, ego-centric neat freak."
"Hey. There's nothing wrong with being neat."
       - Theo and Casey

"A chameleon. So you can change your appearance at will. And that's the look you're going with?"
       - Lily

Sigh of the Tiger
"Dai Shi. You're so *strong*. And so Powerful."
"Make yourself useful, Camille."
"And so ... not into me."
       - Camille and Dai Shi

"Remember guys, the enemy is fearless. And just as graceful as - uah! - me."
       - R.J.

"I can't believe she got away."
"Don't take it so hard, Case. She's slippery. Slimy. S ... "
"Thank you."
       - Casey, Theo, Lily, and Theo

"Spirit of the tiger all right, but the foresight of a lemming."
       - R.J.

"Fine. But let's have a little less harnessing, and a little more destroying. My booty's on the line here!"
       - Camillle

"I guess you leaned something after all."
"Yeah. R.J.'s smarter than he looks."
       - Blue and Red Rangers

A Taste of Poison
"Freaky that Jared turned out to be Dai Shi. But standing up to him sure took a lot of guts."
"Or not a lot of brain cells."
       - R.J. and Theo

"Theo, I'm ignoring your negative energy."
       - R.J.

"Casey already has one mommy; he doesn't need two."
"You don't hear me complaining."
       - Theo and Casey

"What's the matter? Afraid to be beaten by a girl?"
       - Yellow Ranger

Can't Win Them All
"I wonder how he does it."
"I wonder how he's so good."
"I wonder if he could teach me."
"I wonder if he's the only employee I need."
       - Lily, Casey, Fran, and R.J.

"Come on. Bring it, kitties."
       - Gecko

"I pay you for *working*, right?"
       - R.J.

"I see. Come on - we're going on a road trip. Help me move my chair."
       - R.J.

"R.J.! It's Casey. Where's Theo?"
"He's with me."
"Good! Lily and I are engaged in a battle with the Rinshi and Gecko. Camille's here, too."
"Well ... fight on, my man!"
"We need Theo!"
"You do not *need* him. You may *want* him - "
"Fine! We want him!
"Sorry. Not possible. Theo is ... occupied at the moment."
       - Casey and R.J.

"This is not a good day."
       - Casey

"There. I made it. Are you happy?"
"Most of the time. But not quite yet."
       - Theo and R.J.

"I'll get you Blue Ranger. And your little friends, too!"
       - Gecko

"This time they're going down."
"Hmm ... Care to place a wager on that?"
       - Camille and Flit

"Wait! The tide is turning ... It looks as if the Rangers are getting the upper hand. The right hand, to be exact."
       - Flit

"Looks like the Rangers are armed ... and dangerous!"
       - Flit

"Camille! What a devastating loss! You must feel awful. And despite my sensitivity to your grief, pay up!"
       - Flit

"Looks like he's back to being Theo."
       - Fran, Lily, Casey, and R.J.