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Dimensional Theories:
Rules of Conduct
Samurai Code
Colors & Sources
Power Quirks
Timeline of Doom

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings
Character Birthdays
The Official Ranger Kid Rules

Site Stuff:
Fading Lights

Power Quirks
Part of being a Power Ranger is dealing with Power side affects. The side effects tend to be strange, and often irritating. No one knows just why they occur, but all Rangers suffer from them, much to their dismay.

Color Withdrawl
The effect that occurs when a Ranger does not wear their particular color. Colors tie Rangers into the Power, giving them their enhanced abilities. Without the Color to focus the Power, they are quite suddenly human. The sudden change between Ranger and human causes stress on the body. In starts with physical drain and weakness, turning to depression at the inability to morph and help others. Within a few days, the person becomes prone to bouts of exhaustion and moodiness. It takes weeks to recover from, and is a slow, uncomfortable process.

* The term and original concept of Color Withdrawal was created by Ellen Brand in her Personality Series, and is used by many authors today. It was also hinted at in the end of Power Rangers Dino Thunder: Back in Black, as Tommy remarks that he needs to go shopping due to a lack of black in his closet.

Identity Protection
A remarkable and surprisingly useful side affect. Power Rangers tend to be rather blatant in their friendships and Color Bonds, always wearing the same clothing colors and spending their time with the same group of friends. The need to do this is not something Rangers can help, due to circumstance and other Bonds, but it nearly contradicts the first Ranger Rule of Conduct.

This is where the Identity Protection comes in. No matter how blatant or obvious a Ranger may be, the Power protects them from being discovered. Their strange friendships and monochrome color schemes may be noticed, but will never be commented on. It's as though it simply does not occur to anyone to mention it. No matter how hard they try or how much they know, they will never be able to make that final connection. The only way to break the spell of the Identity Protection is to either watch a Ranger morph, or told by the Ranger themselves. Even to be told often requires morphing to break the spell, as it is still difficult to believe.

Language Censor
Perhaps the strangest side effect of the Power is the Language Censor. The Censor halts a Ranger's ability to curse, replacing it with a similar, if sometimes odd, fill-in word. Oddly enough, even words such as 'kill' or 'death' are replaced with 'destroyed'. Another strange factor seems to be that while Light Rangers are Censored from swearing, Dark Rangers are often Censored *to* swear. Many Rangers oppose the Censor, though no one is quite sure why it exists.

Ranger Hormones
The Power requires its Rangers to be in top fighting form for battle. Generally, the prime physical age is equivalent to a human teenager. In the case of young Rangers who have not yet reached their prime age, the Power compensates by flooding their body with growth hormones, effectively altering their morphed form. Unfortunately, this only lasts during morphing, and the Ranger will revert to their normal size upon shifting to standby mode or powering down.

The side effect to this process is the constant flux of growth hormones. The Ranger often becomes moody or giddy as a result. Their minds remain unaffected by the change as well, and a child's mind will sometimes have trouble adjusting to the teenager's body. This gives them a feeling of invincibility and great bravado in battle. The child generally seems to be unharmed by the growth change, although their social abilities have been known suffer dramatically. While a valuable asset, some believe the strain is too great for such a young mind.

* Known Rangers affected by Ranger Hormones: Justin Stewart of Earth, Blue Turbo Ranger; Chrin of Eltar, Blue Eltarian Ranger; Bavari Rangers