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Bright Skies
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The Official Ranger Kid Rules

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Fading Lights

While there is only one Morphin Grid, there are many ways to access it. As these ways change, so do the Color Philosophy behind them. Sometimes other traits become a factor, sometimes it is merely the color of the personality. Each philosophy has its own divisions and characterization.

Everyone maintains a basic attachment to the Morphin Grid. The Grid is the center of life and energy in the universe, and everyone is connected to it, whether they serve the side of Darkness or the side of Light. The Grid is neutral; there are no Dark or Light Colors, and no sides to the war of good and evil. Everyone has the capacity for good or evil in their souls, and the Grid does not judge for one's actions.

As one becomes more closely connected to the Grid, their power levels grow. Power Rangers are an example of what can happen to those that connect themselves to the Grid. Wizards, Witches, Sorcerers, Sorceresses, and Magicians are also prime examples. One who gains the ability to tap into the Grid may use it for whatever they chose. There are no rules in the Grid; only the Power.

Color Philosophies
There are many Color Philosophies that decide what particular color of the Grid a person is Bonded to. Philosophies decide Color Bonds based on aspects of a personality, and through that Bond, give energy and for those who master it fully, unique Talents. Morphin is considered the 'mainstream' philosophy, and the most popular for the fact that it spans all the colors, rather than a select few. Zeo is another well known philosophy, while the Gemstone Philosophy of Yu-tari is one of the more obscure.

Morphin Philosophy

Zeo Philosophy

Gemstone Philosophy

Keystone Philosophy

There are four different types of Power Sources used from the Grid. Each access the same Grid, but in a different way.

  • Energetic
    This type of Source harnesses pure, raw energy. It seems simplistic, but is often considered one of the strongest Power types.
    * Known Energetic Powered Teams: Aquitian, Astro, Gemstone, Kishnal, Gold/Silver Star, Rhivannon, Hyperspeed Turbo

  • Animalistic
    This type is backed by the power and symbolism of an animal source. They often possess the most strength and brute force.
    * Known Animalistic Powered Teams: Dino/Mighty Morphin, Thunder, Ninja, Wild Force, Dino Thunder, Jungle Fury

  • Scientific
    A Power that is accessed using pure technology and science. One of the more popular types, it's also the easiest to create and easiest to fix in a crisis.
    * Known Scientific Powered Teams: Zeo, Turbo, Lightspeed, Time Force, S.P.D., Overdrive, R.P.M., Eltarian, Turbine

  • Elemental
    The rarest and most difficult Power Source to control, Elemental Powers harness the pure power of nature itself. Each team member possesses an individual element as well as an affinity for it, and will combine their powers together as a whole.
    * Known Elemental Powered Teams: Lost Galaxy/Quasar, Ninja Storm, Mystic Force, Swordsworn, Cartock