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Dimensional Theories:
Rules of Conduct
Samurai Code
Colors & Sources
Power Quirks
Timeline of Doom

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings
Character Birthdays
The Official Ranger Kid Rules

Site Stuff:
Fading Lights

Miscellaneous Stories
No matter what you do or where you go, you always end up with leftovers that don't belong in any category. That's what this is. From my first Power Rangers fanfic the 3 Ninjas Crossover, to Casey's 'brothers', to the horrors of PregnantZhane. If it doesn't belong somewhere else, it's in this mosh pit.

Backstories (multiple 'verses)
Anything For You - TBA
       Jason's home life wasn't what everyone thought Angel Grove's 'Golden Boy' had. The truth behind why he left for the peace conference, and what *really* made him come back.
Blue to Blue
       The relationship between a certain former Ranger and his surprising successor, and just how it developed.
Stars Untouched
       Leo's pulling away from his big brother, and Mike isn't sure how to handle losing the last thing his mother ever gave him.
       Leo finds his place on Mirinoi. The rest of the team isn't quite so sure. And no one wants to be the one who has to tell Kai ...
Mother's Baby
       After Wes moves into the Clock Tower with the others, there's still one more person he has to tell about it.

A Valentine for Everyone
       A one-shot series of various Power Ranger couples attempting to celebrate Valentine's Day. Emphasis on *attempt*.
       Wake Up Call
              Leo finally gets his White Day present from Kai.

Forsaken Guardians
       In the Aftermath of Glory
              Andros struggles to survive in the wake of KO-35's surrender. In a twist of fate, Zhane wakes up early.
              The surviving Rangers of KO-35 decide what matters most.
Little Brother
       After becoming a Ranger, Casey instinctively wants to turn to the two people who have always been there when he needed them most.

Fractured Fates
       When Andros put Zhane into cryogenic stasis, he didn't wake up until he was completely healed - twenty-four years later. Zhane finds a new team, and S.P.D. tries to deal with the aftermath.
Fortune Cookie Love Notes
              Zhane loves fortune cookies. Sky does, too.

Tectonic Alliance - TBA
       In the fight for a battle-scarred Earth, one has to take their allies where they can find them. Surviving the war is just the first step. Surviving each other ... that may be a little harder.
       What Makes a Family - TBA
              Earth fell to Divatox's forces years ago, and the remaining Rangers are struggling to survive and save what they can. But sometimes the things you save, can save you in return.

The Essence of Betrayal - Work in Progress
       Love is whatever you can still betray... Betrayal can only happen if you love. - John Lecarre

Nocturnal Visits
       The Nocturnal Invader
              Mike has sleeping problems. Kevin has a 'Mike crawling into his bed in the middle of the night' problem.
       Staying Mad
              In the wake of being mind controlled, Kevin deals with his own guilt and Mike's issues.

Going Home
       When Rocky gave up his position as a Ranger, his reasons weren't exactly what the others expected. PR3 Ninjas Crossover
Frustrations of a Teenage Genius
       Justin writes a letter to Santa under duress.

in Space
Confessions of a Pregnant Silver Ranger
       Being pregnant sucks. Especially when you don’t get the attention you demand.
Spontaneous Decisions
       Most of her life was made up of split-second decisions and gut instincts. They weren't all necessarily *good* decisions, but they were hers, and that was what mattered.

Lost Galaxy
       Two people reflect on each other during a party.
       Mike gets a welcome home greeting he wasn't expecting.
Business as Usual
       Karone tries to find herself and the Pink Quasar saber after becoming good. Someone else finds her in the last place they ever thought to look.
       For the first time in years, Leo appreciates the holiday season in the way he was raised.

Time Force
Tears at Midnight
       Wes wakes up one night to learn what being a 'team' really means.
Technologically Impaired
       Eric Myers versus LiveJournal.
Breaking Routines
       Eric has a routine at Bio-Lab. And just like everything else in his life, it all centers around Wes.
Crazy Cat Rangers
       How many cats does it take to become a Crazy Cat Lady?

Ninja Storm
M&M of Doom
       Dustin contemplates an old Christmas gift.

Kiss and Tell
       B Squad tries to bond, and Jack learns that his friends know his boyfriend a little *too* well.
       Jack and Sky 'discuss' the Meteor Mission.
For Want of a Shoulder
       In the wake of battle, someone does something he shouldn't have.
       The B Squad Rules
When it comes to scheduling B Squad's patrols, there are a specific set of rules one should always follow.

To Be Green
       The Green Rangers share a dark secret.
       Watching the results of the '08 election, Justin thinks of the people it impacts around him.