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Bright Skies
Storm Warnings
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The Official Ranger Kid Rules

Site Stuff:
Fading Lights

Even Power Rangers one day build families of their own. And when that day comes, they immediately lay down the rules.

The Official Ranger Kid Rules * To Be Edited As Necessary.

  • 1. You are never, EVER, allowed to become a Power Ranger. No exceptions.
  • 2. In the event that rule one is broken, you are hereby grounded for life.
  • 3. In the event that rule one is broken, you are not allowed to become a sixth.
  • 4. In the event that rules one through three are broken, your power source must come from a reliable, undamaged source.
  • 5. Always pay attention to monster alarms.
  • 6. If you give someone your word, you have to follow through.
  • 7. Never keep secrets from Family. It always comes back to get you later.
  • 8. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong. (No, seriously. It WILL.)
  • 9. Be nice to new students. They're either future Rangers or enemies.
  • 10. Never leave home without your cell phone/morpher.
  • 11. Your cell phone/morpher must be on at ALL TIMES. No exceptions.
           * Exceptions may be made in life-threatening situations.
           ** NO THEY MAY NOT.
  • 12. Do not invoke Panic Mode. No one likes Panic Mode.
  • 13. If something doesn't work, check to see if the batteries are in correctly.
  • 14. Mirrors are dangerous.
  • 15. If there's a chance you may have been copied/cloned/found a long lost twin/sibling/relative, tell an adult IMMEDIATELY.
  • 16. If something breaks, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE IT AGAIN.
  • 17. No leaving the planet without talking to a parent or previously approved guardian first.
  • 18. Camping is not allowed. EVER.
  • 19. No dating the enemy.
  • 20. Dating the enemy is only allowed if they've converted to good. And even then, it's frowned upon.
  • 21. Dating the enemy is doubly frowned upon when they are your best friend's sibling.
  • 22. Just because many of your aunts and uncles could hack you into any database in the world doesn't mean you're allowed to ask.
  • 23. When we were your age we lived alone and unsupervised with our teammates and THAT IS WHY YOU WILL NOT.
  • 24. Zhane is not allowed to teach anyone how to operate any kind of machinery.
  • 25. You are not allowed to take the Zords on joyrides. Not even if you have permission from the Zords' owner.
  • 26. You don't like it, and I don't like it. But you still have to learn how to shoot the blaster properly.
  • 27. In the event of your untimely death due to a supernatural phenomenon that results in you being sort of not really dead but without a body, you are to appear to Family and friends immediately and not wait for an opportune moment.
  • 28. In the event that any Ranger Parent becomes angry at a Ranger Kid, Ranger Kids are required to go out for ice cream while said Parents calm down.
  • 29. The Family is not a mafia, and no Conner, that joke is still not funny.
  • 30. You are not allowed to use your civilian powers in team sports.
  • 31. No skateboarding off the roof.
  • 32. No skateboarding off the roof into a pile of cardboard.
  • 33. No skateboarding off the roof into the pool.
  • 34. No skateboarding off the roof onto the trampoline.
  • 36. If an adult tells you no, you may not go ask Uncle Dustin for permission.
  • 37. Joel is not allowed to teach anyone how to fly a plane.
  • 38. Under no circumstances may you get dating advice from Uncle Joel or Uncle Xander. You may ask Uncle Zack.
  • 39. If given advice by a former Ranger on personal situations, you are not only allowed but *encouraged* to seek a second opinion from their polar opposite teammate.
  • 40. Ronny is not allowed to teach anyone to drive.
  • 41. You are not allowed to use your civilian powers in any non-Ranger related activity. (Did we *really* have to add this one guys?)
  • 42. CyberCam, Uncle Dustin, and Uncle Chip do not count as adult supervision. Neither does anyone under the age of Wild Force. (Yes, this includes R.J., And Dom. Jarrod. And Camille.)
  • 43. Attendence at the Ninja and Pai Zhua Academies is by invitation only. Any attempts to sneak in will result in immediate grounding for life.
  • 44. Carry a fire extinguisher at all times, but especially when you're in a Ranger lab. You never know when something will get set on fire.
  • 45. Calvinball is banned.
  • 46. How, exactly, did you make the new BioLab tech explode? Nevermind. Do NOT do that again. In fact, no playing with tech EVER. (YES, ANTONIO. THIS MEANS YOU.)
  • 47. Paintball is banned. You're cleaning up the mess.

* All Rules are subject to change as needed and without notice. Punishment will not be adjusted for those who are unaware of new or ammended rules.