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Dimensional Theories:
Rules of Conduct
Samurai Code
Colors & Sources
Power Quirks
Timeline of Doom

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings
Character Birthdays
The Official Ranger Kid Rules

Site Stuff:
Fading Lights


Check here if you haven't been to the site for awhile and want to know if I've gotten off my lazy butt and added something.

Added links to the new Official Ranger Kid Rules page throughout the site. Took down the Morphin Color Philosophy for now, as it's under revision. Updated the stories section, links page, and my profile. At this point, all pages except for the Morphin Philosophy, Samurai Philosophy, and Samurai Code of Honor are up.

Working on fixing all broken links so there's at least a page when you click on it, even if there's nothing to read. Fixed various banners. Added Pronunciation Guide and Keystone Color Philosophy.

Geez, it's been WAY too long since I worked on this poor site ... x.x

Uploaded all new banners for each page, which will hopefully help identify what section of the site or particular story universe you're in. In the process of updating everything in general.

Added Rangers Birthday List and linked it to all pages.

The Duty Rosters for Bright Skies have all been linked, so you can see who works in what department and what Powers they still have now. Still working on team bios, though. Haven't quite decided how I want to do it yet.

The bio pages are all up now, but nothing is actually linked yet. So you can go see who you'll *eventually* find infomation on, and stare longingly. 'Cause I'm just cruel like that.

Finally finished the Site Stuff pages. Debating whether to finish up Dimensional Theories or the Bio Pages next. Both will cause headaches, but Dimensional Theories *might* not take as long.

Emphasis on *might*.

7-27 though 7-28-09
Went to go check on how many chapters of the original Fade to Darkness I had up, and decided to change the layout and do a site overhaul. It looks much prettier now. ^_^