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Rules of Conduct
Samurai Code
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Timeline of Doom

Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
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Fade to Darkness
Bright Skies
Storm Warnings
Character Birthdays
The Official Ranger Kid Rules

Site Stuff:
Fading Lights

Power Ranger Rules of Conduct
The Rangers of Power are bound by a strict code of honor, which was set down by the First Council of the Alliance of Light shortly after the Alliance was formed. All Rangers are both expected and required to follow this code, and may be brought up on charges should they fail to comply.

The Rules of Conduct are a listing of rules, obligations, and etiquette guides in appropriate situations a Power Ranger may find themselves put into. All Ranger Collegiates are required to teach these rules as well as training their students appropriately. While Power Rangers are a force of protection against evil, they must also conduct themselves with the dignity and social grace of their position.

Due to time constraints in emergency situations, a team may be given their Powers and instructed with appropriate behavior and rules at a later date. If absolutely necessary, said team may be instructed over several sessions while under the eye of a Mentor.

While there are many rules and regulations for Power Rangers, one particular phrase as become an abriviated 'motto' of sorts, in an effort to summarize what is required of one who has been Chosen:

A Ranger's duty is first to the protection of Good, second to the protection of that which is Assigned, third to the protection of the Team, and last to the protection of Self.

Zordon's modified Code of Conduct - also known as Zordon's Rules, or Zordon's Law - was created by Zordon of Eltar in an effort to further simplify the required rules for those under his care. It may be summariazed as follows:

  • 1. Never use your power for personal gain.
  • 2. Never escalate a battle.
  • 3. Never reveal your identity to anyone.