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Bonding is the specific term for the many psychic links Power Rangers have. It occurs in various ways for different reasons. Each Bond is both powerful and useful in its own right. Some believe that the true number of Bonds that exist will never be discovered, and which is entirely possible.

Blood Bond
The simplest of Bonds, this is the bond between blood relations. As with all Bonds, there are various levels, although these remain unnamed. The strongest Blood Bonds are formed by people who have survived bad situations together, such as siblings who have lost parents, or single parents and their children. Blood Bonds are the most common of all Bonds, but highly valued all the same.

Color Bond
The Power from the Grid requires a Focus. While the most obvious Focus is the Morphers, colors also play a part. Rangers are psychologically drawn to their Color, and due to its strength as a Focus, will suffer from a process termed 'Color Withdrawl' without it. When wearing their color unmorphed, they possess enhanced strength, fighting ability, and Talents. In some dimensions, the drawn of this Bond can increase past clothing and into food and vehicles.
* The term and original concept of Color Withdrawl was created by Ellen Brand in her Personality Series, and is used by many authors today. It was also hinted at in the end of Power Rangers Dino Thunder: Back in Black, as Tommy remarks that he needs to go shopping due to a lack of black in his closet.

Power Bond
The most obvious and well-known of the Bonds is the connection everyone shares with the Power that comes from the Morphin Grid. The Power is in everyone and everything. How much a person is able to tap into the Grid to accept the Power determines the strength of their bond. While each Color Philosophy has different categories, the Power Bond levels one can achieve remain the same.

  • Levels
    • Basic: The simplest connection to the Grid. Everyone and everything possesses Basic Level, most without ever knowing the Grid exists.
    • Shade: Used by those that strong in certain areas, such as martial arts masters, professional artists, psychics, and prophets. May not know or understand what the Grid is, but can tap the general abilities of their Color.
    • Apprentice: Able to access the Grid to gain great strength, speed, and endurance with the addition of an object to focus their energy through, such as a Morpher or Power Coin. This strength of this connection fades somewhat without the possession of a Focus. Also the level where the side effects of a permanent psychological attachment to Color Discipline begin.
    • Master Apprentice: Possess a permanent connection to the Grid. Generally considered to be the strongest of Power Rangers. Does not always need to depend on a Focus. This is also the level at which Talents develop.
    • Young Master: Accessed by powerful magic users. Talents are strong , and used with only a small amount of conscious thought.
    • Color Master: The highest level of Morphin Grid achieved outside of the Grid itself. Can manipulate Grid energy easily; Talents are instinctive. Extremely rare, as most never live long enough or are able to dedicate enough time to becoming one.

Soul Bond
The most celebrated and sacred Bond of all. Souls Bonds are said to be decided by the Mystic Purple Ranger of Syrina as she selects the souls of those who will one day be born to become Rangers. Powerful and deeply emotional, it ties pairs together as what is refered to on Earth as soulmates. Bonds are drawn to each other, and once met, will never look at another person romantically. This draw is often refered to as Zordon's Gift, the reward for those who serve as Rangers. While it is possible for ordinary people to be Soul Bonded, it is extemely rare, as Soul Bonds are usually reserved for the purest hearts who fight to protect.

A Soul Bond is activated once the pair have met, admitted mutual attraction, and exchanged a kiss. In most cases, it causes their auras to sparkle. The psychic representation of the Bond is a cord of each person's color reaching out of their aura to mesh with the other's. Unfortunately, few actually have the ability to see this happen.

The Soul Bond also gives unique gifts of its own to those who have it. If half of the pair is in any danger, the other will know instinctively and be drawn to fight beside them. Any emotion between the pair is greatly amplified, though in some cases that may be a curse more than gift. For those who possess accessed Talents, the Bond becomes more intruiging. A person Bonded to a telepathic White Ranger will be able to send their thoughts to the other. A Bond with a Pink will give them shared empathy. In some cases, even those without Talents can still some of access the other's abilities. Reguardless however, any sharing of Talent or ability is never as strong as for the one who actually possesses it.

Spirit Bond
A rare and powerful Bond, occasionally mistaken for a Soul or Blood Bond. This is the Bonding of spirits, or kindred spirits in Earth terms. The pair who possess this Bond are at times complete opposites, with very few things in common. Yet somehow they find a hidden common goal or trait that binds them together. The pair comes to reguard one another on a level deeper than siblings, and the Bond between them may be come so intense they may almost seem to read one another's thoughts. The downside of this Bond is that if one half is injured or physically altered in anyway, the other is affected as well. In spite of this drawback, Spirit Bonded pairs value their Bonded with sincere love and affection.
* Known Spirit Bonds: Jason Lee Scott of Earth and Tommy Oliver of Earth, Andros of KO-35 and Zhane of KO-35, Astronma/Karone of KO-35 and Zeus/Justin Stewart of Earth

Team Bond
One of the most unique and important of all Ranger Bonds. The Team Bond is formed by those who are destined to fight together. Their personalities are always vastly different, but they count this as a strength rather than a weakness. Each member of the Team Bond knows the intimate details of their teammates, and it goes without saying that they will do anything for each other. Most often these Bonds are begun by a tight-knit friendship that strengthens as they fight together.
* Known Team Bonds: The Dino Rangers of Earth; the Astro Rangers, Ko-lin of Yu-Tari, Litania of Gannos, and Yasta of Dosa; the 'Three Ninjas': Rocky, Adam, and Aisha

Twin Bond
Somewhat of an odd bond, Twin Bonds are formed between blood siblings born as twins. While something that may occasionally be found in oridinary civilians, the Power somehow increases this bond to a new level, similar to a Spirit Bond. Often the pair will sense one another's thoughts, safety, and actions, at times even seeming to act with one mind.
* Known Twin Bonds: Andros and Karone of KO-35, Sarray and Vitri of KO-35, Leo Corbett and Hunter Bradley of Earth and Phaedos

Zord Bond
Many Rangers feel closely connected to their Zord, often refering to it in an affectionate sense. If the Zord falls in battle, the Rangers are as devastated as if they had lost a teammate, or even a part of themselves. Both of these sentiments are actually true; they come from what is called the Zord Bond. As Rangers are connected to the Power and their Color, they are also connected to their Zord. It gives them the ability to pilot with reflexes faster than any ordinary human, treating the Zord as a further extension of themselves. The Zord Bond is essential for all Rangers, but is often painful for those who have lost their Zords.