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Zeo Philosophy

A philosophy developed by the scientists who created the Zeo Crystal, meant for those who needed a non-magical outlet for the Power. In channeling this Power, the energy of the Morphin Grid became altered, and the Colors shifted. While only one Zeo Crystal currently exists, the name 'Zeo' is misleading, as there is only one team of Zeo Rangers. The philosophy itself however, has been used for many Ranger teams using a technology-based Power source.

Red rarely changes between philosophies, remaining the vibrant color of the warrior. Red Zeos however, are more brash than their Morphin counterparts. While a Morphin Red would lead their team to victory, Red Zeos take the lead in a more literal sense. First to fight, last to leave, is often used to discribe them. They are capable of being great leaders, but their confrontational nature makes them prone to treating their team as more of a military troop in battle. It's a tactic that works and works well, but only a Red Zeo can manage to pull it off.

       Polar Opposite: Yellow
       Work Best With: Gold

Green serves as the scout, looking out for their teammates. Greens are watchful and observant, prefering to let others take the lead while they analyze the situation. Haste is a bad sign to a Green, and they do their best to hold their emotions in check. Patience and calm are the prefered way to win the battle. They can however, be quite tempermental when provoked.

       Polar Opposite: Pink
       Work Best With: Yellow

Blue is the team's heart and center. They hate to see others unhappy, and are eager to make them smile again. In battle, they tend to try and lighten the situation with jokes and silly gags. Although Blues are generally light-hearted, gentle people, they are excellent protectors. Never injure a Blue's pride in their ability to fight; they'll go great lengths to prove you wrong.

       Polar Opposite: Gold
       Work Best With: Pink

Yellow is the peacemaker, a calming presence. In any situation, Yellow will keep a level head and think things through. They rarely join in any disputes among the team, prefering to be the neutral party. While they dislike arguments between friends and hurry to see them resolved, don't think that makes them hang back on the battlefield. Yellows are proud and fierce fighters, who stand firm in their beliefs and desire to protect.

       Polar Opposite: Red
       Work Best With: Green

Pink is the healer of the Zeo team. They are the first to check on a fallen teammate, and the first to offer aid. Pinks can't stand to see anyone in pain, whether friend or foe. Generally they have the sense not to help their enemies, but it's not something to put past them. For a Pink, nothing is more important than the health and safety of another.

       Polar Opposite: Green
       Work Best With: Blue

While the Color of the sixth Ranger in a technology-based team may change, unlike other philosophies, their personality rarely does. The sixth member is one who exists both within and outside of the team; one who helps when needed, but is not always necessary to the team's survival. Surprisingly, they tend to be the sort of person who is very comfortable in their own skin, and rarely questions their importance to the team itself.

       Polar Opposite: Blue
       Work Best With: Red