God of Law, Order,
and Cities
"The clearest way to show the truth and necessity of the rule of
law is to study what those societies in which there is no rule
of law.
-- Caminius Placus Decio,
Seventeenth Lord of Law and Judgement,
As quoted in Volume 620 of the Holy Record
The Lawgivers (as
the priests of Ausonius are known) teach that in ancient times
the Builder walked Taranche and assisted those races in which he
saw the potential for greatness. He taught the art of
cooperation and teamwork to all intelligent creatures. He
gave them the ability to live together in an orderly way by
providing the first code of law. Thus the first cities
were built.
Priests of the Builder are
architects and engineers of great skill and craftsmanship. When
they can they take part in the planning and building of cities, roads,
and irrigation systems. They offer prayers that Ausonius will
bless the new construction that it will stand for centuries.
Along with being builders
and architects, the priests of Ausonius are also judges, lawyers, and
policemen. They work formally with local governments to uphold the
law. The have built a reputation for firmly following the letter
of the law, even when the intent or spirit of the law is different from
the letter. Ausonius teaches that in such cases it is up to those
who make the law to rewrite it more precisely rather than a judge to
second-guess the wording.
Also Known As: Kogerd (Chayk),
Barruk (Khazak)
Build for tomorrow. The needs of the many outweigh the
needs of the few. As bricks are the foundation of a strong
society, so is the law the foundation of a strong society.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
A rectangle enscribed with a pair of scales.
Holy Days:
Each congregation has its own holy day, called the Founding,
which marks the anniversary on which that particular temple of
Ausonius was built.
Artorus, Calpurnia, Nemetorius, Oranus, Sabuca
Coscona, Fadus, Hosidius, Urgulanus
Blue and Red.
Sacred Animal:
Silver, melted and reformed into bricks on the Founding.
Permitted: Priests of Ausonius are permitted to use
swords, axes, and polearms.
Permitted: Priests of Ausonius are permitted to wear any
type of armor.
Priests of
Priest of
Ausonius Package (35 Points): Each priest of Ausonius is
required to take this package. The number in parentheses
is the point cost of the item.
- Bureaucratics (3)
- Credential: Right to Marry (1)
- Criminology (3)
- Deduction (3)
- Detect Lies: Detect
Intentionally Spoken or Written Untruths (Sense, Discriminatory), +5
to Perception Roll (22 Active Points) - Concentration (Startup, 0 DCV;
-¼), Delayed Phase (-¼)(15)
- Interrogation 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Doctrine of the Church of Ausonius 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Jurisprudence + 1 (5)
- Knowledge Skill: Local History (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Local Law + 1 (5)
- Oratory (3)
- Persuasion (3)
- Power Skill: Faith (3)
- Professional Skill: Architect (3)
- Professional Skill: Engineer (3)
- Professional Skill: Lawyer (3)
- Professional Skill: Priest of Ausonius (3)
- Power of Ausonius: Spell
Multipower. See below for Details (28).
- Turn Undead: Presence +60 -
Only to Make Presence Attacks (-1), Only vs. the Undead (-1), Extra
Time (Full Phase; -½), Limited Effect (See the description in Fantasy
Hero; -1), Only When Serving Ausonius's' Purposes (-½). (12)
- Psychological Limitation: Devotion to Austonius and His Purposes
- Psychological Limitation: Stickler for Details (-15)
- Social Limitation: Subject to Church Edicts (-20)
Priest Spells Granted
Base Spell
Multipower: The base spell multipower acquired in the
Priest of Ausonius package is as follows. The package also
gives the player 5 extra points with which to purchase spell
slots (and the player may feel free to spend further points on
spell slots, if he so chooses):
Cost |
Power |
14 |
Power of
Ausonius: Multipower (40) - Only Divine Magic (-½),
8 Charges (-½), Must Pray and Meditate for One Hour to Gain
the Day’s Charges (-½), Only Usable While in Good Standing
With Artorus's Faith (-¼) |
N/A |
1 |
u |
Combat Skill Level: +1 with All Combat - Selective Area of
Effect (3" Radius; +1½) (20 Active Points); Concentration
(Startup, 0 DCV; -¼), Gestures (-¼), Incantations
(-¼), Effect Lasts for One Hour (-0) |
2 |
1 |
u |
Comprehend Languages: Universal Translator (20 Active
Points) - Concentration (Startup, 0 DCV; -½), Gestures (-¼),
Effect Lasts 6 Hours (-0) |
2 |
1 |
u |
Cure Disease:
Minor Transform 4d6 (Changes a
Diseased/Infected Person Into a Healthy Person)(40 Active
Points) - All or Nothing (-½), Concentration (Startup, ½ DCV;
-¼), Gestures (-¼) |
4 |
1 |
u |
Undead: Detect Undead 11 or less (Discriminatory,
Ranged)(15 Active Points); Concentration (Throughout, 0 DCV;
-1), Delayed Phase (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Gestures
(-¼), Non-Persistent (-¼) |
1 |
1 |
u |
Enhanced Perception (+5 Perception Rolls) - Variable Special
Effect (Any One Sense Declared at Casting; +½), Useable by
Others (+¼)(17 Active Points); Concentration (Startup, 0 DCV;
-½), Gestures (-¼), Touch Required for UBO (-0) |
2 |
1 |
u |
Healing Spell:
Simplified Healing 4d6 (40 Active Points) - Concentration (½
DCV, Throughout; -½), Incantations (-¼) |
4 |
1 |
u |
Holy Armor: Armor
(+5 PD/+5 ED) - Useable by One Other (+¼)(19 Active Points);
Concentration (Startup, 0 DCV; -¼), Gestures (-¼),
Incantations (-¼), Effect Lasts 1 Hour (-0) |
2 |
1 |
u |
Fear: Presence +25 - Useable by One Other (+¼)(31
Active Points); Only to Resist Fear (-1), Gestures (-¼), Incantations
(-¼), Instant (-½) |
3 |
1 |
u |
Strike: Combat Skill Level: +4 with Hand-to-Hand
Combat (20 Active Points) - Non-Persistant (-¼), Costs Endurance
(-½), Gestures (-¼), Effect Lasts 1 Hour (-0) |
2 |
1 |
u |
Word of Command:
Presence +30 (30 Active Points)- Only to Make Presence
Attacks (-1), One Word Command Only (-½), Single Target
(-½), Incantations (-¼) |
3 |
The Knights of
the Inquisition
Paladins of Ausonius
Knight of the
Inquisition Packge (22 Points): The Church of Ausonius supports an
order of holy knights, sworn to go forth seeking out the enemies
of the faith. All such characters are required to take the
following package, which has a cost of 25 points.
- Presence +5 (5)
- Credential: Membership in the Inquisitors (1)
- Deduction (3)
- Detect Evil Magic: Detect
Magic Cast by Evil Creatures or With Evil Intent (Sense,
Discriminatory), +5 to Perception Roll (22 Active Points) -
Concentration (Startup, 0 DCV; -¼), Delayed Phase (-¼)(15)
- Detect Lies: Detect Intentionally
Spoken or Written Untruths (Sense, Discriminatory), +5 to Perception
Roll (22 Active Points) - Concentration (Startup, 0 DCV; -¼), Delayed
Phase (-¼)(15)
- Interrogation + 2 (7)
- Knowledge Skill: Doctrine of the Church of Ausonius 11 or less (2)
- Knowledge Skill: Heraldry (3)
- Knowledge Skill: Local Law (3)
- Noble Rank: Knight (1)
- Power Skill: Faith (3)
- Professional Skill: Knight of the Inquisition (3)
- Professional Skill: Lawyer (3)
- Riding (3)
- Tactics (3)
- Utter Fearlessness: Presence +30 (30
Active Points) - Only to Defend Against Presence Attacks (-1)(15)
- Psychological Limitation: Devotion to Ausonius and His Purposes
- Monitored by the Church of Ausonius 8 or less (-10)
- Social Limitation: Subject to Church Edicts (-20)
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