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Birth is like Amnesia
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Birth Is Like Amnesia

By Eileen Lock

Birth is like amnesia. We spend the rest of our life remembering what we were sure that we could never forget.

It seemed so clear before we got here.

I often joke about the great Italian Restaurant in the sky. A place where we go between lifetimes to re-evaluate and make choices for our next life. We share the table with our closest friends and family. This is where we realize that we each have been playing many roles for each other along the way. We admit that we were very convinced that the roles played were actually the true being. In this place we understand more clearly why our lives go the way they do. After dinner we pass out the scripts for our next life and ask who will help us in our journey. Sometimes we have a need to break a pattern. For instance, one might have had several lifetimes of being in control even to the level of abuse. In order to change those desires it could be important to understand why not to be that way. So the plea goes out to those who love you. Who will help show me why a person would not want to be this way? No one seems to want this role. Everyone is sure that you would hate anyone who acted this way. After a great amount of reassurance, and a promise to love them no matter what, you enter into an agreement with your dearest friend who promises to help you change your ways.

Remember what I said about birth being like amnesia? As soon as you are born you begin to forget what was going to be such a good idea. No one is there to remind you to love everyone, especially those with the most painful lessons. We do not understand why these people treat us the way they do. We forget how deeply we are loved, and life begins to twist from there. If we could only remember that we have chosen our experiences because we knew they were exactly what we needed. To remember that those we associate our deepest pain with are really the ones who love us the most. If anyone has shown you a way that you know you never want to be, consider saying thank you, at least in your heart.

We have also forgotten that this was to be a wonderful life. Life is an amazing opportunity and should be cherished and respected. Very few people have the chance to have these thoughts reinforced. We forget so early on that being alive on this planet at this time is fabulous. We are taught how hard life is and that struggle is real. We are told that if you are lucky enough to find love you should do whatever it takes to keep it, at any cost. This idea says that love is a rare commodity that perhaps only some of us will experience. Fortunately we are discovering that love is the energy that runs between all of us. If you let yourself you can love all people. This is where we are going, and it leads to remembering.

Remember that you are a divine being.

Remember that you are loved even more than you can imagine.

Remember that life has many wonderful experiences to offer and life can happen easily.

Remember how happy you were to be born.

Remember how much help you knew you would have once you got here.

Remember what a good choice it was that you made to be here.

Remember that this is an incredible opportunity to be on this planet at this time.

Remember that those who have "hurt you" the deepest are your dearest friends. They love you enough to help you learn.

Remember this was your idea.

Eileen Lock is a Clairvoyant-Astrologer. She lives in Bend Oregon and has been involved in many spiritual experiences throughout her life. She is available for classes and private sessions. She is also the creator of New Perspectives, a world wide link via e-mail of an intuitive and Astrologically based positive thought for the day. If you would like to be a part of this link  
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Last updated: March 05, 2003.