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Why Do We Get Sick?
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Why do we get sick?

By Eileen Lock 

Have you ever wondered why we get sick? I consider myself a rather clear individual on many levels yet I have experienced seemingly continual difficult physical experiences over the last few years. My work has been expanding throughout this time at levels beyond my ability to keep up with the explanations. Yet each time I seem to reach what is about to be a "peak" in my career I experience radical vertigo, or they tell me I will be having a hysterectomy. When I broke my leg, I understood that my lessons would require that I totally stop and just observe myself.

My work has become more and more over the years all about light and love. I know that for as long ago as I can remember someone thought I was too bright. As a child I always remember being the one kid in the room with the most energy. When I achieved something with the brightness it seemed acceptable but to just be radiant? I don’t think so. Believing that what I was observing was the all I wanted to be a part of I began to learn how to diminish my heart light so that my exuberance would not be a problem. I even discovered how to create relationships to help squelch the light within. I got very good at it.

One day the light from beneath the bushel began to wake up and break through the shell. My ability to keep the light from showing seemed more impossible every day. How can I do this? Everything in my life seemed like it really didn’t want me to be light. I had reached a point in my existence that I believed what was happening was disaster.

I distanced myself from those who seemed less understanding of what was taking place. Yet as I became more aware of my light body the love I experienced was incredible. Eventually I found a space where I could live and begin to allow the light within. Wonderful as it was I began having physical problems that were clearly getting in the way.

This brought me to this question. Why do we get sick?

My most recent physical challenge involved being where I believe to be the edge between physical life and pure spirit. I made a very clear choice to be here. Upon my return to my body I began to listen and understand a great deal.

I have learned that when we as humans get really sick or have a life threatening experience we return to forgiveness. How many stories of families who have been distant yet someone nearly dies and everyone gets together just to love each other? All is forgiven. When life gets confusing and we feel like we have done something wrong we seek the love of those near us and ask their forgiveness.

I asked myself what was I feeling such a need to be forgiven for? I instantly knew it was about being light. My entire life I have been aware of this light inside of me. I have tried my best to keep it under control in order to fit in to what I thought was all that is. I have been asking for forgiveness in one way or another for my whole life because I thought being bright was wrong.

Everything I have done has led me to this understanding and acceptance of myself as light. I have recently made a global proclamation of being light and love. I openly stated I was light and there would be no more bushel. I now realize how important it is for me to be this light so that others can also remember.

Remember that we are light. Life is love and this is why we are here.





Eileen Lock is a Clairvoyant-Astrologer. She lives in Bend Oregon and has been involved in many spiritual experiences throughout her life. She is available for classes and private sessions. She is also the creator of New Perspectives, a world wide link via e-mail of an intuitive and Astrologically based positive thought for the day. If you would like to be a part of this link email.gif (13928 bytes) Eileen.  Or click here and scroll down to join the Daily Offerings email list by entering your e-mail address. Visit Eileen's website  by clicking here.   Great job on the site Eileen!! 


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Last updated: March 05, 2003.